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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 22 zapisa  1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis: Pretraživanje je potrajalo 0.98 sekundi 
Digital RF Feedback Control System for 100MeV Proton Linac of PEFP / Yu, I H ; Kim, D T ; Kim, S C ; Yang, J S ; Kang, H S ; Hwang, W H ; Chun, M H ; Ha Ki Man ; Park, I S ; Han, Y J et al.
2004 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 3rd Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 22 - 26 Mar 2004, pp.309
Design on a Superconducting Third Harmonic RF System for the Pohang Light Source / Kim, E S ; Yang, J S ; Park, S J ; Chun, M H ; Sohn, Y U ; Park, I S ; Kim, H G ; Kim, K R ; Cho, J S ; Ahn, J K
In : 3rd Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 22 - 26 Mar 2004
Thermomechanical Properties of 30M HTS Power Cable in DAPAS Project / Kim, D H ; Kim, C D ; Kim, I S ; Park, I S ; Jang, H M ; Lee, C Y ; Kim, D W
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 823 (2006) , pp. 811-817 External link: Published version from AIP
In : Conference on Cryogenic Engineering and on International Cryogenic Materials, Keystone, CO, USA, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2005, pp.811-817
Prototype Digital Beam Position and Phase Monitor for the 100-MeV Proton Linac of PEFP / Yu In Ha ; Cho, Yong-Sub ; Kim, Sung-Chul ; Park, In-Soo ; Park, Sung-Ju ; Tae Kim, Do
The PEFP (Proton Engineering Frontier Project) at the KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) is building a high-power proton linear accelerator aiming to generate 100-MeV proton beams with 20-mA peak current (pulse width and max. repetition rate of 1 ms and 120 Hz respectively). [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.1120
The Digital Feedback RF Control System of the RFQ and DTL1 for 100 MeV Proton Linac of PEFP / Yu In Ha ; Chel Yoon Jong ; Cho, Yong-Sub ; Han, Yeung-Jin ; Kang Heung Sik ; Kim, Sung-Chul ; Kwon, Hyeok-Jung ; Park, In-Soo ; Tae Kim, Do ; Tae Seol, Kyung
The 100 MeV Proton linear accelerator (Linac) for the PEFP (Proton Engineering Frontier Project) will include 1 RFQ and 1 DTL1 at 350 MHz as well as 7 DTL2 cavities at 700 MHz. The low level RF system with the digital feedback RF control provides the field control to accelerate a 20mA proton beam from 50 keV to 20 MeV with a RFQ and a DTL1 at 350M Hz. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.1443
Beam Diagnostic System for PAL-XFEL / Huang, J Y ; Bae, Y S ; Chun, M H ; Han, Y J ; Jeong, S H ; Kang, H S ; Kim, D T ; Kim, S H ; Kim, S C ; Ko, I S et al.
Beam diagnostics for PAL-XFEL physics calls for precision of femto-second in time structure and sub-micrometer in beam position measurement(BPM). Existing instruments can be used for standard diagnostics such as single bunch charge measurement, wire scanner or optical transition radiator for beam size measurement. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 27th International Conference on Free Electron Lasers, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 21 - 26 Aug 2005, pp.146
Development of a Disk-Type Cavity Input Coupler / Park, I S ; Yang, J S
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 1st Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 23 - 27 Mar 1998, pp.755
Operation Results of Upgraded Cooling Water System for the PLS Storage Ring RF Cavities / Park, I S
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 1st Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 23 - 27 Mar 1998, pp.752
Design of a Third Harmonic Superconducting RF System at PLS / Kim, E S ; Chun, Myung-Hwan ; Kim, Hyung-Gyun ; Kim, Kyungryul ; Park, I S ; Sohn, Y U ; Yang Jae Seok ; Ahn, J K ; Cho, J S
2004 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 9th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 5 - 9 Jul 2004, pp.2125
RFQ Low Level RF System for the PEFP 100MeV Proton Linac / Ha Yu In ; Chun, Myung-Hwan ; Man Ha, Ki ; Han Yeung Jin ; Ha Hwang Woon ; Hyo Jeong, Maeng ; Kang Heung Sik ; Tae Kim Do ; Kim, Sung-Chul ; Park, I S et al.
2004 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 9th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 5 - 9 Jul 2004, pp.1381

CERN Document Server : Pronađeno je 22 zapisa   1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis:
Također vidi: slična imena autora
35 Park, I
190 Park, I C
36 Park, I G
332 Park, I H
2 Park, I J
1 Park, I K
48 Park, I Y
7 Park, I.
1 Park, I. C.
1 Park, I.C
41 Park, I.C.
20 Park, I.G.
72 Park, I.H.
1 Park, I.Y.
1 Park, Ik-Keun
3 Park, Il H
1 Park, Il Hung
1 Park, Il Memming
1 Park, In Kyu
1 Park, In Sook
1 Park, In Yong
2 Park, In-Soo
1348 Park, Inkyu
1 Park, Inwon
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