Software-friendly HW/SW co-simulation: an industrial case study
Domain-Specific Language for HW/SW Co-design for FPGAs
DSL '09: Proceedings of the IFIP TC 2 Working Conference on Domain-Specific LanguagesThis article describes FSMLanguage, a domain-specific language for HW/SW co-design targeting platform FPGAs. Modern platform FPGAs provide a wealth of configurable logic in addition to embedded processors, distributed RAM blocks, and DSP slices in order ...
ISS-centric modular HW/SW co-simulation
GLSVLSI '06: Proceedings of the 16th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSIModular design is an important requirement in modern embedded system design flows because of the widespread acceptance of new paradigms such as IP core reuse and platform-based design. Co-simulation frameworks must thus support modular design, since ...
HW/SW codesign techniques for dynamically reconfigurable architectures
Hardward/software (HW/SW) codesign and reconfigurable computing are commonly used methodologies for digital-systems design. However, no previous work has been carried out in order to define a HW/SW codesign methodology with dynamic scheduling for run-...
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- EDAA: European Design Automation Association
- The EDA Consortium
- IEEE-CS\DATC: The IEEE Computer Society
European Design and Automation Association
Leuven, Belgium
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