13. Posidoniaceae
波喜荡科 bo xi dang ke
Authors: Youhao Guo, Robert R. Haynes & C. Barre Hellquist
Herbs perennial, submerged, marine, with creeping rhizome and short, erect stems. Rhizomes and stems with dense, persistent, fibrous leaf bases. Leaves basal, alternate, sheathed at base; sheaths convolute, auriculate at base, apex ligulate. Inflorescence of 1 or more aggregated spikes on elongated peduncle, subtended by reduced leaves (leaflike bracts). Flowers bisexual or uppermost with a reduced gynoecium. Perianth absent or of 3 caducous scales. Stamens 3; anthers sessile, extrorse, with a thick connective, opening by longitudinal slits. Carpel 1; ovule 1, elongated. Fruit fleshy, indehiscent. Seeds without endosperm; embryo straight.
One genus and ca. five species; one species in Mediterranean, others on shores of W Pacific Ocean; one species in China.
Guo Youhao & Li Qingyi. 1992. Posidonia. In: Sun Xiangzhong, ed., Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 8: 95-96.
Lower Taxon
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