1 |
Trees or shrubs; stems succulent, leaves often inserted on ± raised ribs or tubercles and each subtended by 1 or 2 pairs of spines, less often stems terete, longitudinally finely striate; leaves readily caducous; inflorescences small axillary cymes, usually subterminal, if terminal then in sessile cluster and plant dioecious |
(2) |
+ |
Herbs or shrubs; stems herbaceous, sometimes hollow and inflated, always terete, leaves never subtended by spines or prickles; inflorescence terminal, often pseudumbellate, rarely reduced to solitary cyathium, or inflorescences lateral |
(6) |
2 (1) |
Trees; stems and branches green, terete, without angles or tubercles, longitudinally finely striate; cyathia in terminal clusters, unisexual (plants dioecious) (4. E. subg. Tirucalli). |
27 E. tirucalli |
+ |
Shrubs or shrublike plants; stems and branches green or brown-green, succulent with spines on wings or angles; cyathia axillary, usually subterminal, usually bisexual |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Irregularly branched shrubs; inflorescence long pedunculate; involucral leaves conspicuous, usually red, sometimes yellow; spines not differentiated from grayish brown stem (5. E. subg. Lacanthis). |
28 E. milii |
+ |
Shrubs or small trees with ± erect or ascending branches; inflorescence subsessile to shortly pedunculate; involucral leaves very inconspicuous, same color as inflorescence; spines inserted on gray to brown "spine shields" sharply differentiated from green stem (6. E. subg. Euphorbia) |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Stems ± terete, leaves inserted on spirally arranged tubercles, spine shield widely separated. |
29 E. neriifolia |
+ |
Stems winged or ribbed, leaves arranged along ribs, spines shields often ± contiguous |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Stem 3(or 4)-winged, wings thin and irregularly dentate, 1-2 cm wide. |
30 E. antiquorum |
+ |
Stem 5-7-angular, angles impressed and flat, irregularly repand-dentate. |
31 E. royleana |
6 (1) |
Cyathial glands with petal-like appendage |
(7) |
+ |
Cyathial glands without petaloid appendage, sometimes with a pair of horns |
(27) |
7 (6) |
Leaf blade symmetric at base, upper leaves opposite or verticillate, lowermost leaves sometimes alternate, stipules absent; inflorescence a terminal pseudumbel (2. E. subg. Agaloma) |
(8) |
+ |
Leaf blade oblique at base, always opposite, distichous, stipules present; inflorescence a lateral cyme or solitary cyathium, sometimes associated leaves reduced and inflorescence apparently terminal (1. E. subg. Chamaesyce) |
(9) |
8 (7) |
Herbs, annual; lower leaves alternate, sessile, green, with white margin; cyathial gland appendages white, entire. |
20 E. marginata |
+ |
Shrubs or small trees, whole plant reddish; leaves always verticillate, conspicuously petiolate, uniformly reddish; cyathial gland appendages yellow-white, 4- or 5-toothed. |
21 E. cotinifolia subsp. cotinoides |
9 (7) |
Subshrubs, woody at base; leaf blade leathery or thinly leathery |
(10) |
+ |
Herbs; leaf blade membranous or chartaceous |
(12) |
10 (9) |
Leaf blade margin serrulate at least at apex; cyathia axillary, solitary; cyathial gland appendages conspicuous, wider than glands. |
3 E. garanbiensis |
+ |
Leaf blade margin entire; cyathia terminal and subterminal, in cymes; cyathial gland conspicuous or not |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Leaves ± patent from stem and not obviously overlapping; leaf blade elliptic to ovate-oblong, apex obtuse or rounded; appendages narrowly elliptic, inconspicuous. |
1 E. atoto |
+ |
Leaves ± adpressed to stem, conspicuously overlapping; leaf blade ovate, apex acute; appendages obovate to reniform, conspicuous. |
2 E. sparrmannii |
12 (9) |
Stem ascending to suberect; cyathia in pedunculate cymes |
(13) |
+ |
Stem prostrate; cyathia solitary |
(17) |
13 (12) |
Capsule pubescent |
(14) |
+ |
Capsule glabrous |
(15) |
14 (13) |
Stem with a mixture of long, yellow to brown, multicellular hairs and minute white hairs; gland appendages narrowly obtriangular. |
7 E. hirta |
+ |
Stem uniformly white puberulent; gland appendages transversely elliptic. |
8 E. indica |
15 (13) |
Leaf blade distinctly serrulate, petiole 1.5-2.5 mm. |
6 E. bifida |
+ |
Leaf blade entire or inconspicuously repand, petiole usually ± absent |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Stipules 0.7-0.9 mm; capsule 2-2.5 mm. |
4 E. hyssopifolia |
+ |
Stipules 1.3-1.5 mm; capsule 1-1.5 mm. |
5 E. hypericifolia |
17 (12) |
Capsule glabrous |
(18) |
+ |
Capsule pubescent |
(22) |
18 (17) |
Leaf blade 3-5 × 2-4 mm |
(19) |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, 5-10 × 4-6 mm |
(20) |
19 (18) |
Internodes of uppermost shoots shorter than leaves; leaf base obviously oblique; cyathial gland appendage entire. |
9 E. heyneana |
+ |
Internodes of uppermost shoots often longer than leaves; leaf base ± symmetrical; cyathial gland appendage dentate. |
12 E. makinoi |
20 (18) |
Leaf blade margin completely entire; cyathial gland appendage conspicuous, reniform, entire. |
11 E. serpens |
+ |
Leaf blade margin serrulate at least at apex; cyathial gland appendage inconspicuous, elliptic, narrower than glands and/or ± repand to dentate |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Annual herbs; stipules usually lacerate into linear segments. |
14 E. humifusa |
+ |
Perennial herbs; stipules entire, triangular. |
10 E. taihsiensis |
22 (17) |
Gland appendage expanded, ca. 2-4 × as wide as gland; stem and internodes conspicuous. |
13 E. granulata |
+ |
Gland appendage not expanded, not wider than gland proper; stem and internodes inconspicuous |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Stem densely pubescent along upper side; ovary and capsule puberulent mainly along angles. |
15 E. prostrata |
+ |
Stem sericeous to sparsely pilose or hispid; ovary and capsule uniformly pubescent or sparsely pilose |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Stem uniformly densely softly hispid; leaf blade adaxially softly pilose. |
19 E. hispida |
+ |
Stem glabrous to sparsely pilose or densely tomentulose; leaf blade adaxially pubescent or glabrous |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Capsule ca. 1 mm, partly enclosed by cyathium at maturity; leaf blade uniformly green to reddish, obovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 3-8 × 2-5 mm. |
16 E. thymifolia |
+ |
Capsule ca. 2 mm, completely exserted from cyathium at maturity; leaf blade with 1 or more purple blotches or spots |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Stem densely tomentulose; leaf blade usually with an elongate purple spot centrally adaxially. |
17 E. maculata |
+ |
Stem glabrous to sparsely pilose; leaf blade with several small purple spots adaxially. |
18 E. hsinchuensis |
27 (6) |
Stipules present; involucre with 1(-3) glands (3. E. subg. Poinsettia) |
(28) |
+ |
Stipules absent; involucre with 4 or 5 glands (7. E. subg. Esula) |
(32) |
28 (27) |
Upper leaves uniformly green |
(29) |
+ |
Upper leaves partly or wholly red, yellow, or white |
(30) |
29 (28) |
Glands usually 3; leaves with petiole, 2-4 cm. |
25 E. hainanensis |
+ |
Glands usually 1, rarely 2 or 3; leaves sessile or subsessile. |
26 E. dentata |
30 (28) |
Upper leaves uniformly bright scarlet (or yellow or white in some cultivars). |
22 E. pulcherrima |
+ |
Upper leaves green with a pale or red blotch at base |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Involucral leaves usually red at base; glands 2-lipped, opening narrowly oblong. |
23 E. cyathophora |
+ |
Involucral leaves pale at base, sometimes green; glands funnel-like, opening rounded. |
24 E. heterophylla |
32 (27) |
Leaves opposite, decussate; capsule walls spongy, dehiscence sometimes very delayed. |
32 E. lathyris |
+ |
Leaves usually alternate, rarely opposite, never decussate; capsule walls thin, not spongy, always readily dehiscent |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Glands horned or truncated, fimbriate or emarginate |
(34) |
+ |
Glands suborbicular or ovate, without any appendage |
(47) |
34 (33) |
Glands funnelform |
(35) |
+ |
Glands flat, never funnelform |
(36) |
35 (34) |
Leaf blade obovate, 6-8 × 2-3.5 cm; glandular vein conspicuous. |
64 E. yanjinensis |
+ |
Leaf blade long linear, 9-12 cm × 4-8 mm; glandular vein inconspicuous. |
65 E. tongchuanensis |
36 (34) |
Annual herbs; leaves opposite |
(37) |
+ |
Perennial herbs; leaves alternate |
(41) |
37 (36) |
Leaf blade ovate or obovate, more than 7-8 mm wide; plant 10-30 cm tall |
(38) |
+ |
Leaf blade linear, less than 6 mm wide; plant 10-40 cm tall |
(39) |
38 (37) |
Plant 10-30 cm tall; leaf blade obovate, apex dentate; seeds with small pores. |
66 E. peplus |
+ |
Plant 10-15 cm tall; leaf blade long ovate to ovate-elliptic; seeds with striae. |
67 E. turczaninowii |
39 (37) |
Plant 35-40 cm tall; seeds gray-white, striate. |
68 E. sororia |
+ |
Plant less than 20 cm tall; seeds not striate |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Plant 10-17(-30) cm tall; leaf blade 3-5 mm wide; seeds ovoid-rounded, whitish. |
69 E. franchetii |
+ |
Plant 10-20 cm tall; leaf blade 1-2 mm wide; seeds angular-terete, gray. |
70 E. inderiensis |
41 (36) |
Gland margin serrulate. |
71 E. lioui |
+ |
Gland margin not serrulate |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Leaf blade linear, lanceolate, or oblanceolate, 1-4 × 0.2-0.5 cm |
(43) |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate, obovate, or oblong-ovate, 2-7 × 0.4-3 cm |
(44) |
43 (42) |
Involucral leaves 2, similar to normal leaves; involucre campanulate. |
72 E. dracunculoides |
+ |
Involucral leaves 4-6, oblong; involucre broadly campanulate. |
73 E. prolifera |
44 (42) |
Leaf blade 2-3 cm wide; involucral leaves and rays 6-10; plants 60-90 cm tall. |
74 E. latifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade less than 10-15 mm wide; involucral leaves and rays 3-6; plants 20-70 cm tall |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Rhizome thin and long, with adventitious shoots. |
75 E. sieboldiana |
+ |
Root without rhizome, without adventitious shoots |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Root with tuber at end. |
76 E. kansui |
+ |
Root without tuber at end. |
77 E. esula |
47 (33) |
Glands 4, insertion peltate; capsule reticulate; leaf blade margin prominently serrate. |
33 E. helioscopia |
+ |
Glands 4 or 5, insertion marginal; capsule smooth or verrucose; leaf blade margin entire or serrulate |
(48) |
48 (47) |
Capsule verrucose; glands 4 |
(49) |
+ |
Capsule smooth; glands 4 or 5 |
(60) |
49 (48) |
Leaf blade margin serrulate |
(50) |
+ |
Leaf blade entire |
(53) |
50 (49) |
Stem multibranched apically, each divided again; plants pilose, especially toward apex. |
55 E. pilosa |
+ |
Stem multibranched basally, branches undivided; plants glabrous or very sparely pilose |
(51) |
51 (50) |
Plants pale red or purplish; cyathia brown. |
52 E. pachyrrhiza |
+ |
Plants green; cyathia yellow-green |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Leaf blade oblong, 2-3 cm × 3-6 mm; glandular lobes triangular-rounded. |
53 E. buchtormensis |
+ |
Leaf blade long ovate-elliptic, 2-3 cm × 8-10 mm; glandular lobes spine-form. |
54 E. alatavica |
53 (49) |
Root fibrous, less than 5 mm in diam |
(54) |
+ |
Root woody, more than 6 mm in diam |
(56) |
54 (53) |
Herbs annual; capsule trigonous, furrowed, conspicuous. |
56 E. heishuiensis |
+ |
Herbs perennial; capsule without furrows |
(55) |
55 (54) |
Leaf blade long elliptic to oblong, 1-2.5 cm × 3-6 mm; ovary and capsule densely verrucose. |
57 E. altaica |
+ |
Leaf blade elliptic, 1-2 × 0.8-1.2 cm; ovary and capsule sparsely minutely tuberculate. |
58 E. alpina |
56 (53) |
Ovary and capsule sparsely or obscurely verrucose at least when young |
(57) |
+ |
Ovary and capsule densely verrucose/tuberculate |
(58) |
57 (56) |
Stem 3 or 4 branches at base, each branch undivided; plants 20-50 cm tall; leaf blade 1-3 cm. |
59 E. micractina |
+ |
Stem branches both from base and top, and each branch divided again; plants 50-80 cm tall; leaf blade 3-5 cm. |
60 E. lucorum |
58 (56) |
Tubercles on capsule laterally compressed; root 2-5 cm in diam.. |
61 E. macrorrhiza |
+ |
Tubercles on capsule rounded; root less than 2 cm in diam |
(59) |
59 (58) |
Seeds brown, adaxially lightly striate; style free. |
62 E. pekinensis |
+ |
Seeds yellow-brown, adaxially without striae; styles connate at base. |
63 E. jolkinii |
60 (48) |
Glands 5; rootstock not rhizomatous |
(61) |
+ |
Glands 4; rootstock rhizomatous |
(64) |
61 (60) |
Leaf blade oblong, or suboblong, apex truncate, repand |
(62) |
+ |
Leaf blade oblong or lanceolate, apex serrulate |
(63) |
62 (61) |
Annual herbs; leaf blade 1-2 × 0.3-1 cm; seeds compressed-ovoid, (3-)4-5 × ca. 3 mm, greenish brown, spotted. |
34 E. turkestanica |
+ |
Perennial herbs; leaf blade 1.8-3 × 1-1.5 cm, mostly much smaller; seeds ovoid-globose, 2.5-3 × 1.8-2.3 mm, pale fawn with brown marbling. |
35 E. altotibetica |
63 (61) |
Plants less than 30 cm tall, leaves usually apically clustered; leaf blade oblong. |
36 E. tibetica |
+ |
Plants 50-90 cm tall, leaves usually distributed along stem; leaf blade lanceolate. |
37 E. soongarica |
64 (60) |
Herbs 5-7(-15) cm tall; leaf blade succulent, without midrib. |
38 E. humilis |
+ |
Herbs more than 20 cm tall; leaf blade papery, with midrib clearly defined |
(65) |
65 (64) |
Involucral leaves intensely colored, yellow to red, or purplish |
(66) |
+ |
Involucral leaves usually green, without conspicuous pigment |
(68) |
66 (65) |
Stems usually in clusters; involucral leaves yellow, caruncle yellow. |
39 E. sikkimensis |
+ |
Stems usually solitary; involucral leaves red, reddish yellow, or purple |
(67) |
67 (66) |
Involucral glands orbicular; styles free; cyathophylls bright red or reddish yellow; plants often extensively rhizomatous, less often from shallow tuber. |
40 E. griffithii |
+ |
Involucral glands oblong; style connate or less lobed; cyathophylls often suffused with very dark purple; plants from deeply buried tuber. |
41 E. stracheyi |
68 (65) |
Root linear, less than 5 mm thick |
(69) |
+ |
Root cylindric, more than 1 cm in diam |
(71) |
69 (68) |
Stems few, branching mainly toward apex; involucral leaves and rays 3-5; plants 50-90 cm tall. |
51 E. hylonoma |
+ |
Stems many, branching at or very near ground level; involucral leaves 2, rays 2 or absent; plants less than 25 cm tall |
(70) |
70 (69) |
Cyathia solitary, terminal. |
49 E. monocyathium |
+ |
Cyathia several, in 2-rayed dichasial cymes. |
50 E. kozlovii |
71 (68) |
Involucre pedunculate, short; ovary exserted from cyathium, up to 4-5 mm. |
42 E. donii |
+ |
Involucre without peduncle; ovary never beyond cup |
(72) |
72 (71) |
Leaf blade cordate at base, or auriculate expanded, margin ciliate. |
43 E. blepharophylla |
+ |
Leaf blade attenuate or rounded at base, margin not ciliate |
(73) |
73 (72) |
Plant suffused purplish or light reddish |
(74) |
+ |
Plant green; rootstock rhizomatous |
(75) |
74 (73) |
Root usually ± swollen, radishlike. |
44 E. rapulum |
+ |
Rootstock terete, 30-50 cm. |
45 E. thomsoniana |
75 (73) |
Capsule 9-11 mm in diam.; seeds angulate-terete, 5-6 × 4-5 mm. |
46 E. wallichii |
+ |
Capsule less than 7 mm in diam.; seeds less than 4 mm |
(76) |
76 (75) |
Glands glabrous inside; ovary and capsule glabrous. |
47 E. kansuensis |
+ |
Glands white pilose inside; ovary densely white pilose; capsule white pilose. |
48 E. fischeriana |