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Christopher R, Udry ; Rohini, Pande ; Christopher, Udry. (2005) Institutions and Development: A View from Below.
In: Center Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:yaleeg:28468.
Full description at Econpapers
Country (Paper) Outcomes of Interest Data Set Policy Findings Year: March 2000 (middle of the program) Region:Urban Unit: 2750 households Alston, Libecap, and Mueller (2000) Alston, Libecap, and Schneider (1996) Antle, Yanggen, Valdivia, and Crissman (2003) Banerjee, Gertler and Ghatak (2002) Besley (1995) Broegaard et al, (2002) Carter and Olinto (2000) Cartier, Wiebe and Blarel (1994) de Laiglesia (2004) Deninger and Chamorro (2003) Do and Iyer (2003) Dowall and Leaf (1991) Feder and Onchan (1987) Field (2003), Field and Torero (2004) Friedman, Jimenez and Mayo (1993) Golan (1994) Lanjouw and Levy (2002) Lopez (1996) Notes on empirical strategies used in above papers: Conflict incidence estimated as a function of settlements, squatting, forest clearing, farm size, value, and number of establishments. Instrument for settlements are federal versus provincial jurisdiction, distance from state capital, and area of projects receiving institutional credit.
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