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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 9 records found  Search took 0.62 seconds. 
LHCb RICH 2 engineering design review report / Adinolfi, M (U. Oxford (main) ) ; Albrecht, E (CERN) ; Allebone, L R (Imperial Coll., London ) ; Ameri, M (Genoa U. ; INFN, Genoa) ; Barber, G J (Imperial Coll., London ) ; Barczyk, A (Edinburgh U. ) ; Bellunato, T F (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan ; CERN) ; Benayoun, M (CERN) ; Bibby, J (U. Oxford (main) ) ; Braem, André (CERN) et al.
The LHCb detector is a single arm spectrometer designed to exploit the large number of b-hadrons produced at the LHC in order to make precision studies of CP asymmetries and of rare decays in the B-meson system. It is therefore essential for the experiment that the detector configuration includes a particle identification system with high separation power between kaons and pions. [...]
LHCb-2002-009.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 64 p. EDR Access to fulltext document: PS.GZ; Fulltext: PDF;
LHCb inner tracker : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2002-029 ; LHCb-TDR-8.
- Geneva : CERN, 2002. - 95 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 8)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext
LHCb online system, data acquisition and experiment control : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2001-040 ; LHCb-TDR-7.
- Geneva : CERN, 2001. - 118 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 7)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext - Fulltext
LHCb outer tracker : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2001-024 ; LHCb-TDR-6.
- Geneva : CERN, 2001. - 101 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 6)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext
LHCb muon system : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2001-010 ; LHCb-TDR-4.
- Geneva : CERN, 2001. - 89 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 4)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext
LHCb VELO (VErtex LOcator) : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2001-0011 [sic!] ; CERN-LHCC-2001-011 ; LHCb-TDR-5.
- Geneva : CERN, 2001. - 97 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 5)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext - Fulltext
LHCb calorimeters : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2000-0036-[sic!] ; CERN-LHCC-2000-036 ; LHCb-TDR-2.
- Geneva : CERN, 2000. - 116 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 2)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext
LHCb RICH : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2000-037 ; LHCb-TDR-3.
- Geneva : CERN, 2000. - 92 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 3)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext - Fulltext
LHCb magnet : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2000-007 ; LHCb-TDR-1.
- Geneva : CERN, 2000. - 42 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 1)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext

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3 Temple, SA
1 Temple, Steven
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