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ITiCSE 2014

19th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education,
June 23-25, 2014, Uppsala, Sweden.

ITiCSE 2014, the 19th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, will take place in Uppsala, Sweden, hosted by Uppsala University. The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) is sponsoring the event.

The conference program includes keynote lectures, paper sessions, panels, working groups, tips and techniques, courseware demonstrations, posters, and exhibits. The conference also features opportunities to partake in excursions enabling attendees to see some of the surrounding district and mingle in a less intense and formal environment.

Conference evaluation

We kindly ask you to make an evaluation of the conference this year so that we can improve next year's ITiCSE'2015 in Vilnius.

The questionnaire can be found here.

Please take a few minutes and express your opinion.

Best paper award

The best paper award was given to the paper Failure Rates in Introductory Programming Revisited by Christopher Watson (University of Durham) and Frederick W.B. Li (University of Durham).

Keynote speakers

See the abstracts of keynotes.

Participant list

A list of attendees can be found here.


See the programme for the conference, in various formats.

The conference dinner on Monday evening is at Norrlands Nation (see map here), one of the very prominent student clubs, at Västra Ågatan 14 in the city centre.

The Novell FiLR system is available for the attendees of ITiCE 2014. Please find the system here; use your guest account to log in. Then look in the "ITiCSE 2014" folder in the "Net folders" ("Nätmappar"). You can find the proceedings and comment on papers, or upload pictures.

When logging in to the UpUnet-S wifi network using your guest account, remember to select "User group: Guest identity" (or "Användargrupp: Gästidentitet") in the form at

Location, transportation, and accommodation

The conference will be held at the Ångström Laboratory (Ångströmlaboratoriet) at Polacksbacken, which is located 2-3 km outside the town center. It is a nice walk (if the weather is as it should at an ITiCSE conference) and there are several and frequent buses stopping by at Polacksbacken.

See some more info about Uppsala and travelling here.

There are no pre-booked rooms and we suggest that you use your favorite accommodation booking site, e.g. or, to find and book lodging. Uppsala is a geographically small city in size and most lodgings are close to each other.


ACM no longer permits boating excursions as part of their conferences. The planned excursion on Tuesday afternoon is thus excluded from the conference. If you previously paid for the excursion when you registered, you will receive a refund for it through regonline.

The same trip will however be offered as a private excursion at the same price. Please use the web site to book one of the 100 seats.

Working groups

See the abstracts of working groups and instructions on how to join them.
(Applications to join working groups closed March 31st.)


Registration is now open. See registration information.


We welcome submissions that deal with the use of technology in computer science teaching and learning, innovations in the practice of teaching computer science, and computer science education research. We especially invite submissions related to the special theme of the conference: Learning for Life.

The official language of the conference is English, and all submissions must be original work. The entire proceedings will be available in the ACM Digital Library.

The conference submission system (OpenConf) is now closed. Please see the submission guidelines.

Papers (Deadline PASSED: January 12, 2014)

Papers should be high quality, unpublished original work, related to one of the themes of the conference. Submissions must be no longer than six pages. Accepted papers must be presented by at least one author and will be published in the conference proceedings.

Panels (Deadline PASSED: January 12, 2014)

Panels allow experts to discuss and explore a current hot topic in computer science education. Panel organizers are responsible for selecting appropriate panelists to participate, obtaining position statements from the panelists, and integrating the statements into an abstract before submitting a proposal. Panel proposals are limited to two pages. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.

Working Groups (Deadline PASSED: January 12, 2014)

Working Groups are formed by participants with a common interest related to one of the conference topics. Working groups convene and begin activities during the weekend prior to the conference (June 21 - 22), and continue their work throughout the conference. Participants present their results to conference attendees at a special working group presentation session, about 20 pages) after the conference concludes. Final reports are refereed and, if accepted, are published at least in the ACM Digital Library as an addendum to the conference proceedings. The best working group reports are also published in ACM Inroads.

Tips, Techniques, and Courseware (Deadline PASSED: March 16, 2014)

Tips, Techniques, and Courseware sessions provide an opportunity to share practical ideas, methods of assessment, class activities or software / courseware that support learning in computer science. Participants will give a short presentation in which they will describe the tool, its goals, application and results. A brief demonstration may also be included. A onepage summary of accepted proposals is published in the conference proceedings.

Faculty or Student Posters (Deadline PASSED: March 16, 2014)

Faculty or student posters present work currently in progress. A one-page summary of the accepted posters will be published in the conference proceedings.


Exhibits will be made available to publishers, software houses, and other interested vendors. Interested parties are invited to contact the conference organizers for information about presenting an exhibit at the conference.

More information will appear. See also the generic ITiCSE info page.