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10.1145/3007120.3011075acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmommConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Improving Energy Efficiency of Mobile Execution Exploiting Similarity of Application Control Flow

Published: 28 November 2016 Publication History


In this work, we propose an energy efficient scheme for application ordering and execution on modern smartphone processors. We propose to improve the branch prediction piece present inside pipelined processors, by suitable clustering and scheduling of applications that exhibit similar control flow. We expect that these applications can benefit by sharing predictor table data structures, that can do away with table initializations and predictions every time an application context switch is encountered. Preliminary experiments show promising results, and we believe this proposal will open up several interesting avenues of research.


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  1. Improving Energy Efficiency of Mobile Execution Exploiting Similarity of Application Control Flow



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        Published In

        cover image ACM Other conferences
        MoMM '16: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multi Media
        November 2016
        363 pages
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        • @WAS: International Organization of Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services


        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 28 November 2016


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        Author Tags

        1. Scheduler
        2. branch prediction
        3. multi-tasking


        • Short-paper
        • Research
        • Refereed limited


        MoMM '16


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