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10.5555/1150240.1150317dlproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescsclConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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Collaborative learning through computer-mediated argumentation

Published: 12 December 1999 Publication History


This article reports on three studies that involved undergraduate students collaboratively working on authentic discussion tasks in synchronous and asynchronous Computer Mediated Communication systems (Netmeeting, Belvédère, Allaire Forums). The purposes of the assignments were respectively to develop insight and understanding in a theoretical framework, to co-construct meaningful didactics for a computer based training program and to develop insight and understanding in educational theories in relation to technology. To examine whether the use of the CMC systems could meet these ends, students' dialogues are characterised in terms of their constructive and argumentative contributions and by their focus on the meaning and application of concepts. In addition, we compare different forms of support, from peer coaching synchronous discussions, offering graphical support at the interface to reflective moderation in asynchronous discussions. Although we compare different systems and assignments, the interplay between focused argumentation and constructive contributions allows us to analyse and compare interaction and learning in different CMC systems, with and without forms of pedagogical support.


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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image DL Hosted proceedings
      CSCL '99: Proceedings of the 1999 conference on Computer support for collaborative learning
      December 1999
      962 pages




      International Society of the Learning Sciences

      Publication History

      Published: 12 December 1999

      Author Tags

      1. argumentation
      2. computer-mediated communication
      3. discussion forums


      • Article

      Acceptance Rates

      CSCL '99 Paper Acceptance Rate 82 of 82 submissions, 100%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 182 of 334 submissions, 54%


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      Cited By

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      • (2011)Using social web tools for knowledge constructionInternational Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning10.1504/IJTEL.2011.0393993:2(151-161)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011
      • (2009)The effects of task characteristics on online discussionProceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 110.5555/1600053.1600137(586-595)Online publication date: 8-Jun-2009
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