Team Fortress 2
sigsegv Jun 20, 2015 @ 2:41pm
Detailed sapper and explosive headshot stats
Here are some detailed, precise numbers that should allow you to make more informed upgrading decisions.

UPGRADE EFFECT EFFECT EFFECT LEVEL DURATION RADIUS AREA --------------------------------------- none 4.0 sec n/a n/a +1 4.0 sec 200 HU 126 kHU^2 +2 5.5 sec 225 HU 159 kHU^2 +3 7.0 sec 250 HU 196 kHU^2

The un-upgraded sapper can sap a single robot, but has no radius effect. The first level of the sapper upgrade adds the radius, but doesn't increase the duration at all.

The sapper takes 15 seconds to recharge, measured from the start of the sap.

The sapper always applies 85% slowdown to affected targets (commons and giants alike), which means that they will not be allowed to move any faster than 15% of their class's regular movement speed.

Explosive Headshot
UPGRADE EFFECT EFFECT SLOWDOWN SLOW BASE ACTUAL MINICRIT LEVEL RADIUS AREA DURATION AMOUNT DAMAGE DAMAGE DAMAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +1 150 HU 71 kHU^2 1.0 sec 50%* 150 127-173 202-233 +2 175 HU 96 kHU^2 1.5 sec 65%* 170 144-196 229-264 +3 200 HU 126 kHU^2 2.0 sec 80%* 190 161-219 256-295

* Note: the slowdown amount is always 50% for giants, regardless of upgrade level.

Explanation of slowdown:
  • 50% means bots are limited to 50% of their class's regular movement speed
  • 65% means bots are limited to 35% of their class's regular movement speed
  • 80% means bots are limited to 20% of their class's regular movement speed
Last edited by sigsegv; Jun 20, 2015 @ 2:42pm
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Softshine798 Jun 20, 2015 @ 2:51pm 
Hacked Exhale Jun 20, 2015 @ 3:09pm 
Rip crit EH.
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Date Posted: Jun 20, 2015 @ 2:41pm
Posts: 2