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Christian, Merkl ; Christian, Merkl ; Brigitte, Hochmuth ; Britta, Kohlbrecher ; Hermann, Gartner. (2019) Hartz IV and the Decline of German Unemployment: A Macroeconomic Evaluation.
In: VfS Annual Conference 2019 (Leipzig): 30 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall - Democracy and Market Economy. RePEc:zbw:vfsc19:203549.
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Hartz III (in action since 01/01/2004): The core element of Hartz III was the restructuring of the Federal Employment Agency. The Federal Employment Agency was divided into a headquarter, regional directorates and local job center. Those local job center are now managed via a target agreement. Since Hartz III, all claims of an unemployed person are processed by the same case worker (support from a single source) and an upper limit on the number of cases handled was introduced. Furthermore, a special focus was put on long-term unemployed and unemployed who are older than fifty years. In addition, market elements for private placement services and providers of training measures were introduced.
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