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Recurly & Stock Options  19 August 2020

I’m a week late with it, but I did want to comment on the news that Recurly was purchased by Accel-KKR, a private equity group, earlier this month. The gossip I’d heard was that with Recurly doing so well in the Corona environment, the investors felt it was a good time to sell and free up some money for their other investments.

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Links!  08 August 2020

The Giving Tree- Alternate Ending:

“Look, I was fine with giving you the apples
to help you get on your feet.
they’ll grow back next season anyway.
But no, I’m not giving you a house.
You know, I’ve seen boys like you
pull this nonsense
with other trees in the forest.”

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One line command to generate a pass phrase  06 August 2020

I wanted to select some random words to use in a pass phrase and came up with the following one liner:

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Links: The Disaster Continues  03 August 2020

I guess as a disclaimer for this first story I’ll mention I took a position at Amazon. We’ll see how much it reduces the number of links to Matt Stoller and Scott Galloway.

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A big, late batch of links  27 July 2020

I’m getting ths up a few days later than I’d intended so it’s bigger than usual. Hope you enjoy!

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A week of links  17 July 2020

After 7 years, it was sad to leave Recurly last week. One of the things I’ll miss the most was sharing links with the folks who hung out in the #andrew-morton-barde Slack channel. I’ve decided to start doing the weekly blog posts again so I have a new outlet for the links I would have shared there.

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Switching to fish  11 February 2020

I’ve used tcsh as my terminal shell since I’d started using FreeBSD back in 2001. I tried switching to bash a few times but found it pretty irritating.

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Run code on specific Jenkins hosts  20 June 2017

I needed to update some code in a GitHub repo that’s checked out as part of a Jenkins pipeline. I could have just run the job over and over until it had run on all the hosts, but with 15 hosts, that sounded like a pain in the ass.

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The Wisdom of Richard Hamming  07 June 2017

Yesterday Jason Kottke posted a link to a transcript of a talk that Richard Hamming gave at Bellcore in 1986. The talk, titled You and Your Research, is an hour long summary of his philosophy on how to do Nobel-Prize level research. I’d recommend reading the entire thing but I wanted to pull out some longer passages that really resonated with me.

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Started a Podcast  20 April 2017

Plug In Colorado Logo

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Validate Swagger Docs in Jenkins  23 March 2017

Here’s a quick hack I worked out to validate Swagger documentation as part of a Jenkins pull request check. It uses curl to send the JSON off to the Swagger Validator Badge. If there are any validation errors it will display them and then fail the build.

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Three Years At Recurly  07 January 2016

Today marks my third anniversary working at Recurly. It’s been a pretty crazy journey so far. When I started there were only 15 people in the San Francisco office, now there are that many just in the Boulder office and over 100 people world wide.

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Hiring advice for dev bootcamp students  13 August 2015

Back in early April Recurly announced that we were opening a new office in Boulder. Since then we’ve hired nine people, five of whom are developers. I’ve gotten hands on experience with many aspects of recruiting: from passing out business cards at meetups, to phone screens, and technical interviews.

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Quick XPath Testing  09 July 2015

Yesterday I needed a way to test out some XPath queries against some random XML. When I found out that the major browsers supported it, decided to hack together a simple tool for trying XPath queries it in JavaScript:

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It's my birthday, but I got you some links  27 October 2014

The best part of the day was hearing my wife tell Ryland to “go give this to daddy”, then seeing him wandering around the house carrying a birthday card for me.

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Short order of links  19 October 2014

I haven’t been reading as much stuff over the last week since there’s been a lot going on with the new house. But here’s an unsorted smattering of things I found interesting.

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Double batch of links  11 October 2014

Playing catch up since I didn’t post anything last week. Life has been pretty crazy over the last two weeks. We closed onm and moved into our new house. Now we’re planning on remodeling the kitchen.

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This week  28 September 2014

The other great way to figure out where to eat in a new city is to provoke nerd fury online. Go to a number of foodie websites with discussion boards. Let’s say you’re going to Kuala Lumpur — just post on the Malaysia board that you recently returned and had the best rendang in the universe, and give the name of a place, and all these annoying foodies will bombard you with angry replies about how the place is bullshit, and give you a better place to go.

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Weekly links  21 September 2014

Deana Discovers Music is a musical journey that I have started. Inspired by the birth of my son, I have had the pleasure of watching him experience the sights and sounds of this world for the first time. Like many new parents, I’ve enjoyed exposing him to albums I’ve adored throughout the years. My goal is to open my mind and listen to one new song a day and write a corresponding review. A year from now, I hope to have 365 reviews for 365 songs.

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A timely roundup of links  15 September 2014

I just wandered in from the modeling agency next door and decided to feed your child fresh fruit. We are all wearing clean clothes.

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