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I engage in a lot of public outreach. I love talking to the public about space? Interested in having me speak to your organization? Email me!

I am a member of the R2-D2 Builders club. Yes, I built my own R2-D2.

I am a member of the Rebel Legion. I'm a part of Mountain Base.

Missions I've Worked On

Research posters/papers I’m an author on

Bean, K., M. Lemmon, 2008. A Quick Look at the Samples Obtained and Analyzed During the Phoenix Mission. SpaceVision.

Bean, K., N. Hall, M. Lemmon, 2008. A Quick Comparison of Dust Devils from MER and Phoenix. SpaceVision.

Ellehoj, M., P. Taylor, H. Gunnlaugsson, B. Gheynani, L. Drube, C. von Holstein-Rathlou, J. Whiteway, K. Bean, M. Lemmon, M. Madsen, D. Fisher, R. Volpe, and P. Smith , 2008. Phoenix Mars Lander: Vortices and Dust Devils at the Landing Site. AGU Fall 2008 Meeting.

Bean, K., G. Atkinson, 2009. Lunar-Gravity Testing of P-POD Based Constellation EVA Camera Mounting System. Microgravity University proposal.

Bean, K., M. Lemmon, et al., 2009. Surface Stereo Imager Observations of Dust Devils at the Phoenix Landing Site. 40 th LPSC.

Ellehoj, M., H. Gunnlaugsson, P. Taylor, B. Gheynani, J. Whiteway, M. Lemmon, K. Bean, L. Tamppari, L. Drube, C. von Holstein-Rathlou, M. Madsen, D. Fisher, and P. Smith, 2009. Dust Devils and Vortices at the Phoenix Landing Site on Mars. 40 th LPSC.

Ellehoj, M., H.P. Gunnlaugsson, K.M. Bean, B.A. Cantor, L. Drube, D. Fisher, B.T. Gheynani, A-M. Harri, C. von Holstein-Rathlou, H. Kahanpaa, M. T. Lemmon, M.B. Madsen, M.C. Malin, J. Polkko, P. Smith, L.K. Tamppari, P.A. Taylor, W. Weng, and J. Whiteway, 2009. Convective Vorticies and Dust Devils at the Phoenix Mars Mission landing site. Journal of Geophysical Research.

Holstein-Rathlou, C., H.P. Gunnlaugsson, J.P. Merrison, K.M. Bean, B.A. Cantor, J.A. Davis, R. Davy, M.D. Ellehoj, W. Goetz, S.F. Hviid, C.F. Lange, S.E. Larsen, M. Lemmon, M.B. Madsen, M. Malin, J. Moores, P. Nornberg, P. Smith, L. Tamppari, and P.A. Taylor, 2009. Winds at the Phoenix Landing Site. Journal of Geophysical Research.

Bean, K., G. Atkinson, T. Saultz, B. Stern, D. Delao, M. Requa, C. Mollere-Rodriguez, B. Young, M. Lemmon, and T. Pollock, 2009. Video Camera System for the Lunar Electric Rover to Document Lunar Extravehicular Activities. Moon Work proposal.

Bean, K., M. Lemmon, 2010. Measuring Nighttime Atmospheric Opacity Using Images from the Mars Exploration Rovers. Undergraduate Research Scholars proposal and thesis.

Bean, K., M. Lemmon, 2010. Nighttime Optical Depth Patterns from the Mars Exploration Rovers. 41 st LPSC.

Holstein-Rathlou, C., H.P. Gunnlaugsson, J.P. Merrison, P. Nornberg, M.D. Ellehoj, K.M. Bean, M.T. Lemmon, L. Tamppari, P. Smith, and the Phoenix Science Team, 2010. Time-Dependent Dust Accumulation on the Mars Phoenix Wind Indicator. 41 st LPSC.

Bean, K., A. Azocar, D. Charles, W. Davis, C. Mollere-Rodriguez, B. Moore, C. Pannier, A. Probe, C. Runco, M. Lemmon, 2011. A Heads-up Display for Extra-vehicular Activity Suits. Space Technology proposal.

J. E. Moores, R. Haberle, M. Lemmon, K. Bean, M. Mischna, M. de la Torre Juarez, C. Newman, F. Calef, B. Cantor, A. Vasavada, J. Maki, J. Martin-Torres, M.-P. Zorzano, R. Francis, E. McCullough, the MSL Science Team and the Engineering Camera Team, 2013. Constraints on Atmospheric Water Vapor and Circulation at Gale Crater from the MSL Atmospheric Monitoring Campaign. 44 th LPSC.

K. S. Edgett, R. A. Yingst, M. E. Minitti, M. L. Robinson, M. R. Kennedy, L. J. Lipkaman, E. H. Jensen, R. C. Anderson, K. M. Bean, L. W. Beegle, J. L. Carsten, C. L. Collins, B. Cooper, R. G. Deen, J. L. Eigenbrode, W. Goetz, J. P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, V. E. Hamilton, C. J. Hardgrove, D. E. Harker, K. E. Herkenhoff, P. N. Herrera, L. Jandura, L. C. Kah, G. M. Krezoski, P. C. Leger, M. T. Lemmon, K. W. Lewis, M. B. Madsen, J. N. Maki, M. C. Malin, B. E. Nixon, T. S. Olson, O. Pariser, L. V. Posiolova, M. A. Ravine, C. Roumelioitis, S. K. Rowland, N. A. Ruoff, C. C. Seybold, J. Schieber, M. E. Schmidt, A. J. Sengstacken, J. J. Simmonds, K. M. Stack, R. J. Sullivan, V. V. Tompkins, T. L. Van Beek, and the MSL Science Team, 2013. Curiosity’s Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI): Initial Observations and Activities. 44 th LPSC.

M. T. Lemmon, J. F. Bell III, M. C. Malin, K. M. Bean, M. J. Wolff, A. Vasavada, F. J. Martin-Torres, M.-P. Zorzano-Mier, and the MSL Science Team. Astrometric Observations of Phobos and Deimos During Solar Transits Images by the Curiosity Mastcam. 44 th LPSC.

M. Lemmon, J. Bell III, M. Malin, K. Bean, M. Wolff, A. Vasavada, F. J. Martin-Torres, M. P. Zorzano-Mier, and the MSL Science Team. Astrometric observations of Phobos and Deimos during solar transits imaged by the Curiosity Mastcam. EGU General Assembly 2013.

Bean, K. & M. Lemmon, 2013. Determining Nighttime Atmospheric Optical Depth Using Mars Exploration Rover Images. Master’s thesis.

Bean, K.M. & M. T. Lemmon, 2014. Determining Nighttime Atmospheric Optical Depth Using Mars Exploration Rover Images. 8 th Mars.

J. E. Moores, M. T. Lemmon, S. C. R. Rafkin, R. Francis, J. Pla-Garcia, M. de la Torre Juarez, K. Bean, D. Kass, R. Haberle, C. Newman, M. Mischna, A. Vasavada, N. Renno, J. Bell, F. Calef, B. Cantor, T. Mcconnochie, A.-M. Harri, M. Genzer, M. Wong, M. D. Smith, F. J. Martin-Torres, M.-P. Zorzano, O. Kemppinen, E. McCullough. Atmospheric movies acquired at the Mars Science Laboratory landing site: Cloud Morphology, Frequency, and Significance to the Gale Crater Water Cycle and Phoenix Mission Results. Advances in Space Research, 2015.

J. E. Moores, M. T. Lemmon, H. Kahanpaa, S. C. R. Rafkin, R. Francis, J. Pla-Garcia, K. Bean, R. Haberle, C. Newman, M. Mischna, A. Vasavada, M. de la Torre Juarez, N. Renno, J. Bell, F. Calef, B. Cantor, T. Mcconnochie, A-M Harri, M. Genzer, M. H. Wong, M. D. Smith, F. J. Martin-Torres, M-P Zorzano, O. Kemppinen, E. McCullough. Observational evidence of a suppressed planetary boundary layer in northern Gale Crater, Mars as seen by the Navcam instrument onboard the Mars Science Laboratory rover. Icarus, 2015.

Keri Bean; Kathryn Tzekov; Nagin Cox; Jocelyn Gajeway. Practical Operational Readiness Gambits: Operations Training Simulations for the Curiosity Rover. 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference.

Farah Alibay, Justin Koch, Vandi Verma, Keri Bean, Olivier Toupet, Daniel Petrizzo, Brendan Chamberlain-Simon, Robert Lange, Robert Hogg. On the Operational Challenges of Coordinating a Helicopter and a Rover Mission on Mars. 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference. Won best conference paper.

Selected Public Outreach

Panelist on a Women's History Month panel discussion via NASA's Digital Learning Network, March 2014

Science Hack Day Ambassador, San Francisco, October 2014

Talk about Dawn to Lucasfilm and Industrial Light & Magic, February and September 2015

Gave a joint talk with Mike Seibert about MER and Dawn at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, April 2015

Gave multiple talks about the Dawn mission at the California Academy of Science, September 2015

Panelist about Star Wars science and joint speaker about Dawn at Gallifrey One, February 2016

Panelist for the Women in STEM summit at the Columbia Memorial Space Center in Downey, CA, March 2016

Guest lecture on exploring the solar system at Joshua Tree National Park as part of their Night Sky festival, 2016-2019

Guest lectures about the Dawn mission at Universitat Politechnica de Catalunya and University of Barcelona, February 2017

Talk about Dawn at Nerd Nite LA, May 2017

Teen'Scape discussion about my career, Los Angeles Public Library, January 2018

Science Guest of Honor, MidSouthCon, Memphis, TN March 2018

Star Wars droids rights mock trial, WonderCon, Anaheim, March 2018

Panelist at Mars Closest Approach event at Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, July 2018.

Panelist at SpaceVision, San Diego, November 2018

Technical judge for FIRST robotics, March 2019

National Weather Association conference keynote speaker, August 2021.

Von Karman Lecture, Curiosity - A Decade on Mars, July 2022.


MSL Arm 4/5 Anomaly Investigation Team Award, 2022

MSL Cybersecurity Patching Team Award, 2022

Mars 2020 Award for Training Program for Helicopter Integration Engineers, 2022

Collier trophy as part of the Ingenuity helicopter team, 2021

Mars 2020 Helicopter Interface Team Award, 2021

MSL Practical Operational Readiness Gambit Development Team Award, 2021

MSL Award for RP Mobility Training Curriculum Improvement, 2020

NASA Group Achievement Award as part of the Dawn Ceres Flight Team, 2016 and 2019

Opportunity Recovery Team Award, 2019

Opportunity Training Lead Award, 2018

Opportunity Turns Without Steering Team Award, 2018

Opporunity Award for Procedure Updates, 2017

Dawn Instrument Operations Award, 2017

NASA Group Achievement Award as part of the Dawn Ceres Science Operations Team, 2016

Collier Trophy as part of the NASA-JPL Dawn Mission Team, 2015

NASA Group Achievement Award as part of the Dawn Ceres Rendezvous Recovery Team, 2015

NASA Group Achievement Award as part of the Near Earth Asteroid Scout Project Team, 2015

NASA Group Achievement Award as part of the MSL Prime Mission Science and Operations Team, 2012

NASA Group Achievement Award as part of the MSL Mastcam, MAHLI, and MARDI Instruments Team, 2012

NASA Group Achievement Award as part of the Phoenix Development and Mission Team, 2008


Mars Perseverance: I was the training lead for the project. I was responsible for designing, executing, and implementing how to train all ops roles. I was also a Helicopter Integration Engineer for the rover and helicopter. I was part of a team to help integrate the helicopter activities into the rover planning. I also briefly helped set up training for future Rover Planners.

Bighorn Arch Seismic Experiment: I helped deploy seismometers in Wyoming around the Bighorn Mountains. I also went on geologic field trips to places like Devil's Tower National Monument, Yellowstone National Park, and more.

Mars Exploration Rovers: I completed an undergraduate and master's thesis on measuring the nighttime atmospheric optical depth and looking for any significant changes, either caused by dust settling or cloud formation. I also was a part of Opportunity's integrated sequencing team.

Phoenix Mars Lander: I worked on analyzing cloud observations, dust devils observations, lightning detection, and image calibration.

Hubble Space Telescope: I did photometry in the B, V, and I filters of M81 (Bode’s Galaxy) to determine any new Cepheid Variables as part of the Hubble Key Project to refine Hubble’s constant. I did this under the direction of Dr. Lucas Macri.

Mars Science Laboratory: I was a member of the Malin Space Science Systems science team and the MSL environment theme group. I helped coordinate meteorological observations, participated in operations, and conducted research. I participated as a Mastcam payload uplink lead, environment theme group lead, and environment theme group mini keeper of the plan. I was also the former deputy lead of the Rover Planners, operating the robotic arm and driving around on Mars!

Dawn: I was a science planning and sequencing engineer for the Dawn mission. As a member of the Science Operations Support Team, I was responsible for sequencing the Ceres mission activities.

NEAScout: I worked on NEAScout a bit in development. I helped with developing camera requirements and reviewing ROIs for potential cameras.

Mars Perseverance: I was the training lead for the project. I was responsible for designing, executing, and implementing how to train all ops roles. I was also a Helicopter Integration Engineer for the rover and helicopter. I was part of a team to help integrate the helicopter activities into the rover planning. Now I am training to be a Rover Planner, while also setting up the training pipeline for future Rover Planner trainees!

Psyche: I helped out the Mission Operations System Engineers (MOSEs). I worked on SISs, OIAs, and the Flight Operations Plan preparations.

Europa Clipper: I was supporting the Mission Operations System development.

Selected Media

NASA press release: Socializing on Mars

Popular Science: The Tech Behind the Phoenix Mars Lander's Onboard Cameras

The Planetary Society: LPSC: Saltwater at the Phoenix landing site?

NBC News: Mars rover team faces the masses

Mashable: 15 Twitter Accounts Every Space Lover Should Follow

Mental Floss: 18 Complicated Scientific Ideas Explained Simply

Lady Paragons: 20 Fascinating Lady Scientists to Follow on Twitter

Pasadena Star News: JPL utilizes Legos, other toys to help build the future

San Bernardino Sun: From Lego's legacy, JPL utilizes popular toys

NASA: My Solar System Exploration profile

Drivin' a Spacecraft - A NASA Dawn Google+ Hangout


Hubble and Dawn Collaborate to See Ceres - A Hubble Google+ Hangout

Universe Today: Dawn Spacecraft's Dwarf Planet Dance Improves Hubble's Far Away View

io9: Find Inspiration from these Women Working with Science in Public

Popular Science: What's Next For the Dawn Mission? An Interview with Keri Bean, NASA Engineer and R2D2's Best Friend

io9: These Photos of Scientists With Their Machines Are Pure Excellence

PBS Newshour: Dawn over Ceres, a mission of humankind Fully Operational Fandom: Assembling Astromechs with R2-D2 Builders

The R2-D2 Builders club takes Star Wars fandom to the next level

CNN: The nostalgia 'Force' is strong with 'Star Wars' fans

An interview I did at one of the universities in Barcelona

Six Ways Opportunity is Like a Teenager

Science and Star Wars video about spaceflight

Incredible Stories from Space: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Missions Changing Our View of the Cosmos

Outer Places: Here's an Awesome Chart Comparing the Dawn Spacecraft to a TIE Fighter

There's a crater on Ceres that looks exactly like Star Wars' BB-8

JPL's PlanetaryKeri finds the droid she was looking for

Is Star Wars for girls, too? A Jedi responds to mom's tweet

The Opportunity selfie: 5000 Sols in the making

NASA's Opportunity rover is battling a massive dust storm on Mars

NASA's Opportunity rover braves huge dust storm on Mars as scientists keep watch

NASA Sets a Grim Deadline for Saving a Beloved Mars Rover

Mars Closest Approach livestream at Griffith Observatory

Dawn Profile: Keri Bean, Science Planning and Sequencing Engineer

New Scientist: How to drive the slowest vehicle in the solar system - on Mars

Science: Dawn, the first spacecraft to orbit 2 alien worlds, has gone silent

Eos: Rest in Peace, Spirit and Opportunity

Irish News: Godspeed, Oppy: Emotional tributes as Mars Opportunity rover pronounced dead

Mashable: The Opportunity rover is dead

NPR: NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Is Officially Declared Dead

WRAL: 'My battery is low and it's getting dark:' End of Opportunity mission a loss for team

CNET: See NASA's Curiosity rover dig like a dog in the Mars sand

The Atlantic: A Robot Has Been Stuck on Mars for Months

Discover Magazine: Scientists Eulogize the Opportunity Rover's 15 Years of Service

CNBC: NASA team is controlling the Mars Curiosity rover from home — take a look at their work from home setups">

UK The Times: Curious pets pose problem for Nasa's home-working engineers

KQED: NASA Scientists Now Have to Explore Mars From Their Own Homes

Spider's Web (Polish): Interview about remote Curiosity operations

How upcoming missions to Mars will help predict its wild dust storms

NASA EDGE interview, Sept 30, 2020

Our Star Wars Stories interview

STEAM Powered podcast

Hey Human podcast

Taking Flight: How Girls Can Grow Up to be Engineers NASA webinar

Texas A&M Scientists Contribute To First Flight On Mars

Bad Astronomy discussing Ingenuity's first flight

NASA's helicopter on Mars just keeps flying and flying


Space Camp Dare to Explore podcast

Benitoite mining