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10.5555/646767.704439guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Optimal Black-Box Secret Sharing over Arbitrary Abelian Groups

Published: 18 August 2002 Publication History


A black-box secret sharing scheme for the threshold access structure T t,n is one which works over any finite Abelian group G . Briefly, such a scheme differs from an ordinary linear secret sharing scheme (over, say, a given finite field) in that distribution matrix and reconstruction vectors are defined over Z and are designed independently of the group G from which the secret and the shares are sampled. This means that perfect completeness and perfect privacy are guaranteed regardless of which group G is chosen. We define the black-box secret sharing problem as the problem of devising, for an arbitrary given T t,n , a scheme with minimal expansion factor, i.e., where the length of the full vector of shares divided by the number of players n is minimal.Such schemes are relevant for instance in the context of distributed cryptosystems based on groups with secret or hard to compute group order. A recent example is secure general multi-party computation over black-box rings.In 1994 Desmedt and Frankel have proposed an elegant approach to the black-box secret sharing problem based in part on polynomial interpolation over cyclotomic number fields. For arbitrary given T t,n with O < t < n - 1, the expansion factor of their scheme is O ( n ). This is the best previous general approach to the problem.Using certain low degree integral extensions of Z over which there exist pairs of sufficiently large Vandermonde matrices with co-prime determinants, we construct, for arbitrary given T t,n with O < t < n - 1, a black-box secret sharing scheme with expansion factor O (log n ), which we show is minimal.


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cover image Guide Proceedings
CRYPTO '02: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Cryptology Conference on Advances in Cryptology
August 2002
628 pages



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 18 August 2002


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