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CERN Accelerating science

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Data Logistics in Network Computing / Swany, Martin (speaker) (Deptof Computer and Information Sciences/U.Delaware) ; Marquina, Miguel Angel (organiser)
In distributed computing environments, performance is often dominated by the time that it takes to move data over a network. In the case of data-centric applications, or Data Grids, this problem of data movement becomes one of the overriding concerns. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2005 - 4124. CERN Computing Seminar, 2005 Talk Information External link: Talk 18 Apr 2005
In : CERN Computing Colloquium, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1 Jan 2000 - 31 Dec 2009
A Hierarchy of network performance characteristics for grid applications and services / Lowekamp, B ; Cotrell, L ; Hughes-Jones, R E ; Kielmann, T ; Swany, M ; Tierney, B
- 2004. - 29 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
Bridging Network Monitoring and the Grid / Coviello, T (EGEE) ; Ferrari, T (EGEE) ; Kavoussanakis, K (EGEE) ; Kudarimoti, L (EGEE) ; Leese, M (EGEE) ; Phipps, A (EGEE) ; Swany, M (EGEE) ; Trew, A (EGEE)
- 2006.
High throughput data acquisition with InfiniBand on x86 low-power architectures for the LHCb upgrade / Cesini, D (INFN, Italy) ; Ferraro, A (INFN, Italy) ; Falabella, A (INFN, Italy) ; Giacomini, F (INFN, Italy) ; Manzali, M (Ferrara U.) ; Marconi, U (INFN, Italy) ; Neufeld, N (CERN) ; Valat, S (CERN) ; Voneki, B (CERN)
The LHCb Collaboration is preparing a major upgrade of the detector and the Data Acquisition (DAQ) to be installed during the LHC-LS2. The new Event Builder computing farm for the DAQ requires about 500 nodes, and have to be capable of transporting order of 32 Tbps. [...]
2016 - 3 p. - Published in : 10.1109/RTC.2016.7543136
In : 20th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference, Padua, Italy, 5 - 10 Jun 2016
A taxonomically distributed data retrieval model / Marquina, M A ; Ramos-Pollan, R ; Taddei, A
In : International Conference on Computing in High-Energy Physics, Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 Apr 1997, pp.198-205
Welcome / Marquina, Miguel (speaker) (CERN)
2023 - 185. CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2023; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
Closing remarks / Marquina, Miguel (speaker) (CERN)
2023 - 268. CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2023; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
A data-centric platform for scientific support to EU policies / Ugolotti, Roberto (speaker)
2023 - 1086. DPHEP; PV2023: Adding value (to) and preserving Scientific & Technical data External links: Talk details; Event details In : PV2023: Adding value (to) and preserving Scientific & Technical data
Sustainable computing solutions : a case-study of the LHCb data-centre / Neufeld, Niko (CERN)
LHCb-TALK-2024-152.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, Prague, Cz, 18 - 24 Jul 2024
Optimizing High-Latency I/O in CMSSW / Bockelman, Brian Paul (Nebraska U.) /CMS Collaboration
To efficiently read data over high-latency connections, ROOT-based applications must pay careful attention to user-level usage patterns and the configuration of the I/O layer. Starting in 2010, CMSSW began using and improving several ROOT best practice techniques such as enabling the TTreeCache object and avoiding reading events out-of-order. [...]
CMS-CR-2013-381.- Geneva : CERN, 2013 - 8 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 20th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 14 - 18 Oct 2013

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