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Coordinating decentralized research and development laboratories: A survey analysis. (2011). Manolopoulos, Dimitris ; Pearce, Robert ; Soderquist, Klas Eric .
In: Journal of International Management.

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  1. Navigating MNE control and coordination: A critical review and directions for future research. (2023). Grogaard, Birgitte ; Zeng, Rong ; Bjorkman, Ingmar.
    In: Journal of International Business Studies.

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  2. How Do MNCs Conduct Local Technological Innovation in a Host Country? An Examination From Subsidiaries Perspective. (2022). Li, Xizhuo ; Liu, Ting.
    In: Journal of International Management.

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  3. Whither geographic proximity? Bypassing local R&D units in foreign university collaboration. (2021). Kelchtermans, Stijn ; Belderbos, Rene ; Riccaboni, Massimo ; Jacob, Jojo ; Leten, Bart ; Grabowska, Marcelina.
    In: Journal of International Business Studies.

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  4. Changing perspectives on the internationalization of R&D and innovation by multinational enterprises: A review of the literature. (2020). Zanfei, Antonello ; Pearce, Robert ; Papanastassiou, Marina.
    In: Journal of International Business Studies.

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  5. Connecting the Dots: Framing Employee-Driven Innovation in Open Innovation Contexts. (2019). Soderquist, Klas Eric ; Tirabeni, Lia.
    In: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM).

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  6. New technology development by Swedish MNEs in emerging markets: the role of co-location of R&D and production. (2017). Alvstam, Claes Goran ; Ivarsson, Inge.
    In: Asian Business & Management.

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  7. Coordination mechanisms for international innovation in SMEs: effects on time-to-market and R&D task complexity as a moderator. (2016). Sauter, Philipp Walter ; Winterhalter, Stephan ; Zeschky, Marco ; Palmie, Maximilian ; Gassmann, Oliver ; Haefner, Naomi.
    In: Small Business Economics.

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  8. Local, global, and internal knowledge sourcing: The trilemma of foreign-based R&D subsidiaries. (2016). Athreye, Suma ; Singh, Satwinder ; Batsakis, Georgios.
    In: Journal of Business Research.

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  9. Configuration and coordination of international marketing activities. (2016). Schmid, Stefan ; Mayrhofer, Ulrike ; Grosche, Philipp .
    In: International Business Review.

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  10. Subsidiary Embeddedness is a Strategic Choice: Complementarity and the factors associated with different types of embeddedness. (2013). Athreye, Suma ; Singh, Satwinder ; Batsakis, Georgios.
    In: DRUID Working Papers.

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  11. Coordinating R&D activities in multinational companies: towards new tools and practices?. (2011). Melin, Christopher ; Mayrhofer, Ulrike ; Arzumanyan, Lusine.
    In: Post-Print.

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References cited by this document

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  26. Long-term processes of regional concentration and dispersion - fuzzy evidence for Western Germany. (2011). Fuchs, Michaela ; Dauth, Wolfgang ; Otto, Anne.
    In: ERSA conference papers.

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  27. Measuring spatial co-agglomeration patterns by extending ESDA techniques. (2011). Rusche, Karsten ; Schulte, Andreas ; Kies, Uwe .
    In: Review of Regional Research: Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft.

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  28. Measuring concentration: Lorenz curves and their decompositions. (2011). Alonso-Villar, Olga.
    In: The Annals of Regional Science.

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  29. Coordinating decentralized research and development laboratories: A survey analysis. (2011). Manolopoulos, Dimitris ; Pearce, Robert ; Soderquist, Klas Eric .
    In: Journal of International Management.

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  30. Industrial agglomeration of Hong Kong and Taiwanese manufacturing investment in China: a town-level analysis in Dongguan. (2010). Liao, Haifeng ; Yang, Chun.
    In: The Annals of Regional Science.

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  31. The geographic concentration in Mexican manufacturing industries, an account of patterns, dynamics and explanations: 1988-2003. (2010). Trejo Nieto, Alejandra ; Trejo Nieto , Alejandra Berenice, .

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  32. Regional Knowledge and the Emergence of an Industry: Laser Systems Production in West Germany, 1975-2005. (2010). Medrano, Luis ; Fritsch, Michael ; Buenstorf, Guido ; Bunstorf, Guido .
    In: Jena Economic Research Papers.

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  33. Regional Knowledge and the Emergence of an Industry: Laser Systems Production in West Germany, 1975Ð2005. (2010). Medrano, Luis ; Fritsch, Michael ; Buenstorf, Guido.
    In: Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG).

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  34. Technology Sourcing and Performance of Foreign Subsidiaries in Greece: The Impact of MNE and Local Environmental Contexts. (2009). Lioukas, Spyros ; Young, Stephen ; Dimitratos, Pavlos ; Manolopoulos, Dimitris.
    In: Management International Review.

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  35. Das Konzept regionaler Cluster: zwischen Schein und Sein?. (2009). Wrobel, Martin.
    In: Review of Regional Research: Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft.

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  36. Regional location of multinational corporation subsidiaries and economic development contribution: Evidence from the UK. (2009). Liouka, Ioanna ; Young, Stephen ; Dimitratos, Pavlos.
    In: Journal of World Business.

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  37. Geographic concentration of innovative activities in Germany. (2009). Fornahl, Dirk ; Brenner, Thomas.
    In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

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  38. Trends and determinants of Chinas industrial agglomeration. (2009). Tao, Zhigang ; Jiangyong, Lu ; Lu, Jiangyong.
    In: Journal of Urban Economics.

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  39. Assessing the Localization Pattern of German Manufacturing & Service Industries - A Distance Based Approach. (2009). Riedel, Nadine ; Koh, Hyun-Ju .
    In: Working Papers.

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  40. Assessing the Localization Pattern of German Manufacturing & Service Industries - A Distance Based Approach. (2009). Riedel, Nadine ; Koh, Hyun-Ju .
    In: Working Papers.

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  41. Regional development and innovation: the role of services. (2008). Soriano, Domingo Ribeiro ; Dobon, Salvador Roig ; Mas-Verdu, Francisco.
    In: The Service Industries Journal.

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  42. Die räumliche Konzentration von Industrie und Dienstleistungen in Deutschland. (2008). Untiedt, Gerhard ; Alecke, Björn.
    In: Review of Regional Research: Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft.

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  43. Issues in the Measurement of Localization. (2008). Fratesi, Ugo.
    In: Environment and Planning A.

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  44. The Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in Italy. (2007). de Groot, Henri ; Arbia, Giuseppe ; de Dominicis, Laura ; Henri L. F. de Groot, ; Henri L. F. de Groot, ; Henri L. F. de Groot, ; Henri L. F. de Groot, .
    In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers.

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  45. Trends and Determinants of China’s Industrial Agglomeration. (2007). Tao, Zhigang ; Lu, Jiangyong.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  46. Locational determinants of the ICT sector across Italy. (2007). Sforzi, Fabio ; Lasagni, Andrea.
    In: Economics Department Working Papers.

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  47. Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in Local Labour Market Areas: the Case of Italy. (2006). de Groot, Henri ; de Dominicis, Laura ; arbia, giuseppe.
    In: ERSA conference papers.

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    In: Regional Studies.

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  49. The Downside of Knowledge Spillovers: An Explanation for the Dispersion of High-tech Industries. (2005). Alsleben, Christoph.
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  50. The Location Determinants of the ICT Sector across Italy. (0000). Sforzi, Fabio ; Lasagni, Andrea.
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