We present a dynamical study of the double parton distribution in impact parameter space, which enters into the double scattering cross section in hadronic collisions. This distribution is analogous to the generalized parton densities in momentum space. We use the Lund Dipole Cascade model, presented in earlier articles, which is based on BFKL evolution including essential higher order corrections and saturation effects. As result we find large correlation effects, which break the factorization of the double scattering process. At small transverse separation we see the development of “hot spots”, which become stronger with increasing Q 2. At smaller x-values the distribution widens, consistent with the shrinking of the diffractive peak in elastic scattering. The dependence on Q 2 is, however, significantly stronger than the dependence on x, which has implications for extrapolations to LHC, e.g. for results for underlying events associated with the production of new heavy particles.
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Flensburg, C., Gustafson, G., Lönnblad, L. et al. Correlations in double parton distributions at small x . J. High Energ. Phys. 2011, 66 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP06(2011)066
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP06(2011)066