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Christopher R, Udry ; Rohini, Pande ; Christopher, Udry. (2005) Institutions and Development: A View from Below.
In: Center Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:yaleeg:28468.

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One SD increase in contract enforcement (0.24) increases GDP per capita growth by 5.8% (OLS) (includes other institutional quality measures as controls) Glaeser, La Porta, Lopez-deSilanes &Shleifer (2004) I. Log GDP per capita (2000) II. Growth rates of GDP per capita 19602000, overall and by decade III. Years schooling IV. Political institutions (III and IV are 5-year change) Executive constraints I. Settler mortality II. Legal origin III. Log indigenous population density in 1500 One SD increase in constraints on executive (0.185) decreases GDP per capita by 6% (IV), controlling for population in temperate zone (1995) and years of schooling Jones&Olken (2005) Change in annual growth rate of real GDP per capita comparing 5-year growth averages before and after leader deaths Index of democratization22 No IV estimates.

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