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Robert, Stambaugh ; Xiaomeng, Lu ; Yu, Yuan. (2017) Anomalies Abroad: Beyond Data Mining.
In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23809.
Full description at Econpapers
Anomaly 8: Gross profitability (GP) Gross profit is sales minus the cost of goods sold, scaled by total assets. We measure gross profitability as total revenue (REVT, WC01001) minus the cost of goods sold (COGS, WC01051), divided by current total assets (AT, WC02999). If current total assets, total revenue, or cost of goods sold is negative, then GP is set to missing. Following Sun, Wei and Xie (2014), we exclude firm-year observations with GP less than −100% or greater than 100%. GP in fiscal year t is computed as: GPt = REV Tt − COGSt ATt Anomaly 9: Return on assets (ROA) ROA is WorldScope item WC08326.
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