Silicon as an unconventional detector in positron emission tomography
/ Clinthorne, Neal (Michigan U.) ; Brzezinski, Karol (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Chesi, Enrico (CERN) ; Cochran, Eric (Ohio State U.) ; Grkovski, Milan (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Grosicar, Borut (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Honscheid, Klaus (Ohio State U.) ; Huh, Sam (Michigan U.) ; Kagan, Harris (Ohio State U.) ; Lacasta, Carlos (Valencia U., IFIC) et al.
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a widely used technique in medical imaging and in studying small animal models of human disease. In the conventional approach, the 511keV annihilation photons emitted from a patient or small animal are detected by a ring of scintillators such as LYSO read out by arrays of photodetectors. [...]
2013 - 5 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 699 (2013) 216-220
In : The 8th international "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Taipei, Taiwan, 5 - 8 Dec 2011, pp.216-220
A device to measure the effects of strong magnetic fields on the image resolution of PET scanners
/ Burdette, D (Ohio State U.) ; Albani, D (Ohio State U.) ; Chesi, E (CERN) ; Clinthorne, N H (Michigan U.) ; Cochran, E (Ohio State U.) ; Honscheid, K (Ohio State U.) ; Huh, S S (Michigan U.) ; Kagan, H (Ohio State U.) ; Knopp, M (Ohio State U.) ; Lacasta, C (Valencia U., IFIC) et al.
Very high resolution images can be achieved in small animal PET systems utilizing solid state silicon pad detectors. As these systems approach sub-millimeter resolutions, the range of the positron is becoming the dominant contribution to image blur. [...]
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 609 (2009) 263-271
A prototype of very high-resolution small animal PET scanner using silicon pad detectors
/ Park, S J (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) ; Rogers, W L (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) ; Huh, S (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) ; Kagan, H (Ohio State University) ; Honscheid, K (Ohio State University) ; Burdette, D (Ohio State University) ; Chesi, Enrico Guido (CERN) ; Lacasta, C (IFIC, Valencia) ; Llosa, G (IFIC, Valencia) ; Mikuz, M (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana) et al.
Abstract A very high-resolution small animal positron emission tomograph (PET), which can achieve sub-millimeter spatial resolution, is being developed using silicon pad detectors. The prototype PET for a single slice instrument consists of two 1 mm thick silicon pad detectors, each containing a 32×16 array of 1.4×1.4 mm pads readout with four VATAGP3 chips which have 128 channels low-noise self-triggering ASIC in each chip, coincidence units, a source turntable and tungsten slice collimator. [...]
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 570 (2007) 543-555
Demonstration of an Axial PET concept for brain and small animal imaging
/ Beltrame, P (CERN) ; Nappi, E (INFN, Bari) ; Clinthorne, N (Michigan U.) ; Meddi, F (Rome U.) ; Kagan, H (Ohio State U.) ; Braem, A (CERN) ; Pauss, F (Zurich, ETH) ; Djambazov, L (Zurich, ETH) ; Lustermann, W (Zurich, ETH) ; Weilhammer, P (Ohio State U.) et al.
Standard Positron Emission Tomography (PET) cameras need to reach a compromise between spatial resolution and sensitivity. To overcome this limitation we developed a novel concept of PET. [...]
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 628 (2011) 426-429
In : 12th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, Austria, 15 - 20 Feb 2010, pp.426-429
Effects of bias voltage during priming on operation of diamond detectors
/ Kramberger, Gregor (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Cindro, V (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Gorisek, A (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Mandic, I (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Mikuz, M (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana ; Ljubljana U.) ; Zavrtanik, M (Ljubljana U.)
2013 - 10 p.
- Published in : PoS Vertex2012 (2013) 013
Fulltext: PDF; External link: POS
In : Vertex 2012, Jeju, Republic Of Korea, 16 - 21 Sep 2012, pp.013
Status of ATLAS diamond Beam Condition Monitor
/ Gorisek, A (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Cindro, V (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Dolenc, I (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Kagan, H (Ohio State U.) ; Kramberger, G (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Griesmayer, E (Wiener Neustadt U.) ; Maček, B (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Mandić, I (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Mikuž, M (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Niegl, M (Wiener Neustadt U.) et al.
- Published in : PoS: Vertex 2007 (2007) , pp. 012
Published version from PoS: PDF;
In : 16th International Workshop On Vertex Detectors, Lake Placid, NY, USA, 23 - 28 Sep 2007, pp.012
Development of n$^+$-in-p large-area silicon microstrip sensors for very high radiation environments – ATLAS12 design and initial results
/ Unno, Y (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Edwards, S O (Birmingham U.) ; Pyatt, S (Birmingham U.) ; Thomas, J P (Birmingham U.) ; Wilson, J A (Birmingham U.) ; Kierstead, J (Brookhaven) ; Lynn, D (Brookhaven) ; Carter, J R (Cambridge U.) ; Hommels, L B A (Cambridge U.) ; Robinson, D (Cambridge U.) et al.
We have been developing a novel radiation-tolerant n + -in-p silicon microstrip sensor for very high radiation environments, aiming for application in the high luminosity large hadron collider. The sensors are fabricated in 6 in., p-type, float-zone wafers, where large-area strip sensor designs are laid out together with a number of miniature sensors. [...]
2014 - 11 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 765 (2014) 80-90
In : 9th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Hiroshima, Japan, 2 - 6 Sep 2013, pp.80-90
Electric field modeling in heavily irradiated silicon detectors based on Edge-TCT measurements
/ Kramberger, Gregor (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Cindro, V (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Mandić, I (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Mikuž, M (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana ; Ljubljana U.) ; Milovanović, M (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Zavrtanik, M (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana)
Velocity profiles in heavily irradiated silicon micro-strips detector were investigated by Edge-TCT. The parameters of a simple electric field model assuming two space charge regions at each side of the detector and neutral bulk in-between were extracted from the measurements..
2013 - 10 p.
- Published in : PoS Vertex2012 (2013) 022
Fulltext: PDF; External link: POS
In : Vertex 2012, Jeju, Republic Of Korea, 16 - 21 Sep 2012, pp.022
Diamond detectors
/ Mikuz, M (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana ; Ljubljana U.) ; Asner, D (Carleton U.) ; Barbero, M (Bonn U.) ; Bellini, V (Catania U. ; INFN, Catania) ; Belyaev, V (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Brom, J M (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Bruzzi, M (INFN, Florence ; Florence U.) ; Chren, D (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Cindro, V (Ljubljana U. ; Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Claus, G (Strasbourg, IPHC) et al.
- Published in : PoS VERTEX2010 (2010) 024
Published version from PoS: PDF;
In : 19th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, Loch Lomond, United Kingdom, 6 - 11 Jun 2010, pp.024
Evaluation of the performance of irradiated silicon strip sensors for the forward detector of the ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade
/ Mori, R (Freiburg U.) ; Allport, P P (Birmingham U.) ; Baca, M (Birmingham U.) ; Broughton, J (Birmingham U.) ; Chisholm, A (Birmingham U.) ; Nikolopoulos, K (Birmingham U.) ; Pyatt, S (Birmingham U.) ; Thomas, J P (Birmingham U.) ; Wilson, J A (Birmingham U.) ; Kierstead, J (Brookhaven) et al.
The upgrade to the High-Luminosity LHC foreseen in about ten years represents a great challenge for the ATLAS inner tracker and the silicon strip sensors in the forward region. Several strip sensor designs were developed by the ATLAS collaboration and fabricated by Hamamatsu in order to maintain enough performance in terms of charge collection efficiency and its uniformity throughout the active region. [...]
2016 - 6 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 831 (2016) 207-212
In : 10th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Xi'an, China, 25 - 29 Sep 2015, pp.207-212