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Barbara, Stallings ; Robert R., Kaufman. (1991) The Political Economy of Latin American Populism.
In: NBER Chapters. RePEc:nbr:nberch:8296.
Full description at Econpapers
Salvador Allende in Chile (1970-73) led a socialist, not a populist, movement and government, though he employed some populist policies his first year. He sought to move the country toward socialism, not just to reform the capitalist system to incorporate workers. Allende’s leadership was neither paternalistic nor charismatic. His socialbase concentrated far more on the working class than any multiclass movement, stretching from dissident industrialists to the lumpenproletariat;class conflictwas far more pronouncedthan class collaboration. Allende’sgovernment preferred to expropriate, not foment, industry. Whereas populism signifies redistribution of income, socialism denotes redistributionof property and wealth.
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