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Church Life,  Family

The Pasta Plan

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Before an athletic contest starts, there is a game plan.

Leaders of corporations who want the corporation to be successful have a business plan.

Construction companies have a site plan.

Before one travels, there is usually a travel plan.

Teachers are encouraged (or required) to have a lesson plan.

People who hope to retire with sufficient funds to live somewhat comfortably are encouraged to have a financial plan.

However, all too often in families, churches, and our individual lives, there is something I’ve chosen to call the pasta plan. You may have been in meetings and/or in family conversations where the pasta plan has been employed. 

Here is a test. 

Have you ever heard (or said), “Let’s just throw something against the wall and see what sticks?” If so, you’ve been introduced to what I’m calling the pasta plan.

I am told that one way to check to see if pasta is adequately prepared is to actually throw it against a wall. If it sticks, it is ready.

What works for pasta may not work too well in other areas of our lives. In fact, I am convinced that it is a long way from being the best way to live our lives.

I am well aware of James 4:13-16. Contrary to what some might think about that passage, it does not forbid any planning whatsoever. These verses warn against leaving God out of our plans.

Please consider the following who definitely did not follow the pasta plan:

Read the book of Nehemiah carefully. When you do, you will find that this great leader was successful due to the blessings of God. He was also successful because of his “prayer-peration” and his preparation. He did not merely throw something against a wall to see what would stick.

Our Lord did not “throw something against a wall” when it came to carrying out what we often call “The Great Commission.” Luke 24:47 informs us that the plan was to have it “…beginning at Jerusalem.”

As Luke continues his inspired writing in the book of Acts, we learn that Jesus told His apostles, “…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Those who are unfamiliar with geography may not be aware of the fact that the plan involved the gospel “emanating” from Jerusalem. 

The Lord had a plan. It was definitely not the pasta plan.

Our last example is pretty comprehensive. We will close this discussion with one passage of scripture and a prayer that all will see that God has a plan for all of mankind and for each of us as individuals.

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons (Gal. 4:4-5)


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Photo background credit: Javier Lastras on Creative Commons


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