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Crash Kids: Trust No One, Movie made for TV, 2007 IMDB

Pictures provided by: CarChasesFanatic

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Also known as:

  • Crash Kids
  • Crash Kids: Min empistevesai kanenan (Greece)
  • Kemény kölykök (Hungary)
  • Fuga pericolosa (Italy)
  • Crash Kids: Nie ufaj nikomu (Poland)
  • Crash Kids - Sem Fuga Possível (Portugal)

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Comments about this movie

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CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-27 14:08

No imdb entry for this movie, there's another Crash Kids listed but it dates from 1996 and ive checked if it could be an error but it doesnt seem to be the same movie since actors and director dont match :/

Anyway as you can appreciate, it steals chases scenes from the series Alarm For Cobra

There's a chase with the Calibra against the BMW 3 and few police cars, at the end the calibra crashes and rolls over nicely.

Later we have another chase between a Passat and an Omega resulting in the Omega rolling over nicely too.

Right after this last one we have a chase with a Frontera Sport and few police cars such as the Toyota and the Mondeo estate, the Frontera ends in the water.

And to finish we have another stolen chase with a police Mercedes that ends up exploding and a BMW Z4.

Nothing new actually as ive just said all the sequences were takeng from Alarm For Cobra.

antp BE

2007-11-27 14:08

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-27 14:16

Yes Antoine that's the movie.

Ingo DE

2007-11-27 15:45

Yes, you can see, that the scenes are taken from the "Cobra.."- series at the faked licence-plates, typical that style, sometimes identically.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-27 16:17

The stunts are more noticeable :p

antp BE

2007-11-27 17:52

Is the movie worth watching though? Or isn't there anything interesting except the scenes taken from "Cobra"?

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-27 17:55

Not interesting at all, only worth watching is the stunts and for that you have alarm for cobra so no, dont waste your time watching this crap :/

Ingo DE

2007-11-28 09:56

@carchasesfanatic: surely, the stunts are noticeable - and it's the only one. The whole film and the whole Cobra-series is just a marionette to present stunt-scenes. Pure bullshit for the stupid TV-viewers of the low-class, people, whose only friend and ony pastime is the TV.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-28 11:14

hey Ingo i like Cobra's stunts! :/

Ingo DE

2007-11-29 09:36

@carchasesfanatic: yes, I know. But who else, except carchasesfanatic-people shall be interested in that series/movie?

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-29 11:58

A Tv-eries that has been broadcasted for ELEVEN years now :p ? well honestly i think more than car chases/crashes fanatic people may watch it ;) but anyway i agree with you that the plots can be as bad as Rex ones for example (which are pathetic) but i dont think only low class people whose pass time is the TV watch it, in Spain when a non cable TV started to broadcast it it didnt have much succes but the cable/satellite TV channel AXN has been broadcasting it for a long time now and it seems to have audience.

As every TV series there are people that like it and people that hate it, there are people that cant stand watching a whole episode for a whole hour since they are not interested in watching such stunts scenes and they can find it as boring as for me is to watch a very bad done fight scene.

-- Last edit: 2007-11-29 12:02:32

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-29 12:01

Wasserspeier wrote
That's right. The crash scenes are very exaggerated. Without the stunts...well...boring. On the other hand that team won a Taurus award for best action in a foreign film:

That's all right, that series without the stunts it would be nothing, but then it is what the series is meant to be like, if it didnt have stunts the plots would probably be better planned, but as i said above, it has ELEVEN season (as we say in Spanish) "at its back" so it cant be that crapy after all, but i recognise plots are poor yes ;)

antp BE

2007-11-29 15:14

There are lots of crappy series that are broadcasted for a long time :D Even some crappy movies that sell well. In some cases action is enough to make a "good" series/movie ;)

-- Last edit: 2007-11-29 15:15:15

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-29 15:15

Pretty doubt they are crap if they are broadcasted for a long time.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-29 15:17

No no, dont compare movies with TV series, its different, and yes, ive said so too, in the case of Alarm Für Cobra the action is enough, but it surprises me so much that its been on for such a long time when the only good thing it has are the stunts which as ive too said before are very boring for a lot of people:D

bmw-driver US

2015-05-13 07:57

The license plates used by these cars are about the same as those used in Cobra 11.

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2018-11-11 03:32

Unlike the other chases, the Passat/Omega sequence was lifted from an episode of "Wilde Engel".

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