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The CUORE experiment / Arnaboldi, C ; Avignone, F T ; Balata, M ; Barucci, M ; Beeman, J ; Brofferio, C ; Bucci, C ; Capelli, S ; Carbone, L ; Cebrián, S et al.
In : 9th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, Madison, WI, USA, 23 - 27 Jul 2001, pp.469-472
The CUORICINO and CUORE experiments / Ardito, R (Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy) ; Maier, G (Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy) ; Arnaboldi, C (INFN Milano and Univ. Milano-Bicocca , Milano, Italy) ; Brofferio, C (INFN Milano and Univ. Milano-Bicocca , Milano, Italy) ; Capelli, S (INFN Milano and Univ. Milano-Bicocca , Milano, Italy) ; Capozzi, F (INFN Milano and Univ. Milano-Bicocca , Milano, Italy) ; Carbone, L (INFN Milano and Univ. Milano-Bicocca , Milano, Italy) ; Cremonesi, O (INFN Milano and Univ. Milano-Bicocca , Milano, Italy) ; Fiorini, E (INFN Milano and Univ. Milano-Bicocca , Milano, Italy) ; Nucciotti, A (INFN Milano and Univ. Milano-Bicocca , Milano, Italy) et al.
2003 - Published in : PoS: AHEP2003 (2003) , pp. 051 Published version from PoS: PDF;
In : International Workshop on Astroparticle and High Energy Physics, Valencia, Spain, 14 - 18 Oct 2003, pp.051
CUORICINO experiment / Pirro, S ; Arnaboldi, C ; Brofferio, C ; Bucci, C ; Capelli, S ; Cremonesi, O ; Fiorini, E ; Giuliani, A ; McDonald, R J ; Nucciotti, A et al.
In : 9th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, Madison, WI, USA, 23 - 27 Jul 2001, pp.449-452
Low temperature detectors for double beta decay and dark matter / Cremonesi, O ; Alessandrello, A ; Brofferio, C ; Bucci, C ; Fiorini, E ; Giuliani, A ; Nucciotti, A ; Pavan, M ; Pessina, G ; Pirro, S et al.
In : Vulcano Workshop 2000 on Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Lentia, Italy, 22 - 27 May 2000, pp.603-610
High energy resolution bolometers for nuclear physics and X-ray spectroscopy / Alessandrello, A ; Beeman, J W ; Brofferio, C ; Cremonesi, O ; Fiorini, Ettore ; Giuliani, A ; Haller, E E ; Monfardini, A ; Nucciotti, A ; Pavan, M M et al.
1998. - 13 p.
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Bolometric measurements of $\beta$ decay spectra of $^{187}Re$ with crystals of silver perrhenate / Alessandrello, A ; Beeman, J W ; Brofferio, C ; Cremonesi, O ; Fiorini, Ettore ; Giuliani, A ; Haller, E E ; Margesin, B ; Monfardini, A ; Nucciotti, A et al.
1999 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 457 (1999) 253 Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
The low radioactivity link of the CUORE experiment / Andreotti, E ; Arnaboldi, C ; Barucci, M ; Brofferio, C ; Cosmelli, C ; Calligaris, L ; Capelli, S ; Clemenza, M ; Maiano, C ; Pellicciari, M et al.
2009 - Published in : JINST 4 (2009) P09003
Spherical Gravitational Wave Detectors; Quality Factor and Cooling of a Small CuAl 6% Sample / De Waard, A ; Frossati, G ; Gottardi, L
In : 9th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rome, Italy, 2 - 8 Jul 2000, pp.1899-1901
The Milano double beta decay experiment / Alessandrello, A ; Brofferio, C ; Bucci, C ; Camin, D V ; Caspani, P ; Colling, P ; Cremonesi, O ; Fiorini, E ; Giuliani, A ; Nucciotti, A et al.
In : 7th International Workshop on Low-Temperature Detectors, Munich, Germany, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 1997, pp.246-248
Milano experiment on 0- decay of 130Te with a thermal detector / Alessandrello, A ; Brofferio, C ; Camin, D V ; Cremonesi, O ; Fiorini, E ; Gervasio, G ; Giuliani, A ; Nucciotti, A ; Pavan, M ; Pessina, G et al.
In : 15th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Granada, Spain, 7 - 12 Jun 1992, pp.83-87

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