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Christopher R, Udry ; Rohini, Pande ; Christopher, Udry. (2005) Institutions and Development: A View from Below.
In: Center Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:yaleeg:28468.

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24) These indicators are: (i) ICRG (Knack&Keefer(1995)) (ii) bureaucratic efficiency (Mauro (1995)) 18) Adverseness of policy environment: Measured by black market premium on the foreign exchange rate. (Barro and Lee (1994)). 22) Index of democratization: Measured using the "polity" variable in the Polity IV dataset. Autocrats are defined as having a polity score less than or equal to 0. Democrats are those leaders with a polity score greater than 0. 15) Commercial-central bank: Ratio of commercial bank assets to the sum of commercial plus central bank assets, which has been used by others.

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