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Factors Affecting Environmental Management Accounting and Environmental Performance: An Empirical Assessment. (2019). Lee, Hoyoung ; Zandi, Gholam Reza.
In: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy.

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  1. A framework for a green accounting system-exploratory study in a developing country context, Colombia. (2023). Pea-Vinces, Jesus ; Gonzalez, Candy Chamorro.
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  2. Importance of Environmentally Managerial Accounting to Environmental and Economic Performance. (2021). Ngoc, Tran Thi ; Huynh, Quang Linh ; LinhHuynh, Quang .
    In: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy.

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  3. Assessment of the Profitability of Environmental Activities in Forestry. (2020). Baležentis, Tomas ; Tanasiieva, Maryna ; Zamula, Iryna ; Streimikiene, Dalia ; Nitsenko, Vitalii ; Travin, Vitalii.
    In: Sustainability.

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References cited by this document

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