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About me

face I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cape Town. My initial studies were completed in South Africa at the University of Cape Town - BSc (computer science), BSc (Hons) (applied mathematics) and MSc (computer science). I later obtained my PhD in medical imaging from the University of Oxford in the UK.
My research is currently focused on point cloud segmentation and analysis through machine learning and the analysis of drone imagery for crop management. I am also working in several other areas which utilise image processing, computer vision and machine learning. I am a member the Collaborative Visual Computing (CVC) laboratory and the High Performance Computing (HPC) laboratory.

Contact details

Contact Details:
email - patrick [at] cs [dot] uct [dot] ac [dot] za
office - RM309, computer science building, upper campus
Postal Address:
Department of Computer Science
University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3
Rondebosch 7701
South Africa