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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 1 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი  ძიებას დასჭირდა 0.96 წამი. 
Externally Controlled Injection of Electrons by a Laser Pulse in a Laser Wakefield Electron Accelerator / Chen Szu Yuan ; Chang, Chun-Ling L ; Chen Wei Ting ; Chien, Ting-Yei ; Lee, Chau-Hwang ; Lin, Jiunn-Yuan ; Wang, Jyhpyng
Spatially and temporally localized injection of electrons is a key element for development of plasma-wave electron accelerator. Here we report the demonstration of two different schemes for electron injection in a self-modulated laser wakefield accelerator (SM-LWFA) by using a laser pulse. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3644

ასევე იხილეთ: მსგავსი ავტორის სახელები
208 Lee, H
3 Lee, H T
3 Lee, H -C
1 Lee, H -G
1 Lee, H -L
1 Lee, H -M
1 Lee, H -S
2 Lee, H -T
3 Lee, H -c
2 Lee, H B
79 Lee, H C
1 Lee, H D
1 Lee, H F
14 Lee, H G
12 Lee, H H
138 Lee, H J
143 Lee, H K
1 Lee, H L
144 Lee, H M
11 Lee, H N
2 Lee, H O
1 Lee, H P
4 Lee, H R
100 Lee, H S
24 Lee, H T
139 Lee, H W
53 Lee, H Y
6 Lee, H  T
1 Lee, H-H
1 Lee, H-S.
85 Lee, H.
1 Lee, H. M.
1 Lee, H.-S.
1 Lee, H.C.
1 Lee, H.G.
66 Lee, H.J.
8 Lee, H.K.
15 Lee, H.M.
126 Lee, H.S.
12 Lee, H.W.
4 Lee, HC
1 Lee, HJ
1 Lee, HK
1 Lee, Habin
2 Lee, Hae Ja
3 Lee, Hae June
1 Lee, Hahn-Ming
11 Lee, Hai-Woong
1 Lee, Hakjoon
126 Lee, Hakseong
1 Lee, Han
8 Lee, Han Ju
6 Lee, Han-gyeol
781 Lee, Haneol
1 Lee, Hang
1 Lee, Hangil
1 Lee, Hanjin
1 Lee, Hanseul
13 Lee, Hanshin
7 Lee, Hansuek
2 Lee, Hao-Chun
2 Lee, Harper
1 Lee, Hartmann
6 Lee, Hayden
1 Lee, Hee Jung
9 Lee, Hee-Jung
5 Lee, Hee-Seock
7 Lee, Hee-Won
2 Lee, Heejo
335 Lee, Heewon
1 Lee, Heisook
9 Lee, Henry
1 Lee, Heon
1 Lee, Heow Pueh
2 Lee, Herbert
1 Lee, Herbert K H
1 Lee, Herbie
1 Lee, Heun Jin
3 Lee, Heung-No
1 Lee, Heung-Soo
3 Lee, Ho
28 Lee, Ho Sang
1 Lee, Ho Wai
1 Lee, Ho Wai Howard
21 Lee, Ho-Gyu
1 Lee, HoSung
4 Lee, Hojoo
1 Lee, Hollylynne S
3 Lee, Homin K
5 Lee, Hong-Gi
1 Lee, Hongrae
1 Lee, Hongseok
1 Lee, Hoon Jae
2 Lee, Hoonkyung
1 Lee, Hooyeon
1 Lee, Horim
1 Lee, Hoshik
1 Lee, Howard B
1 Lee, Hsien-Che
1 Lee, Hsin-Han
1 Lee, Hsin-Yi
7 Lee, Hsu-Tai
1 Lee, Hsuan-Wei
2 Lee, Hsutai
2 Lee, Hu-Jong
5 Lee, Hua
4 Lee, Huei-Huang
6 Lee, Hui-Chuan Chloe
1 Lee, Hun
8 Lee, Hun Hee
1 Lee, Hunchul
1 Lee, Hung Kay
2 Lee, Hung-Yi
383 Lee, Hurng-Chun
2 Lee, Hwa Jeong
1 Lee, Hwa Ryun
2 Lee, Hwa-Ryun
1 Lee, Hwang Woon
1 Lee, Hwanhee
2 Lee, Hwayoung
3 Lee, Hwee Kuan
2 Lee, Hyang-Sook
1 Lee, Hye Jin
2 Lee, Hye Young
6 Lee, Hye-In
3 Lee, Hye-Ran
49 Lee, Hye-Sung
1 Lee, Hye-Young
1 Lee, Hyebin
39 Lee, Hyeon-Seung
1 Lee, Hyeonbeom
2 Lee, Hyeri
2 Lee, Hyeseung
1 Lee, Hyewon K
1 Lee, Hyojune
1 Lee, Hyoseop
1 Lee, HyoukJoong
1 Lee, Hyoung Mok
1 Lee, Hyoung-joo
1 Lee, Hyubgun
1 Lee, Hyuckjae
2 Lee, Hyun Chul
5 Lee, Hyun Ho
3 Lee, Hyun Jeong
4 Lee, Hyun Keun
43 Lee, Hyun Kyu
81 Lee, Hyun Min
58 Lee, Hyun Su
9 Lee, Hyun-Chul
1 Lee, Hyun-Ho
2 Lee, Hyun-Woo
9 Lee, Hyun-chul
1 Lee, HyunSuk
8 Lee, Hyundae
45 Lee, Hyung Mok
18 Lee, Hyung Won
1 Lee, Hyung Yong
1 Lee, Hyung-Joo
1 Lee, Hyung-Soo
2 Lee, Hyung-Woo
114 Lee, Hyungjun
1 Lee, Hyungsuk
1 Lee, Hyunho
2 Lee, Hyunjin
1 Lee, Hyunjoung
2 Lee, Hyunju
1 Lee, Hyunseok
1 Lee, Hyunsook
1 Lee, Hyunyoung
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