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  • 2018
    Designing an Internet
    David D. Clark
  • 1999
    Weaving the Web
    Tim Berners-Lee
  • 2000
    Tools for Thought
    Howard Rheingold
  • 1999
    Evolutionary Design by Computers
    Peter J. Bentley, Ed.
  • 2001
    Creative Evolutionary Systems
    Peter J. Bentley, Ed.
  • 2020
    Working in Public
    Nadia Eghbal
  • 1997
    The Art of Doing Science and Engineering
    Richard W. Hamming
  • 2000
    The Humane Interface
    Jef Raskin
  • 2006
    Designing Interactions
    Bill Moggeridge
  • 2006
    Adam Greenfield
  • 2013
    Information and Communication Technology in Areas of Limited Statehood


  • 2008
    Thinking in Systems
    Donella Meadows
  • 2009
    Complexity: A Guided Tour
    Melanie Mitchell
  • 2015
    Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned
    Stanley, Lehman
  • 2006
    The Origins of Wealth
    Eric Beinhocker
  • 2012
    Signals and Boundaries
    John Henry Holland
  • 2005
    Evolution in Four Dimensions
    Eva Jablonka, Marion J. Lamb
  • 1968
    Systems Generating Systems
    Christopher Alexander
  • 1948
    Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine
    Norbert Wiener
  • 2002
    John Gall
  • 2019
    Vaclav Smil
  • 1988
    The Collapse of Complex Societies
    Joseph Tainter
  • 2000
    How Complex Systems Fail
    Richard I. Cook, MD
  • 1984
    Normal Accidents
    Charles Perrow
  • 1998
    Seeing Like a State
    James C. Scott
  • 2001
    The Moment of Complexity
    Mark C. Taylor


  • 1988
    The Collapse of Complex Societies
    Joseph Tainter
  • 2000
    How Complex Systems Fail
    Richard I. Cook, MD
  • 1984
    Normal Accidents
    Charles Perrow
  • 2008
    Global Catastrophic Risks
    Nick Bostrum
  • 2008
    Global Catastrophies and Trends
    Vaclav Smil
  • 2014
    Nick Bostrum


  • 1997
    The Innovator's Dilemma
    Clayton Christensen
  • 2003
    The Innovator's Solution
    Clayton Christensen
  • 2002
    Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital
    Carlota Perez
  • 2011
    The Entrepreneurial State
    Mariana Mazzucato
  • 2019
    The DARPA Model
    Bonvillian, van Atta, Windham, Ed.
  • 2002
    Scenario Planning
    Mats Lindgren, Hans Bandhold
  • 2016
    Strategic Reframing
    Rafael Ramírez, Angela Wilkinson
  • 1998
    Learning from the Future
    Liam Fahey, Robert Randall
  • 1991
    The Art of the Long View
    Peter Schwartz
  • 2010
    Business Model Generation
    Alexander Osterwalder,‎ Yves Pigneur
  • 2016
    Lean UX
    Jeff Gothelf, Shosh Seiden
  • 2010
    Running Lean
    Ash Murya


  • 2007
    A Secular Age
    Charles Taylor
  • 1998
    Seeing Like a State
    James C. Scott
  • 2011
    The Origins of Political Order
    Francis Fukuyama
  • 2014
    Political Order and Political Decay
    Francis Fukuyama
  • 1905
    The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
    Max Weber
  • 2014
    Keller Easterling
  • 2000
    The Mystery of Capital
    Hernando de Soto Polar
  • 1941
    The World of Yesterday
    Stefan Zweig
  • 2017
    Energy and Civilization
    Vaclav Smil
  • 2020
    Grand Transitions
    Vaclav Smil
  • 2010
  • 2005
    Creating the Twentieth Century
    Vaclav Smil
  • 2006
    Transforming the Twentieth Century
    Vaclav Smil


  • 2007
    A Secular Age
    Charles Taylor
  • 1986
    Finite and Infinite Games
    James Carse
  • 2008
    The Religious Case Against Belief
    James Carse
  • 1670
    Blaise Pascal
  • 1973
    Tools for Conviviality
    Ivan Illich
  • 1951
    The Origins of Totalitarianism
    Hannah Arendt
  • 1958
    The Human Condition
    Hannah Arendt
  • 1975
    The Periodic Table
    Primo Levi
  • 1947
    Survival in Auschwitz
    Primo Levi
  • 1969
    The Sunflower
    Simon Wiesenthal
  • 1973
    The Gulag Archipelago
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • 1927
    The Story of My Experiments with Truth
    Mahatma Gandhi
  • 1946
    Man's Search for Meaning
    Viktor Frankl
  • 1952
    The Courage to Be
    Paul Tillich
  • AD 49
    On the Shortness of Life
  • AD 125
    The Enchiridion
  • 1976
    To Have or to Be
    Erich Fromm
  • 1941
    Escape from Freedom
    Erich Fromm
  • 2006
    Identity and Violence
    Amartya Sen


  • 1977
    A Pattern Language
    Christopher Alexander
  • 1968
    Systems Generating Systems
    Christopher Alexander
  • 1964
    Notes on the Synthesis of Form
    Christopher Alexander
  • 2003
    Rules of Play
    Salen, Zimmerman
  • 2008
  • 1993
  • 2019
    Design Cybernetics
    Thomas Fischer, Christiane Herr, Ed.
  • 2003
    Universal Principles of Design
    William Lidwell
  • 2012
    Universal Methods of Design
    Bella Martin, Bruce Hanington
  • Designing Interactions
    Bill Moggeridge
  • Designing and Engineering Time
    Steven Seow Ph.D.
  • Designing with the Mind in Mind
    Jeff Johnson
  • Graphic Design: The New Basics
    Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips
  • 2010
    The Vignelli Cannon
    Massimo Vignelli
  • IDEO Method Cards
  • Making and Breaking the Grid
    Timothy Samara
  • 1963
    Interaction of Color
    Josef Albers
  • The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid
    Oliver Byrne
  • The Elements of Typographic Style
    Robert Bringhurst
  • The Medium is the Massage
    Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore
  • The Field Study Handbook
    Jan Chipchase
  • Design with the Other 90%: Cities
    Cynthia E. Smith
  • Design Like You Give a Damn
    Kate Stohr,‎ Cameron Sinclair
  • Design Revolution
    Emily Pilloton


  • A Pattern Language
    Christopher Alexander
  • Architecture: Form, Space, and Order
    Francis D. K. Ching
  • Graphics Shaders: Theory and Practice
    Bailey, Mike
  • Conditional Design
    Anthony di Mari
  • Operative Design
    Anthony di Mari, Nora Yoo
  • Parametric Design for Architecture
    Jabi, Wassim
  • Real Time Rendering
    Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines
  • Siteless
    François Blanciak
  • Digital Fabrications
    Lisa Iwamoto
  • Design Drawing
    Francis D. K. Ching


  • Aurora
    Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Invisible Cities
    Italo Calvino
  • A Canticle for Lebowitz
    Walter M. Miller Jr.
  • Hard to Be a God
    Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
  • Rainbows End
    Vernor Vinge
  • Roadside Picnic
    Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
  • The Peripheral
    William Gibson


  • Beowulf
    Seamus Heaney
  • The Odyssey
    Emily Wilson
  • Collected Works
    Denise Levertov
  • Silence
    Shusaku Endo
  • The Brothers Karamazov
    Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Anna Karenina
    Leo Tolstoy
  • Leaves of Grass (and other works)
    Walt Whitman
  • Invisible Cities
    Italo Calvino
  • Koyaanisqatsi
    Godfrey Reggio
  • Grapefruit
    Yoko Ono


  • Leonardo da Vinci
    Walter Isaacson
  • Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci
  • Benjamin Franklin: An American Life
    Walter Isaacson
  • Three Worlds Gone Mad
    Robert Young Pelton


  • Robotics Primer
    Maja J. Mataric, PhD
  • Concrete Mathematics
    Graham, Knuth, Patashnik
  • Flow Based Programming
    J. Paul Morrison
  • Graphics Shaders: Theory and Practice
    Bailey, Mike
  • Game Programming Patterns
    Robert Nystrom
  • Real Time Rendering
    Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines
  • The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
    Sussman, Abelson
  • How to Design Programs
    Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi
  • Procedural Generation in Game Design
    Tanya X. Short


  • Machinery's Handbook
    Oberg, Erik & Jones, Franklin D.
  • Making It
    Chris Lefteri
  • Pocket Ref
    Thomas J. Glover


  • An Introduction to Cybernetics
    W. Ross Ashby
  • Radical Markets
    Eric Posner, Glen Weyl
  • Mindstorms
    Seymour Papert
  • The Stack
    Bejamin Bratton
  • A Thousand Plateaus
    Deleuze, Guattari
  • Deep Learning
    Ian Goodfellow, Yaoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville
  • Our Posthuman Future
    Francis Fukuyama
  • The Society of Mind
    Marvin Minsky
  • The Hardware Startup
    Renee DiResta
  • Art as Experience
    John Dewey
  • Adhocism: The Case for Improvisation
    Jencks, Charles, Silver, Nathan
  • The Dream Machine
    M. Mitchell Waldrop
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    Thomas Kuhn
  • Deep History
    Andrew Shryock, Daniel Smail