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rea·son n
1: an underlying ground, justification, purpose, motive, or inducement
required to provide reason s for the termination in writing
2 a: the faculty of comprehending, inferring, or distinguishing esp. in a fair and orderly way
b: the proper and sane exercise of the mind

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (basis) noun account, actuation, aim, argument, causa, causation, cause, consideration, defense, derivation, design, end, excuse, explanation, extenuation, foundation, genesis, goal, ground, impetus, incentive, incitation, inducement, inspiration, instigation, intent, intention, mainspring, motivation, motive, object, origin, prime mover, principle, provocation, purpose, ratio, rationale, root, sake, source, spring, stimulation, vindication, wherefore associated concepts: reason for classification foreign phrases:
- Causa patet. — The reason is apparent.
- Ladem est ratio, eadem est lex. — The reason being the same, the law is the same.
- Vitium est quod fugl debet, ne, si rationem non invenlas, mox legem sine ratione esse dames. — It is a fault which ought to be avoided, that if you cannot discover the reason you presently exclaim that the law is without reason.
- Ratio potest allegari deficiente lege; sed vera et legalis et non apparens. — Where the law is deficient, the reason can be alleged, but it must be true and lawful and not merely apparent
II (sound judgment) noun ability to know, acumen, apperception, awareness, clearheadedness, cognition, cognizance, common sense, comprehension, consilium, discernment, discretion, discrimination, good sense, insight, intellect, intelligence, judiciousness, knowledge, logic, logicalness, lucidity, mens, mental capacity, mind, perception, percipiency, rationality, recognition, sagacity, sanity, sense, sensibility, sensibleness, sobriety, thinking, thought, understanding, wisdom associated concepts: business reason, rule of reason foreign phrases:
- Quaere de dublis, quia per rationes pervenftur ad legMmam rationem. — Inquire into doubtful matters, because by reasoning we arrive at legal reason
- Lex est dictamen rationis. — Law is the dictate of reason
- Lex est ratio summa, quae jubet quae sunt utllia et necessaria, et contrarla prohlbet. — That which is law is the consummation of reason, which commands those things useful and necessary, while prohibiting the contrary
- Nihil quod est contra rationem est licitum. — Nothing is lawful which is contrary to reason
- Lex plus laudatur quando ratione probatur. — The law is most praiseworthy when it is consistent with reason.
- Ratio non clauditur loco. — Reason is not confined to any place.
- Ratio et auctorhas duo clarisslma mundl lumina. — Reason and authority are the two brightest lights in the world.
- Ratio legis est anlma legis. — The reason of the law is the spirit of the law
- Ratio in lure aequhas integra. — Reason in law is impartial equity.
- Ratio est formalis causa consuetudlnls. — Reason is the source and cause of custom
- Lex semper intendh quod convenit rationi. — The law always intends what is agreeable to reason
- Quod naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constttuit, vocatur jus gentium. — The rule which natural reason has established among all men is called the law of nations
- Ratio est legis anlma; mutata legis ratione mutatur et lex. — Reason is the soul of law; the reason of law being changed, the law is also changed
III (conclude) verb analyze, cerebrate, cogitate, conclude, consider, contemplate, deduce, deliberate, derive, draw inferences, examine, excogitate, figure out, gather, hypothesize, infer, intellectualize, judge, make deductions, philosophize, ponder, ratiocinari, ratiocinate, rationalize, reflect, resolve, study, suppose, theorize, think, think through, try conclusions, turn over in the mind, weigh IV (persuade) verb advise, argue, bring to reason, coax, contend, convince, debate, demonstrate, discuss, dissuade, establish, explain, expostulate, expound, join issue, justify, move, persuade, plead, point out, prevail upon, prove, remonstrate, set forth, speak logically, talk over, urge, ventilate a question, win over V index analyze, answer (solution), basis, common sense, competence (sanity), comprehension, construe (comprehend), contention (argument), debate, deduce, deduct (conclude by reasoning), deliberate, derive (deduce), discrimination (good judgment), end (intent), excuse, gist (ground for a suit), ground, impetus, incentive, infer, intellect, intelligence (intellect), justice, justification, motive, point (item), point (purpose), ponder, postulate, rationale, rationalize, read, reflect (ponder), sagacity, sanity, sense (intelligence), solution (answer), stimulus, treat (process), understanding (comprehension)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) A cause, motive, or explanation for something.
(2) Common sense; mental ability to think, distinguish between right and wrong, and to discern and interpret facts.
To think about facts and form a judgment based on them; to attempt to persuade someone to think a certain way through the use of evidence and logic.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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