This took a while to make...
12 colours (includes the transparency) and about 5 hours(?)
anyways hope you like it, comment on what's wrong with the legs and add C&C
Edit: this randomly got Daily Deviation over a year after it was posted so I made the leg wider.
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'if you don't have anything nice to say...'
this is one of those instances where you'd temper your comment with a little positive feedback
seeing this as part of the weekly showcase makes me think if people is that easily impressed by size over quality.
Awesome job on the scrap bot! )) As they have already said the upper part looks a bit littery due to the mess of elements. Again: great job, 01271!
Thanks for the help, This was a piece made to 'wow' the audience with details to get lost in instead of being impressed of the general composition. I agree with you on most of the points you make (jagged angles/lines, excessive dither, new background needed/not dynamic) but I kind of like cramming in as much detail as possible into every surface. I kind of like making eyes lose track.
Funnily enough this was actually started before hotbot.
@metaru: I unfortunately did indeed do just that, the original design was a detailless three minute sketch that I did.
So yeah, lots of things to remove or change here.
Generally awesome, although there is room for technique improvements.
I partly agree with Metaru, in that the abundance of detail doesn't make for a probably too rigid, blocky structure. There isn't a real dynamism feeling. More plain areas as eye-rest would be nice. The background probably doesn't do the piece all the justice it should.
In many places lines are too jaggy, you need to clean them and try to privilege 'natural' pixel angles (1x1, 1x2, etc). This is actually very difficult on a large piece, because of the time it takes to check each pixel individually; but there's no avoiding it. It's quite a step from your hotbot to this!
There is too much dithering, I don't think it's needed at all since the surfaces are supposedly metal, but more and better textures, wear and stains could help a big lot. Like this, for instance. It also could use more AA, and you need to keep banding in check.
it feels like you tried to stuff as much junk into the original structure rather than think carefully in a desing that would fit into the concept.
Drawing one detailed limb like that twice and in different angles can be frustating. Bit bloggy look but I like it.
let me rephrase that then.
seeing this as part of the weekly showcase showcase leaves me a doubt. not on this piece's quality(wich is evident to anyone who has a proper taste, i think we can all agree this is great), but instead on my own judgement towards if i should consider people's personal vision onhow they can be astonished by the size of a work, disregard what psoible work of desing could be behind it.
and by no means i am judging this work's quality, i mean, as i said we can all agree this is great.
i also like ponies.