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John, Bound ; Sarah, Turner. (2007) Understanding the Increased Time to the Baccalaureate Degree.
In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:sip:dpaper:06-043.

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Mr. Cundiff says that as it is, the college will likely turn away another 500 or so students this fall. If state revenues take another dive, he says, that number may increase. To stem growth, he is looking at his options: an official enrollment cap or even instituting admissions standards, two things almost unheard of in the community-college world (Evelyn, 2002b). An unexpected wave of students enrolling at Salt Lake Community College is stretching the school's resources during its first week of school. Enrollment, which was expected to hold steady this semester, is up about 700 FTE, the equivalent of full-time students, or by 1,400 actual students over the first day of classes last year. As of (Tuesday) night, 6,125 people were on wait lists trying to get into classes they need -- a record number -- said Judd Morgan, vice president for student services.

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