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Christopher R, Udry ; Rohini, Pande ; Christopher, Udry. (2005) Institutions and Development: A View from Below.
In: Center Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:yaleeg:28468.

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SENEGAL Golan (1994) i. Investment ii. Credit Access KENYA Cartier, Wiebe and Blarel (1994) i. Input Use ii. Output Table-5: Impact of Land-titling and Registration Programs: Micro Evidence Country (Paper) Outcomes of Interest Data Set Policy Findings Year: 1987 Region: Kigezi District Unit: 228 households with 505 parcels Year: 1979-1993 Region: West Bengal and Bangladesh Unit: District Year: 1993 Region: Aurepalle and Dokur, Andhra Pradesh Unit: Survey of 291 households with 563 plots.

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