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author = {Ermolayev, Vadim A. AND Tolok, Vyachyslav A.},
title = {IT-Enabled Teaching and Learning in Today's Higher School},
booktitle = {Higher Education in Ukraine: Methodological and Socio-Pedagogical Problems of Modernization},
editor = {Andruschenko, V. P. AND Mikhailichenko, M. I. AND Kremen, V. G.},
chapter = {3.2},
year = {2001},
publisher = {UDCSSM, ZSU},
pages = {221-247},
isbn = {966-000-000-4},
url =,
note = {in Ukrainian},

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {Modelling Distant Learning Activities by Agent Task Coalitions},
booktitle = {Enabling Society with Information Technology},
editor = { Jin, Q. AND Li, J. AND Cheng, J. AND Yu C. AND Noguchi S.},
chapter = {5.7},
year = {2002},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
pages = {316-326},
isbn = {443-170-327-6},
abstract = {Presented is the approach to the design of distant learning facilities for a Virtual/Real University, based upon the paradigms of a rational and a benevolent agent, multi-agent system, dynamic task coalition. The particularity of the framework is its capability to perform the tasks without pre-defined task plans. Agents and multi-agent systems inhabit Virtual University Information Space, model real life actors . faculty, technical and administrative staff as well as the users from the outside. Agent coalitions co-operatively provide for the task performance, thus, modelling the processes of university management and distant education. Parametric feedbacks and agents' ability to evolve contribute to the fine-tuning of management routines and to the improvement of teaching and learning. PhD students' recruiting case study provides the illustration of the framework applicability to Virtual University and Distant Education domains.},
keywords = {Virtual University, Distant Education, Intelligent Agents, Agent Communities, Evolution}
url = {},
note = {Revised version of \EVA-is-vude-00}


author = {Ermolayev, V. AND Plaksin, S.},
title={Workflow Management by Multi-Agent Systems},
journal={"Mathematical Modeling, IT, Automated Control Systems" series of the Herald of Kharkiv National University},
month= {July-September},
keywords={workflow, coordination, multi-agent system},
note = {in Russian},

author = {Ermolayev, V. AND Keberle, N. AND Shapar, V. AND Vladimirov, V.},
title={Semantically Reinforced Web Services for Wrapping Autonomous Information Resources},
journal={"Mathematical Modeling, IT, Automated Control Systems" series of the Herald of Kharkiv National University},
month= {July-September},
abstract={The paper presents the use of semantically enhanced web services in the field of distributed intelligent information retrieval. The main idea of the approach is that a web service is used as an intelligent wrapper for an information resource (IR). These autonomous IRs become available for querying within distributed information system with centralized mediator through IR registration. IR wrapper web services provide homogeneous semantically reinforced query interface for the mediator trough the use of machine-processable ontologies. The paper reports on the architectures of the mediator systems in two projects that exploit IR wrapper web service approach. The architecture of the IR wrapper web service, the generic wrapper and its bindings is then presented. The technique is evaluated by experiments with implemented tester for the web service which wraps “University Entrant” IR of Zaporozhye State University.},
keywords={web service, ontology, distributed intelligent information retrieval, information resource wrapper}

author = {Ermolayev, V. AND Keberle, N. AND Kononenko, O. AND Plaksin, S. AND Terziyan, V.},
title={Towards a framework for agent-enabled semantic web service composition},
journal={Int. J. of Web Services Research},
month= {July-September},
abstract={The article presents the framework for agent-enabled dynamic Web service composition. The core of the methodology is the new understanding of a Web service as an agent capability having proper ontological description. It is demonstrated how diverse Web services may be composed and mediated by dynamic coalitions of software agents collaboratively performing tasks for service requestors. Middle Agent Layer is introduced to conduct service request to task transformation, agent-enabled cooperative task decomposition and performance. Discussed are the formal means to arrange agents' negotiation, to represent the semantic structure of the task-activity-service hierarchy and to assess fellow-agents' capabilities and credibility factors. Finally, it is argued that the presented formal technique is applicable to various application domains. Presented is the ongoing work on designing and implementing agentbased layered architecture for intelligent rational information and document retrieval. Finally, the discussion of the OntoServ.Net framework for the development of P2P mobile service infrastructures for industrial asset management provides the extension of the Web service composition approach.},
keywords={asset management; composition; information retrieval; ontology; software agent; Web service.}

author = {Ermolayev, V. AND Keberle, N. AND Plaksin, S. AND Vladimirov, V.},
title = {Ontology-Driven Query Transformation in Agent-based Intelligent Information Retrieval},
journal={Herald NTU KhPI, Sp. Issue on System Analysis, Control, and IT},
abstract={Reported is the methodology of the semantic transformation of an initial user's search query in the form of key words or key phrases to the resulting query composed of the relevant concepts of the domain ontology. Transformation methodology is based on incremental user profiling. The mapping of a user's keywords to the concepts of the domain ontology is built according to the presented transformation rules. These rules are based on the usage of the rich set of the semantic relationships comprising subsumption, synonymy, instantiation and meronymy provided as the DAML+OIL ontology. ACM research papers domain is chosen for the methodology evaluation. Transformation algorithm is implemented in the research prototype as the combined capability of the query transformation agent and the ontology agent of the intelligent multi-agent information retrieval mediator.},
keywords={agent, ontology, user profile, query transformation, information retrieval, mediator}

author = {Ermolayev, V. AND Tolok, V.},
title={Academic E-editions in the Information Space of Ukraine},
journal={Novyj Kolegium. Scientific and Information Journal},
note={in Ukrainian}

author = {Ermolayev, V. A. AND Tolok, V.A.},
title={Unified Information Space for Microeconomic Systems Modeling and Control},
journal={Control Models for Market Economy. Special Issue. DonNU},
note={in Russian}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Plaksin, Sergey},
title = {Algebraic Approach to Ontology Translation},
journal = {Lecture Notes of Zaporozhye State University},
year = {2001},
volume = {5},
number = {2},
pages = {54-61},
month = {September},
isbn = {966-599-142-6},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Plaksin, Sergey},
title = {Cooperation Layers in Agent-Enabled Business Process Management},
journal = (Problems of Programming},
year = {2002},
volume = {},
number = {1-2},
pages = {354-368},
month = {may},
isbn = {966-02-1244-5},
url = {},
abstract = {The paper proposes a four-layer cooperation framework for agent-enabled business process management and performance in distributed open structured organizations comprising economically rational executives. It is assumed that the executives possess various capabilities, roles, authorities, commit to follow some joint rules while performing tasks. The layers of the framework are: Cooperation Models Layer, Interoperability Layer, Communication Layer, Transport Layer. Cooperation Models Layer provides the models of an organization, an organizational unit, a business process, the patterns for executives' coordination, performance and behaviour monitoring. Interoperability Layer contains intraction protocols, the patterns for inter-agent conversations, the formalisms for parametric feedbacks and for the shared concepts for the data interchanged by the agents in the course of their cooperative performance. The lower two layers are the slots for the widely used and/or standard primitives and components. These are Communicative acts' specifications formalized in agent communication languages and transport services and envelopes respectively. The paper also provides the review of the related work structured along the proposed framework layers. This review shows no vital contradictions with the proposed cooperation framework layering.},
keywords = {Cooperation, Business Process Management, Coordination, Organization, Coalition, Performance Monitoring, Behaviour Monitoring, Interoperability, Communication, Transport, Agent.}

author = {Ermolayev, V. A. AND Plaksin, S. L.},
title = {Coordination of Work Placement in Agents' Task Coalitions},
journal = {Lecture Notes of Zaporozhye State University},
year = {2001},
volume = {4},
number = {1},
pages = {30-35},
month = {february},
isbn = {966-599-142-6},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Keberle, Natalya},
title = {Active Data Dictionary: a Method and a Tool for Data Model Driven Information System Design},
journal = {Lecture Notes of Zaporozhye State University},
year = {2000},
volume = {3},
number = {2},
pages = {68-78},
isbn = {966-599-058-4},
url = {},
abstract = {Database applications are subjected to numerous changes within their life cycle. Traditional methods and tools for design and implementation of information systems do not possess the means flexible enough to robustly face these changes. The paper presents a method and a tool for the design of flexible and, therefore, easily maintained database applications. The method is based upon a modified IS design procedure assuming data model to be active control part of the application. Data Dictionary discussed is supplied with active control elements and is a program media for data model to serve as information system control engine. Introduced is the concept and the prototype of active data dictionary as well as some extensions to classical relational data model. This theoretical data model enhancements deal with the aspects of extending data model with the property of attribute computability and finding the ways to data model controlled dependencies between the data and the program code of information system.},
keywords = {Database, Ideal information system design, data model, hidden properties, computable attributes, program-to-data relationships}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Borue, Sergey AND Tolok, Vyachyslav AND Keberle, Natalya},
title = {Use of Diakoptics and Finite Automata for Modelling Virtual Information Space Agent Societies },
journal = {Lecture Notes of Zaporozhye State University},
year = {2000},
volume = {3},
number = {1},
pages = {34-44},
isbn = {966-599-058-4},
url = {},
abstract = {Presented is a framework for modelling evolving societies of intellectual agents, used as personal assistants to support routine functions within an enterprise, or a department. Example of University Publishing Centre is used to analyse the Universe-of-Discourse. Framework is based upon general diakoptical (modelling by part) method for modelling complex abstract systems.
FSM, semantic clustering, the notions of role, policy, action and reaction are used within the proposed formal framework.},
keywords = {Virtual Information Space, Virtual Enterprise, Intelligent Agent, Diakoptics, Finite Automata, Co-operative Agents, Role, Policy, Action, Reaction}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Pletsky, Sergey AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {Architecture of Unified Information Space of a Virtual University},
journal = {Lecture Notes of Zaporozhye State University},
year = {1998},
volume = {1},
number = {2},
pages = {44-53},
isbn = {966-599-058-4},
url = {},
abstract = {Described is the approach to design and implementation of the Architecture of the Unified Information Space - the basics of Virtual University. Discussed are the aspects of Visual Interface appearance, the approaches to underlying Information System architecture design, as well as the ways of enhancing Information System flexibility and reusability. A refinement to the architecture and Information System design technology based upon Active Data Dictionary utilization is proposed. The study reported is primarily aimed to extend well formalized methods of Information System and Data Model design to the Enterprise Level Domain and thus bridge the semantic gap between the common user perceptions of the roles and the functions of the computer systems he uses and the formal elements and interfaces actually forming enterprise level computer media.}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Keberle, Natalya},
title = { On Possibilities to Enhance Relational Attributes with the Property of Computability.},
journal = {Lecture Notes of Zaporozhye State University},
year = {1998},
volume = {1},
number = {2},
pages = {38-44},
isbn = {966-599-058-4},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim},
title = {Object Oriented Dynamic Data Modelling and Active Data Dictionaries - Some Crosspoints},
journal = {Lecture Notes of Zaporozhye State University},
year = {1998},
volume = {1},
number = {2},
pages = {53-63},
isbn = {966-599-058-4},
url = {},
abstract = {Data Modelling and Database Implementation form the branch being significant for scientific and industrial development. Databases as information sources and data media for the variety of application domains are spread over different bounds playing an important role in achieving progress in all branches of science and technology as well as in human and social activities. Therefore, research aimed to work out formal basis, methods and instrumental means for reliable design and implementation of robust information systems is actual and meets high demand. Interested reader can find variety of publications presenting different trends in the field. The aim of this paper, however, is to analyse two of them: Conceptual Modelling of Dynamic Object Databases and Information Systems and Active Data Dictionary approach for Flexible Information Application Design. Outlined are the advantages of the approaches and the possible crosspoints for joint research activities.}

author = {Keberle, Natalya AND Ermolayev, Vadim},
title = {On Boolean Operations upon Relationships Containing Computable Attributes},
journal = {Lecture Notes of Zaporozhye State University},
year = {1998},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {40-41},
isbn = {966-599-058-4},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, V. A. AND Kontsur, A. S. AND Tolok, V. A.},
title = {On Perspectives of Further Development of University-Wide Computational Infrastructure at ZSU},
journal = {Lecture Notes of Zaporozhye State University},
year = {1998},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {46-49},
isbn = {966-599-058-4},
url = {},
note = {Revised version of \ekt-ann-ZSU-97}

author = {Ermolayev, V. A. AND Kononov, S. G.},
title = {A Method of Design and Projection of 3-dimentional Objects Having Complex Geometrical Shape},
journal = {Mathematics, Physics, collected scientific articles},
year = {1995},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {35-38}


title = "Managing Concurrent Engineering Design Processes and Associated Knowledge",
author = "Richard Sohnius and Vadim Ermolayev Eyck Jentzsch and Natalya Keberle and Wolf-Ekkehard Matzke and Vladimir Samoilov",
bibdate = "2006-09-18",
booktitle = "Leading the Web in Concurrent Engineering",
publisher = "IOS Press",
year = "2006",
volume = "143",
editor = "Parisa Ghodous and Rose Dieng-Kuntz and Geilson Loureiro",
ISBN = "1-58603-651-3",
pages = "198--205",
series = "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications",
abstract={This paper presents our work in collecting and formalizing data about dynamic engineering design processes in microelectronics design projects. The paper reports on our experience in evaluating the design process knowledge acquisition routine by applying it to the real industrial project of Cadence Design Systems, GmbH. The methodology is based on the usage of the ontologies developed in the PSI project. Beside the actual process of formalizing the processes it especially focuses on capturing information about the concurrency among activities.},
keywords={concurrent activities, Dynamic Engineering Design Process, ontology, agent, multi-agent system, knowledge acquisition, microelectronics}

title = "A Generic Ontology of Rational Negotiation",
author = "Vadim Ermolayev and Natalya Keberle",
bibdate = "2006-07-26",
bibsource = "DBLP,",
booktitle = "ISTA",
booktitle = "Information Systems Technology and its Applications, 5th International Conference {ISTA}'2006, May 30-31, 2006, Klagenfurt, Austria,
publisher = "GI",
year = "2006",
volume = "84",
editor = "Dimitris Karagiannis and Heinrich C. Mayr",
ISBN = "3-88579-178-1",
pages = "51--65",
series = "LNI",
abstract={The paper presents the generic conceptual framework for modeling rational negotiation processes. The central piece of the presented work is the upper-level negotiation ontology. This ontology is designed to be capable to model the arbitrary types of negotiation dialogues by providing the upper-level namespace for that. The models of the specific negotiation types refine this namespace by providing the instances of its concepts, applying additional restrictions on the properties, possibly adding new subclasses and properties. The approach to model negotiations with the Generic Negotiation Ontology (GNO) is initially evaluated by applying to contracting negotiation type. The choice of the negotiation type for the evaluation is suggested by the fact that contracting negotiations are the typical encounters among the agents taking part in the simulation of a Dynamic Engineering Design Process (DEDP). This modeling activity is performed in the frame
of our PSI project.}

title = "Modeling Dynamic Engineering Design Processes in PSI",
author = "Vadim Ermolayev and Eyck Jentzsch and Oleg Karsaev and
Natalya Keberle and Wolf-Ekkehard Matzke and Vladimir Samoilov",
bibdate = "2006-04-18",
bibsource = "DBLP,",
booktitle = "ER (Workshops)",
booktitle = "Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling, {ER} 2005 Workshops {AOIS}, {BP}-{UML}, CoMo{GIS}, e{COMO}, and Qo{IS}, Klagenfurt, Austria, October 24-28, 2005, Proceedings",
publisher = "Springer",
year = "2005",
volume = "3770",
editor = "Jacky Akoka and Stephen W. Liddle and Il-Yeol Song and Michela Bertolotto and Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau
and Samira Si-Said Cherfi and Willem-Jan van den Heuvel and Bernhard Thalheim and Manuel Kolp and Paolo Bresciani
and Juan Trujillo and Christian Kop and Heinrich C. Mayr",
ISBN = "3-540-29395-7",
pages = "119--130",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
URL = "",
abstract={One way to make engineering design effective and efficient is to make its processes flexible – i.e. self-adjusting, self-configuring, and self-optimizing at run time. The paper presents the descriptive part of the Dynamic Engineering Design Process (DEDP) modeling framework developed in PSI1 project. The project aims to build a software tool assisting managers to analyze and enhance the productivity of the DEDPs through process simulations. The framework incorporates the models of teams and actors, tasks and activities, design artifacts as the major interrelated parts. DEDPs are modeled as weakly defined flows of tasks and atomic activities which may only “become apparent” at run time because of several presented dynamic factors. The processes are self-formed through the mechanisms of collaboration in the dynamic team of actors. These mechanisms are based on several types of contracting negotiations. DEDP productivity is assessed by the Units of Welfare collected by the multi-agent system which models the design team. The models of the framework are formalized in the family of DEDP ontologies.}

title = "Tutorial 6: Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Engineering Design Processes",
author = "Vadim Ermolayev and Vladimir I. Gorodetski and Eyck Jentzsch and Wolf-Ekkehard Matzke",
bibdate = "2005-10-31",
bibsource = "DBLP,",
booktitle = "ER (Workshops)",
booktitle = "Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling, {ER} 2005 Workshops {AOIS}, {BP}-{UML}, CoMo{GIS}, e{COMO}, and Qo{IS}, Klagenfurt, Austria, October 24-28, 2005, Proceedings",
publisher = "Springer",
year = "2005",
volume = "3770",
editor = "Jacky Akoka and Stephen W. Liddle and Il-Yeol Song and Michela Bertolotto and Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau and Samira Si-Said Cherfi and Willem-Jan van den Heuvel and Bernhard Thalheim and Manuel Kolp and Paolo Bresciani and Juan Trujillo and Christian Kop and Heinrich C. Mayr",
ISBN = "3-540-29395-7",
pages = "470--472",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
URL = "",

title = "Agent-Based Framework for Simulation and Support of Dynamic Engineering Design Processes in {PSI}",
author = "Vladimir Gorodetsky and Vadim Ermolayev and Wolf-Ekkehard Matzke and Eyck Jentzsch and Oleg Karsaev
and Natalya Keberle and Vladimir Samoilov",
bibdate = "2006-04-06",
bibsource = "DBLP,",
booktitle = "CEEMAS",
booktitle = "Multi-Agent Systems and Applications {IV}, 4th International Central and Eastern European Conference
on Multi-Agent Systems, {CEEMAS} 2005, Budapest, Hungary, September 15-17, 2005, Proceedings",
publisher = "Springer",
year = "2005",
volume = "3690",
editor = "Michal Pechoucek and Paolo Petta and L{\'a}szl{\'o} Zsolt Varga",
ISBN = "3-540-29046-X",
pages = "511--520",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
URL = "",
abstract={The paper reports on the first results of the Productivity Simulation Initiative (PSI) project of Cadence Design Systems GmbH. The project addresses the problem of fine-grained modeling and simulation of dynamic engineering design processes in order to attempt to assess and to enhance their productivity. The application domain of PSI is Semiconductor and Electronic Systems design. PSI uses multi-agent approach and models design processes as collaborative orchestrated activities of designers’ teams. Rational collaboration and team formation is arranged through enhanced Contract Net negotiations. The paper outlines the modeling approach, reports on the methodology, and the rapid prototyping tool used for PSI Simulation Prototype implementation.}

title = "A Strategy for Automated Meaning Negotiation in Distributed Information Retrieval",
author = "Vadim Ermolayev and Natalya Keberle and Wolf-Ekkehard Matzke and Vladimir Vladimirov",
bibdate = "2005-10-26",
bibsource = "DBLP,",
booktitle = "International Semantic Web Conference",
booktitle = "The Semantic Web - {ISWC} 2005, 4th International Semantic Web Conference, {ISWC} 2005, Galway, Ireland, November 6-10, 2005, Proceedings",
publisher = "Springer",
year = "2005",
volume = "3729",
editor = "Yolanda Gil and Enrico Motta and V. Richard Benjamins and Mark A. Musen",
ISBN = "3-540-29754-5",
pages = "201--215",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
URL = "",
abstract={The paper reports on the formal framework to design strategies for multi-issue non-symmetric meaning negotiations among software agents in a distributed information retrieval system. The advancements of the framework are the following. A resulting strategy compares the contexts of two background domain theories not concept by concept, but the whole context (conceptual graph) to the other context by accounting the relationships among concepts, the properties and the constraints over properties. It contains the mechanisms for measuring contextual similarity through assessing propositional substitutions and to provide argumentation through generating extra contexts. It uses presuppositions for choosing the best similarity hypotheses and to make the mutual concession to common sense monotonic. It provides the means to evaluate the possible eagerness to concede through semantic commitments and related notions of knowledgeability and degree of reputation.}

author = {Ermolayev. V. AND Keberle, N. AND Shapar, V. AND Vladimirov, V.},
title={Ontology-Driven Sub-Query Extraction for Distributed Autonomous Information Resources in UnIT-Net IEDI},
booktitle={Information Systems Technology and its Applications. Proc. 3-d Int. Conf ISTA'2004, July 15-17, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA},
editor={Doroshenko, A. AND Halpin, T. AND Liddle, S. W. AND Mayr, H. C.},
month={July 15-17},
publisher={Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)},
address={Bonn, Germany},
abstract={The paper reports on the development of UnIT-Net Infrastructure for Electronic Data Interchange (IEDI). The main task of IEDI is to provide a uniform framework for authorized and secure information retrieval from heterogeneous, distributed, autonomous Information Resources (IRs) among the higher educational establishments and state bodies in Ukraine. The focus of the paper is the algorithm for ontology-driven sub-query extraction. The algorithm performs terminological mapping of an initial query in terms of domain ontology to the set of the sub-queries to different IRs in terms of respective IR ontologies. Mapping procedure is based on the raw mappings knowledge taken from mediator mapping ontology and the so called Late Binding technique for determining concepts. Finally, sub-queries are refined to become correct RDQL queries with respect to the specific IR. This algorithm will be used by IEDI mediator to decompose the user queries. Sub-queries will then be executed by the wrappers of the respective IRs. Initial proof-of-concept evaluation and the semi-formal proofs of ontology-driven sub-query extraction algorithm correctness are provided in the discussion part of the paper.},
keywords={mediator, information resource, ontology, sub-query extraction, UnIT-Net, IEDI}

author = {Ermolayev, V. AND Spivakovsky, A. AND Zholtkevych, G.},
title={UnIT-NET IIDE : Infrastructure nationale ukrainienne pour l'intraechange de donnees electroniques},
booktitle={Colloque National de la Recherche Universitaire dans les I. U. T. Actes de Colloque, Nice, May, 6-7, 2004},
editor={Mallet, G.},
month={May 6-7},
volume={1, Sciences et Techniques de l' Ingenieur},
publisher={Institut Universitaire de Technologie Nice-Cote d'Azur. Universite Nice-Sophia Antipolis},
address={Nice, France},
abstract={Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of highly structured business data between one application and another within a trading community, in this case - among the universities and state organizations of Ukraine. The paper presents the reference architecture of IEDI which is specified in full detail in [BGE04]. IEDI is the software infrastructure supporting EDI. More precisely, IEDI is the multi-layered distributed information system comprising the software servers, services, components and tools for providing intelligent ontology-driven information retrieval from distributed, heterogeneous, legally and physically autonomous Information Resources (IRs) in the organizational framework of the National Higher Education System. Presented are the principles of architectural design, the processes which define IEDI functionality, the architectural layering and the components of IEDI, IEDI ontologies. It is planned in the UnIT-NET1 project that IEDI will further on be used as the core to provide the services of data interchange for University management and for distributed research groups working on joint projects. },
keywords={UnIT-Net, IEDI, architecture, mediator, wrapper, information system, ontology}

author = {Ermolayev, V. AND Keberle, N. AND Plaksin, S.},
title={Towards Agent-Based Rational Service Composition -- RACING Approach},
booktitle={Web Services -- ICWS-Europe 2003. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Web Services Europe, Sept., 23-25, 2003, Erfurt, Germany},
editor={M. Jeckle AND L-J. Zang},
volume={LNCS 2853},
address={Erfurt, Germany},
abstract={Presented is the vision of the authors on how diverse web services may be composed, mediated by dynamic task coalitions of agents performing tasks for service requestors. The focus and the contribution of the paper is the proposal of the layered web service mediation architecture. Middle Agent Layer is introduced to conduct service request to task transformation, agent-enabled cooperative task decomposition and performance. Presented are the formal means to arrange agents' negotiation, to represent the semantic structure of task-activity-service hierarchy and to assess fellow-agents' capabilities and credibility factors. Finally, it is argued that the presented formal technique is applicable to various application domains. Presented is the ongoing work on building agent-based layered architecture for intelligent rational information and document retrieval mediation in frame of the RACING project.},
keywords={agent, web service, composition}

author = {Ermolayev, V. AND Keberle, N. AND Plaksin, S. AND Vladimirov, V.},
title={Capturing Semantics from Search Phrases: Incremental User Personification and Ontology-Driven Query Transformation},
booktitle={Information Systems Technology and its Applications. Proc. 2-d Int. Conference ISTA'2003, June 19-21, 2003, Kharkiv, Ukraine},
editor={Godlevsky, M. AND Liddle, S. W. AND Mayr, H. C.},
month={June 19-21},
publisher={Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)},
address={Bonn, Germany},
abstract={Reported is the methodology of the semantic transformation of an initial user's search query in the form of key words or key phrases to the resulting query composed of the relevant concepts of the domain ontology. Transformation methodology is based on incremental user profiling. The mapping of a user's keywords to the concepts of the domain ontology is built according to the presented transformation rules. These rules are based on the usage of the rich set of the semantic relationships comprising subsumption, synonymy, instantiation and meronymy provided as the DAML+OIL ontology. ACM research papers domain is chosen for the methodology evaluation. Transformation algorithm is implemented in the research prototype as the combined capability of the query transformation agent and the ontology agent of the intelligent multi-agent information retrieval mediator.},
keywords={user personification, ontology-driven query transformation, agent, ontology}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Plaksin, Sergey},
title = {Cooperation Layers in Agent-Enabled Business Process Management},
booktitle = {3-d Scientific-Practical Conference on Programming (UkrPROG 2002)},
editor = {Andon, P. AND Doroshenko, A. AND Lavrischeva, E.},
year = {2002},
month = {may 21--24},
volume = {1},
pages = {354-368},
publisher = {IPS NANU},
address = {Kiev, Ukraine},
isbn = {966-021-244-5},
url = {},
abstract = {The paper proposes a four-layer cooperation framework for agent-enabled business process management and performance in distributed open structured organizations comprising economically rational executives. It is assumed that the executives possess various capabilities, roles, authorities, commit to follow some joint rules while performing tasks. The layers of the framework are: Cooperation Models Layer, Interoperability Layer, Communication Layer, Transport Layer. Cooperation Models Layer provides the models of an organization, an organizational unit, a business process, the patterns for executives' coordination, performance and behaviour monitoring. Interoperability Layer contains intraction protocols, the patterns for inter-agent conversations, the formalisms for parametric feedbacks and for the shared concepts for the data interchanged by the agents in the course of their cooperative performance. The lower two layers are the slots for the widely used and/or standard primitives and components. These are Communicative acts' specifications formalized in agent communication languages and transport services and envelopes respectively. The paper also provides the review of the related work structured along the proposed framework layers. This review shows no vital contradictions with the proposed cooperation framework layering. },
keywords = {Cooperation, Business Process Management, Coordination, Organization, Coalition, Performance Monitoring, Behaviour Monitoring, Interoperability, Communication, Transport, Agent}

author = {Keberle, Natalya AND Ermolayev, Vadim AND Tolok Vyachyslav},
title = {OIL Ontologies for Collaborative Task Performance in Coalitions of Self-Interested Actors},
editor = {Hiroshi Arisawa and Yahiko Kambayashi and Vijay Kumar and Heinrich C. Mayr and Ingrid Hunt},
booktitle = {ER 2001 Workshops, HUMACS, DASWIS, ECOMO, and DAMA, Yokohama, Japan, November 27-30, 2001, Revised Papers},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {2465},
year = {2002},
isbn = {3-540-44122-0},
bibsource = {DBLP,},
url = {}
abstract = {Presented are the Task Model and the ontologies for arranging co-operative work in an open organization of intelligent agents-executives. These agents dynamically form the coalitions for collaborative task performance. Coalition formation is guided by contracting negotiation in frame of the Arrangement Phase. The role of the Task and Negotiation Ontologies is to provide the shared conceptualisation of the terms, the structures and the procedures used by agents in the processes of activity analysis, decomposition, performance and delegation. The ontologies are formalized in OIL and are translated to DAML (RDF), RDFS, SHIQ notations, thus providing the concepts in the forms of emerging service mark-up standards.}

author = {Keberle, Natalya AND Ermolayev, Vadim},
title = {An Approach to Dynamic Ontology Modification in Mediator Service-Oriented Information Systems},
editor = {Mikhail Godlevsky and Heinrich C. Mayr},
booktitle = {Information Systems Technology and its Applications, International Conference ISTA'2001, June 13-15, 2001, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Proceedings},
publisher = {GI},
series = {LNI},
volume = {2},
year = {2001},
isbn = {3-88579-331-8},
bibsource = {DBLP,},
url = {},
abstract = {The paper proposes the approach to cope with the maintenance of dynamically changing resource ontologies of autonomously maintained, distributed, heterogeneous, wrapped information resources and their mappings to common mediator IS ontology. The approach intends to do the work in economical way reducing efforts to matching and aligning only modified ontology elements. Proposed is ontology model comprising both descriptive part and the set of modification primitives for each ontology structural element. The set of ontology modification invariants and the corresponding set of modification conflicts resolution rules are formulated for taxonomies. The way to provide IS services for ontology changes monitoring, matching and alignment is outlined.}

title = {Dynamic Agent Communities Facilitating to Distant Learning in a Virtual University Information Space},
author = {Vadim Ermolayev},
booktitle = {2000 International Conference On Information Society in the 21st Century: Emerging Technologies
and New Challenges (Is2000)},
publisher = {The University of Aizu},
editor = {J. Qun},
address = {Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima, Japan},
year = {2000},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {The Cyberspace of ZSU in the Information Society of the XXI Century},
booktitle = {International Congress "Information Society in Ukraine"},
editor = {Yakovenko, S.},
year = {2000},
month = {Sept.},
publisher = {NTU KPI},
address = {Kiev, Ukraine},
url = {}

author = {Borue, Sergey AND Ermolayev, Vadim AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {Application of Diakoptical MAS Framework to Planning Process Modelling},
booktitle = {2-d Scientific-Practical Conference on Programming (UkrPROG 2000)},
editor = {Andon, P. AND Doroshenko, A.},
year = {2000},
month = {23--26} # {may},
volume = {1},
pages = {488-500},
publisher = {IPS NANU},
address = {Kiev, Ukraine},
isbn = {966-02-1244-5},
url = {},
abstract = {The paper presents the case study of the application of the theoretical framework of modelling the processes of information interchange among the members of evolving intellectual agent communities to modelling of one of practically important types of business processes - a planning process. A business process in frame of the presented research is denoted as a set (task) of atomic works. In the frame of the applied modelling approach the members of dynamically formed, scalable and evolving intellectual agent communities act as functional components performing the atomic works of such a task. The principal alterity of the approach is the usage of parametric feedbacks and, alternatively, agent state constraints to atomic works execution sequence control. Case study analysis shows that the framework is practically applicable to modelling of planning processes. Furthermore, the hypothesis that the framework is applicable to another types of business processes is discussed.}

author = {Borue, Sergey AND Ermolayev, Vadim AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {On Diacoptical Approach to Process Modelling in Multifunctional Information Systems},
booktitle = {International Conference Knowledge - Dialog - Solution (KDS'99)},
editor = {Shevchenko, A.},
year = {1999},
month = {13--18} # {September},
pages = {211-219},
publisher = {DIAI, Donetsk},
address = {Katsiveli, Ukraine},
isbn = {1561-5359},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim},
title = {Visual Intranet Interfaces and Architecture of Unified Information Space in the Concept of Virtual University at ZSU},
booktitle = {International Conference on Enterprize Networking and Computing(ENCOM'98)},
editor = {Khasnabish, B.},
year = {1998},
month = {13--18} # {June},
publisher = {IEEE},
address = {Atlanta, USA},
url = {},
abstract = {Described is the approach to design and implementation the Unified Information Space - the basic engine of Virtual University. Discussed are the aspects of Visual Interface appearance, the approaches to corporate IS architecture design, the ways of enhancing IS flexibility and reusability. A refinement to the architecture and Information System design technology based upon Active Data Dictionary utilization is proposed. The study reported is primarily aimed to extend well formalized methods of Information System and Data Model design to the Enterprise Level Domain and thus enhance the qualities of flexibility, adaptability to the user demand within the phases of enterprise level computer media life cycle.},
note = {Poster}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Kontsur, A AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {On a Concept of ZSU Computational Media Enhancement},
booktitle = {Annual Scientific Conference of Zaporozhye State University},
editor = {Tolok, V.},
year = {1997},
month = {10--14} # {April},
publisher = {ZSU},
address = {Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Shapar, Vladimir},
title = {Using Data Dictionary System for Data Model Design and Verification},
booktitle = {Annual Scientific Conference of Zaporozhye State University},
editor = {Tolok, V.},
year = {1996},
month = {12--16} # {April},
publisher = {ZSU},
address = {Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Borue, Sergey AND Tolok Alexey},
title = {On an Integral approach of Complex System Flexible Mathematical Model Design},
booktitle = {Annual Scientific Conference of Zaporozhye State University},
editor = {Tolok, V.},
year = {1995},
month = {12--24} # {April},
publisher = {ZSU},
address = {Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
url = {}


author = {Ermolayev, Vadim},
title={Ontologies in Agent-Enabled Distributed Information Retrieval},
note={Talk at the Meeting of AgentLink III TFG on Intelligent Information Agents for Web Economies, Rome, 30.06.2004},
bibdate={Jun 30},

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim},
title={Semantic Web Technologies in UnIT-Net Infrastructure for Electronic Data Interchange},
note={Plenary Talk at UkrPROG'04, Kiev, 02 June, 2004},
bibdate={Jun 2},

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim},
title={Towards Cooperative Distributed Service Composition on the Semantic Web},
note={Invited Talk at IFI, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, 06.02.2003.},
bibdate={Feb 06},

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Guarino, Nicola AND Mayr, Heinrich (Mod.) AND Morris, John AND Palom?ki, Jari AND Thalheim, Bernhard AND Wand, Yair},
title = {Do we need an Ontology of Ontologies? Panel discussion.},
note = {Panel at the 21-st Intl Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'2002), Tampere, Finland},
OPTyear = {2002},
OPTmonth = {October},
bibdate = {Thu Oct 10},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim},
title = {Software Agents for Business Process Modelling and Management in Micro-economic Systems},
note = {Invited Talk at the VII Ukrainian national Conference on the Problems of Economical Cybernetics (PEC'2002), Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
OPTyear = {2002},
OPTmonth = {September},
bibdate = {Wed Sep 11},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim},
title = {Dynamic Agent Coalitions for Mediating EC B2B Activities },
note = {The talk at the Division of Mathematics and Computer Science of Vrije University Amsterdam},
OPTyear = {2001},
OPTmonth = {April},
bibdate = {Wed Apr 18},
url = {}

author = {Borue, Sergey AND Ermolayev, Vadim AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {Evolving Agent Communities for Intelligent Information Processing in WEB-Based Enterprise-Wide Information Systems},
note = { Invited talk at Int. Conferrence on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP'2000), Crimea, Ukraine},
OPTyear = {2000},
OPTmonth = {June},
bibdate = {Jun 11},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {Interfaces and Human - Agent Interaction in Virtual Information Spaces},
note = {AgentLink SIG on Intelligent Information Agents meeting, London, GB},
OPTyear = {1999},
OPTmonth = {April},
bibdate = {Apr 22},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {Perspectives of Intelligent Agent R&D for Organisational Management and Teaching in Eastern Europe },
note = {AgentLink SIG on Intelligent Information Agents meeting, London, GB},
OPTyear = {1999},
OPTmonth = {April},
bibdate = {Apr 21},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, Vadim AND Tolok, Vyachyslav},
title = {Intelligent Agents in the Architecture of Unified Information Space of a Virtual University },
note = {AgentLink SIG on Intelligent Information Agents meeting, Brussels, Belgium},
OPTyear = {1998},
OPTmonth = {September},
bibdate = {Sep 22},
url = {}

author = {Bulat, A. AND Ermolayev, V. AND Gray, E. AND Keberle, N. AND Plaksin, S. AND Shapar, V. AND Vladimirov, V. AND Zholtkevich, G.},
title={The Infrastructure for Electronic Data Interchange. Reference Architecture Specification. Version 1.0},
institution={UnIT-Net project consortium},
type={Research Project Deliverable},

author = {Borue, S. U. AND Ermolayev, V. A. AND Keberle, N. G. AND Plaksin, S. L. AND Tolok, V. A.},
title={Formal and Algorythmic Framework for a Rational Information Retrieval Agency. Technical Report on Research Project (Grant No 0102Y005339 of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine)},
institution={Zaporozhye State Univ., Zaporozhye},
type={Research Project Deliverable},
address = {64 Zhukovskogo st., 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
month = {Dec},
note = {in Ukrainian},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev, V. A. AND Borue, S. U. AND Tolok, V. A. AND Keberle, N. G. AND Plaksin, S. L.},
title={Arranging Cooperative Business Activities in Dynamic Coalitions of Rational Actors},
institution={Zaporozhye State Univ., Zaporozhye},
type={Tech. Report},
address = {64 Zhukovskogo st., 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
month = {May},
note = {},
url = {}

author = {Lyakh, S. R. AND Ermolayev, V. A. AND Turchenko, F. G. AND Maslenikov, V. O. AND Goloschapov, E. N. AND Bilay, A. V. AND Korobov, O. I. AND Ogneva, I. A.},
title = {Design and Implementation of Electronic Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Kossacks},
institution = {Zaporozhye State Univ.},
year = {2002},
type = {Research Project Deliverable},
address = {64 Zhukovskogo st., 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
month = {Jan},
note = {in Ukrainian},
url = {},
keywords = {e-contnet, e-media, toolkit, e-publication encyclopedic edition, World Wide Web}

author = {Borue, S. U. AND Ermolayev, V. A. AND Keberle, N. G. AND Plaksin, S. L. AND Tolok, V. A.},
title = {Mathematical Models and Methods for the Description and for the Interaction of the Elements of a Unified Information Space},
institution = {Zaporozhye State Univ.},
year = {2001},
type = {Research Project Deliverable},
address = {64 Zhukovskogo st., 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
month = {November},
note = {in Ukrainian},
url = {},
keywords = {Formal Model, Description,Co-operation, Unified Information Space, Diakoptics, Multi-Agent Architecture}

author = {Borue, S. U. AND Ermolayev,V. A. AND Keberle, N. G AND Mikhailichenko, V. V. . AND Plaksin, S. L. AND Tolok, V. A.},
title = {Formal Principles and Methods of Interaction of the Models of the Functional Objects in the Unified University Information Space},
institution = {Zaporozhye State Univ.},
year = {2000},
type = {Research Project Deliverable},
address = {64 Zhukovskogo st., 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
month = {November},
note = {in Ukrainian},
url = {}

author = {Ermolayev,V. A. AND Tolok, V. A. AND Borue, S. U.},
title = {Decomposition, Projection Models and Design Framework for the Components of Unified University Information Space},
institution = {Zaporozhye State Univ.},
year = {1999},
type = {Research Project Deliverable},
address = {64 Zhukovskogo st., 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
month = {January},
note = {in Russian}

author = {Tolok, V. A AND Borue, S. U. AND Ermolayev,V. A.},
title = {Design of the Architecture of University Unified Information Space and the Concept of Regional Inter-University Network},
institution = {Zaporozhye State Univ.},
year = {1998},
type = {Research Project Deliverable},
address = {64 Zhukovskogo st., 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
month = {January},
note = {in Ukrainian}

author = {Tolok, V. A. AND Borue, S. U. AND Ermolayev, V. A.},
title = {Design of the Concept and Implementation of the First Phase of ZSU Integrated Network},
institution = {Zaporozhye State Univ.},
year = {1997},
type = {Research Project Deliverable},
address = {64 Zhukovskogo st., 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine},
month = {January},
note = {in Ukrainian}

author = {Ermolayev,V. A.},
title = {CT technology information Data Model},
institution = {SATW, Charmilles Technologies SA},
year = {1995},
type = {R&D Project Report},
address = {CH-1217 Meyrin Geneve Switzerland},
month = {February}

title = {CT Techno Cookee},
OPTauthor = {Ermolayev, V. A.},
OPTorganization = { Charmilles Technologies SA },
OPTaddress = { CH-1217 Meyrin Geneve Switzerland },
OPTyear = {1995},
OPTnote = {CT technologies DB Management System}

title = {CT Techno Cookee. Maintenance Manual},
OPTauthor = {Ermolayev, V. A. },
OPTorganization = {Charmilles Technologies SA},
OPTaddress = {CH-1217 Meyrin Geneva Switzerland},
OPTyear = {1996},
OPTmonth = {03},
OPTnote = {CT technologies DB Management System}