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Paper 2007/439

Multiparty Key Agreement Using Bilinear Map

Nam-Su Jho, Myung-Hwan Kim, Do Won Hong, and Byung-Gil Lee


A key agreement protocol is a cryptographical primitive which allows participants to share a common secret key via insecure channel. In particular, a multiparty key agreement protocol is a key agreement protocol that can manage arbitrary number of participants at once. In the security point of view, authentication and forward secrecy are the most important requirements in such protocols. One interesting problem in key agreement protocols is to construct a multiparty key agreement protocol satisfying the above security requirements with minimal number of communication rounds (i.e. one-round). In literature, there has been no one-round multiparty key agreement protocol that satisfies both of authentication and forward secrecy. In this paper, we present a new multiparty key agreement protocol using bilinear map and adopting the key generation center. The protocol demands only one round for arbitrary number of participants to share a group key and satisfies both authentication and (partial) forward secrecy.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Full version of the paper submitted to ETRI journal
Multiparty Key AgreementAuthenticationBilinear Map
Contact author(s)
nsjho @ etri re kr
2007-12-18: revised
2007-12-05: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Nam-Su Jho and Myung-Hwan Kim and Do Won Hong and Byung-Gil Lee},
      title = {Multiparty Key Agreement Using Bilinear Map},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2007/439},
      year = {2007},
      url = {}
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