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Ana Paula, De ; Katia Alejandra, Covarrubias ; Victor, Cordonnier ; Ana Paula, de la O Campos ; Katia, Covarrubias. (2022) Agricultural interventions and food security in Ethiopia – What is the role of adjusting livelihood strategies?.
In: ESA Working Papers. RePEc:ags:faoaes:330797.
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Sultana, S.R., Ali, A., Ahmad, A., Mubeen, M., Zia-Ul-Haq, M., Ahmad, S., Ercisli, S. & Jaafar, H.Z. 2014. Normalized difference vegetation index as a tool for wheat yield estimation: a case study from Faisalabad, Pakistan. The Scientific World Journal, 2014: 725326. Sun, L. & Abraham, S. 2020. Estimating dynamic treatment effects in event studies with heterogeneous treatment effects. Journal of Econometrics, 225(2): 175–199. Tsiboe, F., Zereyesus, Y.A. & Osei, E. 2016. Non-farm work, food poverty, and nutrient availability in northern Ghana. Journal of Rural Studies; 47: 97–107. j.jrurstud.2016.07.027 USGS (United States Geological Survey). 2021. Landsat-7 Surface Reflectance 1999Present.
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