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Chipmunk Pro is now free and open source
and included in Chipmunk 7!
Penguin in a Shopping Cart uses Chipmunk2D
to bring smooth and fun motion to his journey. (Video)
Reassembly's destructive combat and
huge interactive world is driven by Chipmunk2D.
Chipmunk2D is the official physics engine of Cocos2d, featuring full
Objective-C integration!
We have many Cocos2d tutorials
both for free and Pro Chipmunk2D.
Pentumble creates a physically
interactive world in their cross-platform
game driven with Chipmunk2D.
Chipmunk2D has been used
in hundreds of games and
on many platforms.
and it's awesome
Waking Mars brings a lush world to life with
the help of Chipmunk2D. Creatures are
procedurally animated using joints.
Chipmunk2D powers the rigid body dynamics of
Feed Me Oil, which reached top spot on the App Store.
Chipmunk works with basically everything
Chipmunk2D Pro

Chipmunk2D Pro can save weeks of development time, with flexible licensing options for organizations of any size. Learn how Chipmunk2D Pro can help you.

Also, by purchasing Pro, you help us to afford the time that we spend improving Chipmunk2D.


Loads of tutorials and examples.

Get the code on Github! The Chipmunk2D C library is free and MIT Licensed.

Active community with many language bindings available.
Chipmunk2D has an active community of thousands of users making games for many different platforms.
With Chipmunk2D's large collection of examples, you'll be developing games faster and more easily than ever before. Snap! Physics is one completed game example that uses our Objective Chipmunk2D binding.



Want to throw a logo on your splash screen to show how much you appreciate Chipmunk2D? Frank Condello was gracious enough to make a logo for me. A couple variations are available here.


  • Erin Catto:
  • Erin Catto's Box2D code was the most useful reference that I used when creating Chipmunk. His contact persistence algorithm is the main reason why Chipmunk2D is so fast.
  • Optimized Spatial Hashing for Collision Detection of Deformable Objects
  • The best article I could find on spatial hashing. Their hash function seems to perform very well.
  • Nonconvex Rigid Bodies with Stacking
  • My previous implementation was based on this paper. I only implemented part of the algorithm before deciding that something simpler would be better suited for real time. I do use the split elastic solving pass in newer versions of Chipmunk2D however.
  • Physics for Game Developers
  • This book is a good reference for a lot of the math you'll need, but is far from a good reference on implementing a physics engine.

Logo by Frank Condello, Chipmunk sillouette by Kelvin Nishikawa