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Heterogeneity and the Provision of a Public Good in Leading and Lagging Regions. (2019). Yoo, Seung Jick ; Batabyal, Amitrajeet.
In: MPRA Paper.

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  1. Batabyal, A.A. 2018. A note on local public good induced spillovers between a leading and a lagging region, Regional Science Inquiry, 10, 11-16.

  2. Batabyal, A.A., and Beladi, H. 2019. The optimal provision of information and communication technologies in smart cities, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 147, 216-220.

  3. Batabyal, A.A., and Nijkamp, P. 2014a. Technology, learning, and long run economic growth in leading and lagging regions, Economic and Political Weekly, 49, 92-96.

  4. Batabyal, A.A., and Nijkamp, P. 2014b. Some properties of the technology gap between leading and lagging regions, Theoretical Economics Letters, 4, 1-6.

  5. Batabyal, A.A., and Nijkamp, P. 2019. The magnification of a lagging region’s initial economic disadvantages on the balanced growth path. Forthcoming, Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science.

  6. Batabyal, A.A., Kourtit, K., and Nijkamp, P. 2019. New technological knowledge, rural and urban agriculture, and steady state economic growth, Networks and Spatial Economics, 19, 717-729.

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  13. Goddard, J., Robertson, D., and Vallance, P. 2012. Universities, technology and innovation centers and regional development: The case of the north-east of England, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36, 609-627.

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  18. Lall, S.V. 1999. The role of public infrastructure investments in regional development, Economic and Political Weekly, 34, 717-725.
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  19. Lall, S.V. Timmins, C., and Yu, S. 2009. Connecting lagging and leading regions: The role of labor mobility, Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 151-174.

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  22. Pugh, R. 2017. Universities and economic development in lagging regions: ‘triple Helix’ policy in Wales, Regional Studies, 51, 982-993.

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  26. World Bank. 2009. World Development Report: Reshaping Economic Geography. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
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  14. Heterogeneity and the Provision of a Public Good in Leading and Lagging Regions. (2019). Yoo, Seung Jick ; Batabyal, Amitrajeet.
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  16. New Technological Knowledge, Rural and Urban Agriculture, and Steady State Economic Growth. (2019). Nijkamp, Peter ; KOURTIT, KARIMA ; Batabyal, Amitrajeet.
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  18. New Technological Knowledge, Rural and Urban Agriculture, and Steady State Economic Growth. (2018). Batabyal, Amitrajeet ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Kourtit, Karima.
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