Population-split genetic algorithm for retrieval of ultrafast laser parameters
Index Terms
- Population-split genetic algorithm for retrieval of ultrafast laser parameters
A dual-population genetic algorithm for adaptive diversity control
A variety of previous works exist on maintaining population diversity of genetic algorithms (GAs). Dual-population GA (DPGA) is a type of multipopulation GA (MPGA) that uses an additional population as a reservoir of diversity. The main population is ...
Dual-population genetic algorithm for nonstationary optimization
GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computationIn order to solve nonstationary optimization problems efficiently, evolutionary algorithms need sufficient diversity to adapt to environmental changes. The dual-population genetic algorithm (DPGA) is a novel evolutionary algorithm that uses an extra ...
Structured population genetic algorithms: a literature survey
The Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been one of the most studied topics in evolutionary algorithm literature. Mimicking natural processes of inheritance, mutation, natural selection and genetic operators, GAs have been successful in solving various ...
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