#kylewmoh yeah to answer your earlier question, mf2py.herokuapp.com is run by tommorris. i'm wondering if there's a way to have it track the github master
KevinMarks__ and KevinMarks joined the channel
#KevinMarksAaronpk there is also a version of mf2py on unmung.com now
#Loqimicroformats are extensions to HTML for marking up people, organizations, events, locations, blog posts, products, reviews, resumes, recipes etc https://indiewebcamp.com/microformats
#tantekKartikPrabhu: re: alternate storage system and UI - YES! That's precisely it. The UI of the inspectability of a storage system is essential to reliability and repairability, which are essential to any "in development" storage system.
#KartikPrabhutantek: i was talking more about the read/write UI. As in will the UI update things async etc...
#tantekyou can add such functionality with iteration
#Vendanit's really going to depend on hub, as pub to hub pings aren't specced at all
#tommorriskylewm: yep, can do. looking into hosting on Bluemix (IBM's version of Heroku) too
#aaronpkpub-to-hub pings are specced in PuSH 0.4h ;)
#kylewmI'm going to note it on the How-to-push page, since most people looking at that are going to be using superfeedr, and if they follow the doc as-is it won't work
#aaronpkhm okay. add a note about superfeedr explicitly though
#Loqislack/snarfed: kylewm: aaronpk: strongly agree! full domains are nice but definitely not necessary for every little project. (and maybe slightly harmful: maintenance burden, naming restrictions, etc)
#elf-pavlikwould maintainer of the project use URL of my original issue in one's own personal taskboard or make copy of it and use copy under ones own control instead?
#aaronpkmy instinct would be to make a copy of it, like I store people's replies on my site
#elf-pavlikalso if another contributor wants to assign onself to that issue e.g. which URI would she use?
#elf-pavlikshould i than add rel="canonical" to your copy created under project's namespace?
#elf-pavlikonce again, most ineresting case comes with which URL to use as cannonical by people who want to assign to the issue, comment on it, upvote/downvote it etc
#aaronpkyou could certainly treat the equivalent to posting notes and getting replies/likes/reposts/etc
#aaronpkthe canonical URL collects all the responses
#elf-pavlikso the canonical URL would become the one published under the namespace of the project?
#elf-pavlike.g. http://webmention.org would hold cannonical URLs for issues on Webmention
#voxpelliI think that either the issue will be owned by the project and then created at the project or the issue will be owned by the creator and created at its site and aggregated elsewhere
#elf-pavlikvoxpelli, do you see problem with maintainer of the project creating copy of original issue (keeping provenance with rel="???" to original issue) and everyone would use this one as cannonical for further collaboration?
#Loqielf-pavlik meant to say: voxpelli, do you see problem with one of maintainers of the project creating copy of original issue (keeping provenance with rel="???" to original issue) and everyone would use this one as cannonical for further collaboration?
#elf-pavliksimilar to aaronpk's instinct i would prefer not to use URLs in namespace not controlled by project team as cannonical for tracking issues...
#voxpellibut thinking about it, it feels like step 1 would be to create issues at ones own site and any steps beyond that would be informed bvy that first step
#aaronpki've already been posting github issues from my site and syndicating them to github
#voxpellijumping directly to trying to recreate the full existing GitHub:esque flows just feels to me like it may skip a few steps in the dogfeeding and might arrive at the wrong conclusion
#elf-pavlikwebpage-webmentions doesn't make best example since only voxpelli maintains it...
#voxpellielf-pavlik: if you want to create an issue, then create a page – mark it up as an issue (not sure if there's mf2-markup for that) – and webmention my project with is a "reply" or something
#elf-pavlikwhich URL i should use for your project?
#voxpelliwell, for me specifically I don't have any non-GitHub projects yet – but I could very much create an indieweb-project page
#Vendanmaybe separate "issue report" from "issue". Non-Dev creates issue report, dev creates issue from that issue report, possibly automatically using a webmention type flow
#Vendannote, multiple implementations is different then multiple specifications
#aaronpkelf-pavlik: you're welcome to publish whatever you want on your site, many of us do
#aaronpkgetting other people to parse that is a different story
#elf-pavliktrue, but reinventing already existing technologies (e.g. http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/ ) doesn't make sense to me, especially that it all could interoperate nicely with microformats terms via efforts like https://github.com/rhiaro/mf2rdf
#elf-pavlikbut i understand that i should publish stuff first before discussing it any further
#aaronpkmicroformats2 is currently the easiest and quickest way to publish and consume structured data on each others' websites, so unless some other way comes along that is easier and more compelling, i think you'll have a hard time convincing anyone to do anything different
#voxpelliaaronpk: Vendan: if one were to start publishing mf2 "issue" data – would one start coming up with a new "h-issue" or just build of "h-entry" or how would one approach it?
#KevinMarks__But the main thing is to document existing practice and compare
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#elf-pavlikI will just start with PESOS from github and than switch to POSSE
#voxpellielf-pavlik: I guess it would be good to compose existing practises of GitHub etc – what fields etc do they have for issues and how does that map to existing mf-fields?
#Loqivoxpelli meant to say: elf-pavlik: I guess it would be good to compose a list of existing practises of GitHub etc – what fields etc do they have for issues and how does that map to existing mf-fields?
#elf-pavlikvoxpelli, but i really don't +1 'microformats everything'
#elf-pavlikbut if someone comes up with microformats based equivalent, i can also support it as one of available representations via conneg
#voxpellielf-pavlik: well, the research part of what fields that are already in use out there isn't really microformats-specific
#Loqiconneg is short for HTTP Content Negotiation, a method by which a browser or other web client can request content of various types from a web server, and depending on what is requested, and what the server supports, it tries to provide the best it can https://indiewebcamp.com/conneg
#elf-pavliknext step i can publish it on my site available as HTML+RDFa and JSON-LD, Turtle via conneg without any additional code needed
#voxpelliwell, no matter if it's RDF, JSON-LD or microformats – the model would need to be able to describe issues of more kinds than just GitHubs and thus probably need to be modeled after more than just GitHub
#aaronpkluckily there is no shortage of ticketing/issue systems :)
#voxpelliaaronpk: yeah – Trac, Jira, Sourceforge – the joy :P
#elf-pavliki will try making JSON-LD macros for data from github and trello APIs, which map them to existing and new open vocabs
#elf-pavlikstarting with github makes sense since most people use it nowadays
#voxpellielf-pavlik: would be great if you documented those structures independently of your JSON-LD-work so that other works could be based upon the same
#voxpellialso becomes a proof and historic reference of why you came up with what you came up with :)