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View all- Aupy GGainaru AFèvre V(2019)I/O Scheduling Strategy for Periodic ApplicationsACM Transactions on Parallel Computing10.1145/33385106:2(1-26)Online publication date: 23-Jul-2019
- Lockwood GSnyder SWang TByna SCarns PWright N(2018)A year in the life of a parallel file systemProceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis10.5555/3291656.3291755(1-13)Online publication date: 11-Nov-2018
- Malakar PMunson TKnight CVishwanath VPapka M(2018)Topology-aware space-shared co-analysis of large-scale molecular dynamics simulationsProceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis10.5555/3291656.3291688(1-15)Online publication date: 11-Nov-2018
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