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A runtime environment for online processing of operating system kernel events
Different approaches were proposed for the logging of operating system kernel events. In general, the resulting logfiles are huge and have to be analyzed by administrators, who try to identify problems and derive adequate actions. The idea of autonomic ...
Using AOP for detailed runtime monitoring instrumentation
Although AOP has long been used for monitoring purposes, the level of detail that virtually all AOP frameworks support is not enough to support broad classes of monitoring applications. Often the method or function call is the basic unit of code weaving,...
<u>T</u>i<u>d</u>d<u>l</u>e: a <u>t</u>race <u>d</u>escription <u>l</u>anguage for generating concurrent benchmarks to test dynamic analyses
Dynamic analysis is a promising technique for finding concurrency bugs in multithreaded programs. However, testing a dynamic analysis tool can be difficult. Researchers end up writing large amounts of small benchmark programs. Since the benchmarks ...
(Quickly) testing the tester via path coverage
The configuration complexity and code size of an automated testing framework may grow to a point that the tester itself becomes a significant software artifact, prone to poor configuration and implementation errors. Unfortunately, testing the tester by ...
Test case filtering and prioritization based on coverage of combinations of program elements
Test case filtering is concerned with selecting from a test suite T a subset T' that is capable of revealing most of the defects revealed by T. A smaller T' is desirable since it translates to fewer test runs to be audited manually. Test case ...
Cooperative crug isolation
With the widespread deployment of multi-core hardware, writing concurrent programs has become inescapable. This has made fixing concurrency bugs (or crugs) critical in modern software systems. Static analysis techniques to find crugs such as data races ...
Limits of parallelism using dynamic dependency graphs
The advance of multi-core processors has led to renewed interest in extracting parallelism from programs. It is sometimes useful to know how much parallelism is exploitable in the limit for general programs, to put into perspective the speedups of ...