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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 83 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 1.24 sekunder. 
Characterization of analogue Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor test structures implemented in a 65 nm CMOS imaging process / Rinella, Gianluca Aglieri (CERN) ; Alocco, Giacomo (INFN, Cagliari) ; Antonelli, Matias (INFN, Trieste) ; Baccomi, Roberto (INFN, Trieste) ; Beole, Stefania Maria (INFN, Turin) ; Blidaru, Mihail Bogdan (Heidelberg U.) ; Buttwill, Bent Benedikt (Heidelberg U.) ; Buschmann, Eric (CERN) ; Camerini, Paolo (Trieste U. ; INFN, Trieste) ; Carnesecchi, Francesca (CERN) et al.
Analogue test structures were fabricated using the Tower Partners Semiconductor Co. CMOS 65 nm ISC process. [...]
arXiv:2403.08952.- 2024-09-21 - 40 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1069 (2024) 169896 Fulltext: 2403.08952 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
The $\pi^+\pi^-$ Coulomb interaction study and its use in the data processing / Adeva, B. (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Afanasyev, L. (Dubna, JINR) ; Anania, A. (INFN, Messina) ; Aogaki, S. (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Benelli, A. (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Brekhovskikh, V. (Serpukhov, IHEP) ; Cechak, T. (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Chiba, M. (Tokyo Metropolitan U.) ; Chliapnikov, P. (Serpukhov, IHEP) ; Drijard, D. (Prague, Tech. U. ; CERN) et al.
In this work the Coulomb effects (Coulomb correlations) were studied using experimental $\pi^+\pi^-$ pair distributions in $Q$, the relative momentum in the pair center of mass system (c.m.s), and its projections $Q_L$ (longitudinal component) and $Q_t$ (transverse component) relative to the pair direction in the laboratory system (l.s.). The major part of the pion pairs is produced by decay of $\rho, \omega$ and $\Delta$ and other short-lived sources (Coulomb pairs). [...]
arXiv:2409.12696; CERN-EP-2023-276.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-11-01 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 092005 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: DIRAC-Coulomb-correct - PDF; 2409.12696 - PDF;
Strong Interaction Physics at the Luminosity Frontier with 22 GeV Electrons at Jefferson Lab / Accardi, A. (Hampton U.) ; Achenbach, P. (Jefferson Lab) ; Adhikari, D. (Virginia Tech.) ; Afanasev, A. (George Washington U.) ; Akondi, C.S. (Florida State U.) ; Akopov, N. (Yerevan Phys. Inst.) ; Albaladejo, M. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Albataineh, H. (Texas A-M ; HARC, Woodlands) ; Albrecht, M. (Jefferson Lab) ; Almeida-Zamora, B. (Sonora U.) et al.
This document presents the initial scientific case for upgrading the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab (JLab) to 22 GeV. It is the result of a community effort, incorporating insights from a series of workshops conducted between March 2022 and April 2023. [...]
arXiv:2306.09360; JLAB-PHY-23-3840; JLAB-THY-23-3848.- 2024-09-04 - 139 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 60 (2024) 173 Fulltext: PDF; External link: JLab Document Server
Measurement of the muon flux in the bunker of Monte Soratte with the CRC detector / Gustavino, G (CERN) ; Candela, A (Gran Sasso) ; Cocco, A (Gran Sasso) ; D'Ambrosio, N (Gran Sasso) ; De Deo, M (Gran Sasso) ; De Iulis, A (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; D'Incecco, M (Gran Sasso) ; Abia, P Garcia (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; Gustavino, C (Gran Sasso) ; Messina, M (Gran Sasso) et al.
The Cosmic Ray Cube is a portable tracking device conceived for outreach activities allowing a direct scientific experience for secondary school students. In the context of the PTOLEMY project, the detector was used to measure the differential muon flux inside the bunker of Monte Soratte, a suitable location at about 50 km north of Rome (Italy). [...]
2023 - 3 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1046 (2023) 167715
In : 15th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, La Biodola - Isola D'elba, It, 22 - 28 May 2022, pp.167715
Summary of Topical Group on Hadron Spectroscopy (RF07) Rare Processes and Precision Frontier of Snowmass 2021 / Lebed, R.F. (ed.) (Arizona State U.) ; Skwarnicki, T. (ed.) (Syracuse U.) ; An, L. (CERN) ; Dobbs, S. (Florida State U.) ; Fulsom, B. (PNL, Richland) ; Guo, F.-K. (Nanjing U. ; Beijing, GUCAS) ; Karliner, M. (Tel Aviv U.) ; Mitchell, R.E. (Indiana U.) ; Pilloni, A. (INFN, Messina ; INFN, Catania) ; Pompili, A. (Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) et al.
Hadron spectroscopy, the driving force of high-energy physics in its early decades, has experienced a renaissance in interest over the past 20 years due to the discovery of scores of new, potentially "exotic states" (tetraquarks, pentaquarks, hybrid mesons, glueballs), as well as the observation of many new "conventional" hadrons. [...]
Snowmass 2021 - eConf - Fulltext
Substructure of Multiquark Hadrons (Snowmass 2021 White Paper) / Brambilla, Nora (Munich, Tech. U. ; TUM-IAS, Munich ; MCQST, Munich) ; Chen, Hua-Xing (Southeast U., Nanjing) ; Esposito, Angelo (Princeton, Inst. Advanced Study) ; Ferretti, Jacopo (Jyvaskyla U.) ; Francis, Anthony (Bern U. ; Taiwan, Natl. Chiao Tung U. ; CERN) ; Guo, Feng-Kun (Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys. ; Beijing, GUCAS) ; Hanhart, Christoph (Julich, Forschungszentrum) ; Hosaka, Atsushi (Osaka U., Res. Ctr. Nucl. Phys.) ; Jaffe, Robert L. (MIT) ; Karliner, Marek (Tel Aviv U.) et al.
In recent years there has been a rapidly growing body of experimental evidence for existence of exotic, multiquark hadrons, i.e. [...]
- 47 p.
eConf - Fulltext
Investigation of $K^+K^-$ pairs in the effective mass region near $2m_K$ / DIRAC Collaboration
The DIRAC experiment at CERN investigated in the reaction $\rm{p}(24~\rm{GeV}/c) + Ni$ the particle pairs $K^+K^-, \pi^+ \pi^-$ and $p \bar{p}$ with relative momentum $Q$ in the pair system less than 100 MeV/c. Because of background influence studies, DIRAC explored three subsamples of $K^+K^-$ pairs, obtained by subtracting -- using time-of-flight (TOF) technique -- background from initial $Q$ distributions with $K^+K^-$ sample fractions more than 70%, 50% and 30%. [...]
arXiv:2204.01857; CERN-EP-2022-058.- 2022-08-01 - 18 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022) 032006 Fulltext: PhysRevD.106.032006 - PDF; 2204.01857 - PDF;
A Next-Generation Liquid Xenon Observatory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics / Aalbers, J. (SLAC ; KIPAC, Menlo Park) ; AbdusSalam, S.S. (Shahid Beheshti U.) ; Abe, K. (Kamioka Observ. ; Tokyo U., IPMU) ; Aerne, V. (Zurich U.) ; Agostini, F. (U. Bologna, DIFA ; INFN, Bologna) ; Maouloud, S. Ahmed (Paris U., VI-VII) ; Akerib, D.S. (SLAC ; KIPAC, Menlo Park) ; Akimov, D.Yu. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Akshat, J. (Purdue U.) ; Musalhi, A.K. Al (Oxford U.) et al.
The nature of dark matter and properties of neutrinos are among the most pressing issues in contemporary particle physics. The dual-phase xenon time-projection chamber is the leading technology to cover the available parameter space for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), while featuring extensive sensitivity to many alternative dark matter candidates. [...]
arXiv:2203.02309; INT-PUB-22-003; FERMILAB-PUB-22-112-PPD-QIS-T.- 2022-12-15 - 77 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 50 (2023) 013001 Fulltext: 2203.02309 - PDF; jt - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
CaloCube: a novel calorimeter for high-energy cosmic rays in space / Calocube Collaboration
In order to extend the direct observation of high-energy cosmic rays up to the PeV region, highly performing calorimeters with large geometrical acceptance and high energy resolution are required. Within the constraint of the total mass of the apparatus, crucial for a space mission, the calorimeters must be optimized with respect to their geometrical acceptance, granularity and absorption depth. [...]
arXiv:1705.07027.- 2017-06-05 - 7 p. - Published in : JINST 12 (2017) C06004
Fulltext: PDF; Preprint: PDF;
In : Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia, 27 Feb - 3 Mar 2017, pp.C06004
Dark Sectors 2016 Workshop: Community Report / Alexander, Jim (Cornell U., Phys. Dept.) ; Battaglieri, Marco (INFN, Genoa) ; Echenard, Bertrand (Caltech) ; Essig, Rouven (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Graham, Matthew (SLAC) ; Izaguirre, Eder (Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.) ; Jaros, John (SLAC) ; Krnjaic, Gordan (Fermilab) ; Mardon, Jeremy (Stanford U., Phys. Dept.) ; Morrissey, David (TRIUMF) et al.
This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years..
arXiv:1608.08632 ; FERMILAB-CONF-16-421.
- 2016. - 66 p.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext

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