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Regular Series

Vol. 46 (2015), No. 7, pp. 1255 – 1447

Cracow Epiphany Conference on the Future High Energy Colliders

Kraków, Poland; January 8–10, 2015

Emulation and Calibration of the SALT Read-out Chip for the Upstream Tracker for Modernised LHCb Detector


The LHCb is one of the four major experiments currently operating at CERN. The main reason for constructing the LHCb forward spectrometer was a precise measurement of the CP violation in heavy quarks section as well as search for a New Physics. To obtain interesting results, the LHCb is mainly focused on study of \(B\) meson decays. Unfortunately, due to the present data acquisition architecture, the LHCb experiment is statistically limited for collecting such events. This fact led the LHCb Collaboration to decide to perform far-reaching upgrade. Key part of this upgrade will be replacement of the TT detector. To perform this action, it was requited to design new tracking detector with entirely new front-end electronics. This detector will be called the Upstream Tracker (UT) and the read-out chip — SALT. This note presents an overall discussion on SALT chip. In particular, the emulation process of the SALT data preformed via the software written by the author.

The ALFA Trigger Simulator


The paper presents basic information about ALFA detectors used in the ATLAS experiment, and the structure of currently developed device used to test a new ALFA trigger interface. It discusses the block diagram of the device, principle of its operation, implementation details and future plans for developing the Simulator.

Towards Three-loop QCD Corrections to the Time-like Splitting Functions


We report on the status of a direct computation of the time-like splitting functions at next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD. Time-like splitting functions govern the collinear kinematics of inclusive hadron production and the evolution of the parton fragmentation distributions. Current knowledge about them at three loops has been inferred by means of crossing symmetry from their related space-like counterparts, which has left certain parts of the off-diagonal quark–gluon splitting function undetermined. This motivates an independent calculation from first principles. We review the tools and methods which are applied to attack the problem.

The Belle II Experiment


While \(B\) factories were built to check whether the Standard Model with the CKM matrix offers a correct description of CP violation, the next generation of \(B\) factories, super \(B\) factories, will look for departures from the Standard Model. For such a study, a 50 times larger data sample is needed, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 50 ab\(^{-1} \). To achieve the necessary increase of event rates by a factor of 40, a substantial upgrade is required both of the accelerator complex as well as of the detector. The motivation for a future super \(B\) factory at KEK and its expected physics reach will be discussed.

FCAL R&D on Forward Calorimeters


The FCAL Collaboration performs MC studies and develops detectors for the forward region of a future linear \(e^+e^-\) collider. The forward region sets challenging requirements on several detector parameters, such as detector compactness, radiation hardness or readout ASICs parameters. We present R&D activities focused on the development of prototype detectors able to cope with these requirements.

Remarks on Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics


We show that the set-theoretic forcing is the essential part of the continuous measurement of a suitably rich Boolean algebra of quantum observables. The Boolean algebra structure of quantum observables enables us to give a classical and geometric meaning to the results of measurements of the observables. The measurement takes place in the semiclassical state of the system which is the generic filter added by a forcing to the ZFC model based on the Borel measure algebra. The analogue of the semiclassical state (the pseudoclassical state) was described by Wesep in 2006 in his studies of the local hidden variables program in quantum mechanics.

Measurement of the Total Proton–Proton Cross Section at \(\sqrt {s} = 7\) TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC


The ATLAS measurement of the total proton–proton cross section at \(\sqrt {s} = 7\) TeV is presented. The data used for the analysis were collected with the ALFA sub-detector of the ATLAS experiment. The measurement method is based on the optical theorem. The obtained cross section is \(\sigma _{\rm tot} = 95.35 \pm 1.36\) mb. The measurement is compared to other published results on the total proton–proton cross section.

The Study of the Photon Structure Functions in the ILC Energy Range


At the future \(e^{+}e^{-}\) linear collider ILC/CLIC, it will be possible to perform the measurement of the photon structure functions in a wider range of kinematic variables \(x\) and \(Q^{2}\) in comparison to that accessible to the previous experiments at LEP. The classical way to measure the photon structure functions is the study of the \(e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}e^{-} \gamma \gamma \rightarrow e^{+}e^{-} X\) process, where \(X\) denotes the leptonic or hadronic final state. For the study of the potential of ILC to measure the QED and hadronic photon structure functions, the simulations of two-photon processes were performed at the ILC center-of-mass energy of 500 GeV using the Pythia and the ILCSoft packages. The analysis uses information from the forward detectors, the tracking detectors and calorimeters which are the parts of the planned ILD detector.

Increased ILC Software Performance Using Cloud Computing


This work presents the speed up measurements of getting data for study of \(e^+e^- \rightarrow e^+e^-X\) process using Cloud Computing. The analysis contains performance measurements and general review on the dependency between the task size, the number of CPU cores and the time used to compute.

Evolution Kernels for Parton Shower Monte Carlo


We report on re-calculation of the next-to-leading order DGLAP evolution kernels performed in a scheme suited for Monte Carlo simulations of parton cascades (parton showers).

Precise Determination of \(\pi \pi \) Scattering Amplitudes for \(D\) and \(F\) Waves


Precise determination of unitary multichannel \(\pi \pi \) scattering amplitudes for \(D\) and \(F\) waves on the processes \(\pi \pi \rightarrow \pi \pi \), \(K \bar K\) and \(\eta \eta \) in the \(I^{G}J^{PC} = 0^{+}2^{++}\) and the \(1^{+}3^{--}\) sectors have been presented, using a set of well known once subtracted dispersion relations with imposed crossing symmetry condition. These amplitudes were refined and re-fitted to the dispersion relations up to 1.1 GeV, and to the experimental data in the effective two-pion mass from the threshold to 2.7 GeV and 1.9 GeV for \(D\) and \(F\) waves, respectively. Moreover, a satisfactory justification regarding the controversies in the states of \(f_2\) and \(\rho _3\) mesons about their masses and number of states that are taken into account has been presented.

Simulation of Upstream Tracker Detector Response for Modernised LHCb Experiment


LHCb experiment operates a forward spectrometer that collects proton–proton collision data at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. During the so-called Long Shutdown 2 period in years 2018–2019, LHCb detector will undergo a major modernisation. A vital part of this upgrade process is building a silicon micro-strip tracking detector — Upstream Tracker (UT) — that will be placed before the bending magnet. The UT will play a critical role in the upgraded trigger system. This paper contains a general discussion of the UT detector and presents description of a silicon response simulation platform that is being currently designed by the AGH UST LHCb group.

The Physics Case of the International Linear Collider


This article summarises the physics case of the International Linear Collider, ILC. It will cover all centre-of-mass energies needed to study the currently known Standard Model particles and the relevant interactions between them with high precision. Its discovery potential with respect to supersymmetric particles and dark matter complements that of the LHC. For the first time, it will be possible to study top-quark pair production through electroweak processes. This offers exciting possibilities to measure the mass of the top quark with highest precision and the electroweak couplings of the top quark in an unambiguous way.

Physics at CLIC


CLIC is a concept for a future linear collider which would use two-beam acceleration to produce \(e^+e^-\) collisions with a centre-of-mass energy of 3 TeV. A staging scenario would also provide collisions at lower centre-of-mass energies, provisionally 350 GeV and 1.4 TeV. In order to demonstrate the wide range of physics processes available at such a linear collider, and to benchmark the performance of proposed detector models, a campaign of simulated physics analyses including Higgs, top and beyond the Standard Model processes has been undertaken at these three energy stages. These proceedings present the current status of these studies and illustrate the potential for precision physics measurements at CLIC.

Amplitudes for High Energy Factorization via BCFW Recursion


Recently, an extension of the BCFW on-shell recursion relation suitable to compute gauge invariant scattering amplitudes with off-shell particles has been presented for Yang–Mills theories with fermions. In particular, 4- and 5-point amplitudes have been completely worked out. The results are needed for the study of multi-parton scattering at hadron colliders in the framework of High Energy Factorization (HEF).

Double Parton Scattering at High Energies


We discuss a few examples of rich newly developing field of double-parton scattering (DPS). We start our presentation from production of two pairs of charm quark–antiquark and argue that it is the golden reaction to study the double-parton scattering effects. In addition to the DPS, we also briefly consider the mechanism of single-parton scattering and show that it gives much smaller contribution to the \(c \bar c c \bar c\) final state. Next, we discuss a perturbative parton-splitting mechanism which should be included in addition to the conventional DPS mechanism. We show that the presence of this mechanism unavoidably leads to collision energy and other kinematical variables dependence of the so-called \(\sigma _{\rm eff}\) parameter being extracted from different experiments. Next, we briefly discuss production of four jets. We concentrate on estimation of the contribution of DPS for jets remote in rapidity. Understanding of this contribution is very important in the context of searches for BFKL effects known under the name of Mueller–Navelet jets. We discuss the situation in a more general context. Finally, we briefly mention DPS effects in production of \(W^+ W^-\). Outlook closes the presentation.

Roadmap(s) for Particle Physics


During the last three years, various regional strategies for particle physics have been formulated. The highlights of the proposals will be briefly reviewed.


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