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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,042 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενοτέλος  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.34 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Streak Camera Studies of Vertical Synchro-Betatron-Coupled Electron Beam Motion in the APS Storage Ring / Yang Bing Xin ; Borland, Michael ; Guo, Weiming ; Harkay, Katherine C ; Sajaev, Vadim
We present experimental studies of synchro-betatron-coupled electron beam motion in the Advanced Photon Source storage ring. We used a vertical kicker to start the beam motion. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3694
Generating Picosecond X-Ray Pulses with Beam Manipulation in Synchrotron Light Sources / Guo, Weiming ; Borland, Michael ; Harkay, Katherine C ; Sajaev, Vadim ; Yang Bing Xin
The length of x-ray pulses generated by storage ring light sources is usually tens of picoseconds. For example, the value is 40 ps rms at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3898
Generation of Short X-Ray Pulses Using Crab Cavities at the Advanced Photon Source / Harkay, Katherine C ; Borland, Michael ; Chae, Yong-Chul ; Decker, Glenn ; Dejus, Roger J ; Emery, Louis ; Guo, Weiming ; Horan, Douglas ; Kim, Kwang-Je ; Kustom, Robert et al.
There is growing interest within the user community to utilize the pulsed nature of synchrotron radiation from storage ring sources. Conventional third-generation light sources can provide pulses on the order of 100 ps but typically cannot provide pulses of about 1 ps that some users now require to advance their research programs. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.668
Planned use of pulsed crab cavities for short X-ray pulse generation at the Advanced Photon Source / Borland, Michael ; Carwardine, J ; Chae, Y ; Emery, L ; DenHartog, Patric ; Harkay, K C ; Lumpkin, A H ; Nassiri, A ; Sajaev, V ; Sereno, Nicholas S et al.
PAC07-TUPMN091; SLAC-PUB-12964.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 2007 - 3 p. External link: Fulltext from SLAC
In : 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 25 - 29 Jun 2007, pp.1127-1129
Studies of Coupled-Bunch Modes in the Fermilab Booster / Harkay, K C ; Bharadwaj, V K ; Colestock, Patrick L
1991 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 14th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 6 - 9 May 1991, pp.1830
Analytic theory of the coupled synchro-betatron motion in (electron) storage rings / Hagel, J (CERN) ; Suzuki, T (CERN)
- 1988 - 13.
New Characteristics of a Single-bunch Instability Observed in the APS Storage Ring / Wang, Chun-Xi ; Harkay, Katherine
2004 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 9th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 5 - 9 Jul 2004, pp.2173
Electron cloud observations : a retrospective / Harkay, K
CERN, 2005 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 31st Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects, Napa, CA, USA, 19 - 23 Apr 2004, pp.9-13 (CERN-2005-001)
Compensation of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instability in the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring / Harkay, K C ; Nassiri, A ; Song, J J ; Kang, Y W ; Kustom, R L
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 17th Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.1575
Vertical Coupling Impedance of the APS Storage Ring / Chae, Y C ; Harkay, K ; Sun, X
2003 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 20th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 12 - 16 May 2003, pp.3008

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