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Revisiting Herding Behavior in REITs: A Regime-Switching Approach. (2014). GUPTA, RANGAN ; BABALOS, VASSILIOS ; Balcilar, Mehmet ; Philippas, Nikolaos.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Impact of Volatility and Equity Market Uncertainty on Herd Behavior: Evidence from UK REITs. (2016). Lau, Chi Keung ; GUPTA, RANGAN ; coskun, yener ; Akinsomi, Omokolade ; Marco, Chi Keung.
    In: Working Papers.

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  2. Analysis of Herding in REITs of an Emerging Market: The Case of Turkey. (2016). GUPTA, RANGAN ; coskun, yener ; Akinsomi, Omokolade.
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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