The aim of this conference was to influence the spawning of new areas of Big Data Technologies, to provide a great platform for researchers, academicians and industry persons of these fields to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global cooperation. It covered a broad range of topics in the field, such as Data Visualization and Visual Analytics, Big Data Algorithms, Applications and Services, Big Data Mining and Analytics, Big Data Processing and Querying, Natural Language Processing in Big Texts, Scalable computational intelligence tools, Evolutionary and Bio-inspired approaches for Big Data analysis, etc.
Proceeding Downloads
Two-phase ranking method in relational database
With the extensive application of keyword query in relational database, the ranking algorithm has become an important research topic. Most existing ranking methods have adopted IR-style ranking models without considering the effects of semantic ...
Achieving effective and efficient attributed graph data management using lucene
How to manage graph data which have complex graph structure reasonably and efficiently is a big challenge. Graph database becomes a new choice due to its natural graph processing ability. Nevertheless, it is still in the development stage with some ...
Linked data: based urban traffic data association model and service system
With the development of the city, the data amount is more and more large, the data source is more and more complex, the dimension of the data is getting bigger and bigger, how to find the potential value of these data and how to describe the multi-...
2-MR: a two-phase mapreduce approach for incremental replication
Database information evolves over time as new entries are added and existing entries are modified or deleted. To deliver database changes to downstream applications efficiently, log-based data replication is widely used for data replication. Systems for ...
Towards a natural language-based interface for querying hospital data
There is a growing necessity in various domains for non-programmers to be able to retrieve information gathered about the operation of the organization and stored in its databases. This information could hugely benefit the decision making process of the ...
Vertical structure analysis of ocean temperature and salinity using depth series EOF method with argo data
How to analyze, interpret and make use of marine big data has become a serious challenge to the geophysical community. A statistical technique vertical EOF (VEOF) is introduced to extract vertical pattern of the ocean. To explore the ocean environment ...
Parallel complex event detection based on regular tree pattern matching
Complex event processing is a technology that obtains valuable complex events from the low value of single events, and is widely used in the network system of big data era. In order to solve the need of "rich the description language of complex event" ...
Traffic detection algorithm based on outlier mining
The first problem of traffic incident management is the detection and confirmation of traffic accidents. The detection method based on coil and video data is limited to practical application due to its high cost and insignificant detection effect. This ...
A MIML-LSTM neural network for integrated fine-grained event forecasting
Societal event forecasting plays a significant role in crisis warning and emergency management. Most traditional prediction methods focus on predicting whether specific events would happen or not. However, the results of these methods are not always ...
Deep social collaborative filtering by trust
The primary purpose of recommender system is providing valuable and pertinent information actively according to users' preference. Collaborative filtering (CF) is a successful approach among different recommendation techniques. However, CF-based methods ...
Multi-interactive deep matrix factorization model based on auxiliary information
In the traditional recommendation systems, the approach of matrix factorization collaborative filtering only just considers the single information of rating, it as a shallow model, can hardly learn deeper feature information. This paper propose a multi-...
Research on hotspots and trends of zhihu topics based on co-word analysis and social network: a case study of "educational technology"
This research started with the topic of educational technology of Zhihu. In order to explore other hot topics associated with it and the hotspots and trends in the parent topics of the annual questions, this research used the method of co-word analysis, ...
Extractive-abstractive summarization with pointer and coverage mechanism
Neural sequence-to-sequence models have provided a viable new approach for abstractive text summarization. However, they are facing the challenges of low efficiency and accuracy when dealing with long text: their capability are not enough to handle very ...
Variational graph auto-encoder using triplets of nodes for preserving proximity
In this paper, we present a scalable approach for unsupervised learning on graph-structured data that is based on variational auto-encoder. Most previous unsupervised methods for graph representation only consider the reconstruction errors. To train our ...
A parallel-res GRU architecture and its application to road network traffic flow forecasting
Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) is an effective architecture on time series analysis. But deeper GRU models are more difficult to train and degrade rapidly. In this paper, we proposed a Parallel-Res GRU architecture for road network traffic flow ...
An adaptive communication framework for medical wireless body area networks
Medical wireless body area networks (WBANs) will play a crucial role in future smart healthcare systems. Appropriate adaptive communication techniques are needed to support the development and deployment of medical WBANs. In this paper, an adaptive ...
Vector projection on lyrics and user comments for a lightweight emotion-aware chinese music recommendation system
With the development of modern internet, information explodes exponentially, which makes people hard to find out what information they really want in a huge data set. In many famous music platforms in China, such as QQ Music, Wangyi Cloud Music, Xiami ...
LanguageTool proofreading rules evolution and update
This paper crawls through the historical version of Baidu's Encyclopedia, which evolves from Chinese processing rules for LanguageTool semantic proofreading tools. By using the HTML parser Jsoup to crawl the entries, then using the Java page analysis ...
Quality earned value analysis based on IFPUG method in software project
Earned value method is an important tool to evaluate and control the schedule and cost of the project. It is widely used in engineering construction projects, but rarely used in software projects. Due to the characteristics of the software project, the ...
Formulating a marketing strategy of SME through a combination of 9Ps of marketing mix and Porter's five forces: a case study
- M. Mujiya Ulkhaq,
- Wismar R. Wijayanti,
- Wini R. Dewi,
- Adhie Prayogo,
- Finiesa S. Aulia,
- Annisa A. Utami,
- Anita Mustikasari
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are considered to play important roles in the economic development. This research tried to formulate the marketing strategies for the SMEs when they have to face the global economic challenge and to be more ...
Examining wechat social commerce continuance intention and use incorporating personality traits
This paper is purported (1) to study the continuance intention toward and use of social commerce on WeChat; (2) to discover if the continuance intention toward and use of social commerce on WeChat are determined by perceived playfulness, perceived ...
Analysis on operation mode of cross-border E-commerce platforms
The e-commerce has undergone rapid development in China. Various e-commerce platforms, including information, trading and integrated service platform, facilitate cross-border B2B trade. The operation mode of three platforms is illustrated and operation ...
Institutional investors and information disclosure: empirical evidence from china
This paper discusses the effect of institutional investors on information disclosure based on principal-agent theory and scale effect. 1253 samples from China Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2015 were collected in this paper, and multiple ...
Voluntary disclosure and cost of equity capital: the impact of marketization
Based on the differences of the degree of the government intervention in the enterprise in China's emerging market, we studied the impact of marketization process on the relationship between voluntary disclosure and cost of equity capital. We found that ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Big Data Technologies