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Afsin, Sahin ; Aysit, Tansel ; Hakan M., Berument ; Hakan, Berument ; aysıt, tansel ; Afsin, SAHIN. (2013) Output-Employment Relationship across Sectors: A Long- versus Short-Run Perspective.
In: Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers. RePEc:koc:wpaper:1311.
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Tarı, R. and Abasız, T. (2010). ‘Testing Okun’s law using threshold cointegration and vector error correction model under the asymmetric effects: The case of Turkey’, (in Turkish), Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 25, pp. 53-77 Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2011). ‘The long and short run effects between unemployment and economic growth in Europe’, Dogus Universitesi Dergisi, 12 (1): 99-113 Telli, C., Voyvoda, E. and Yeldan, E. (2006). ‘Modeling general equilibrium for socially responsible macroeconomics: Seeking for the alternatives to fight jobless growth in Turkey’, METU Studies in Development, 33, pp. 255-293.
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