%0 Journal Article %@ 0095-8956 %A Del Pia, Alberto %A Musitelli, Antoine %A Zambelli, Giacomo %D 2018 %F eprints:84485 %I Elsevier B.V. %J Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B %P 49-91 %T On matrices with the Edmonds-Johnson property arising from bidirected graphs %U http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/84485/ %V 130 %X In this paper we study totally half-modular matrices obtained from {0,±1}-matrices with at most two nonzero entries per column by multiplying by 2 some of the columns. We give an excluded-minor characterization of the matrices in this class having strong Chv`atal rank 1. Our result is a special case of a conjecture by Gerards and Schrijver [11]. It also extends a well known theorem of Edmonds and Johnson [10]. %Z © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.