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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 17 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.72 seconds. 
Investigating hadronic resonances in pp interactions with HADES / HADES Collaboration
In this paper we report on the investigation of baryonic resonance production in proton-proton collisions at the kinetic energies of 1.25 GeV and 3.5 GeV, based on data measured with HADES. Exclusive channels nppi^+ and pppi^0 as well as ppe^+e^- were studied simultaneously in the framework of a one-boson exchange model. [...]
2015 - 10 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 97 (2015) 00024 Fulltext: PDF;
In : Resonance Workshop at Catania, Catania, Italy, 3 - 7 Nov 2014, pp.00024
Highlights of Resonance Measurements With HADES / HADES Collaboration
This contribution aims to give a basic overview of the latest results regarding the production of resonances in different collision systems. The results were extracted from experimental data collected with HADES that is a multipurpose detector located at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum, Darmstadt. [...]
2015 - 8 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 97 (2015) 00015 Fulltext: PDF;
In : Resonance Workshop at Catania, Catania, Italy, 3 - 7 Nov 2014, pp.00015
One and two pion production in pp reactions with High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer at GSI / Ramstein, B (Orsay, IPN) ; Agakishiev, G (Dubna, JINR) ; Behnke, C (Frankfurt U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Belver, D (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Belyaev, A (Dubna, JINR) ; Berger-Chen, J C (Munich, Tech. U., Universe) ; Blanco, A (LIP, Coimbra) ; Blume, C (Frankfurt U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Böhmer, M (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Cabanelas, P (Santiago de Compostela U.) et al.
2012 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy, 11 - 15 Jun 2012, pp.541
Strip readout RPC based on low resistivity glass electrodes / Petris, M (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Hildenbrand, K D (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Wustenfeld, J (Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf) ; Simion, V (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Caragheorgheopol, G (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Williams, M C S (CERN) ; Naumann, L (Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf) ; Petrovici, M (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Kotte, R (Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf) ; Kampfer, B (Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf) et al.
We present the prototype of a Resistive Plate Counter equipped with electrodes made from Pestov Glass (similar to 10(10)Omega cm). It is aimed as solution for TOF subdetector of CBM experiment at the future FAIR facility in Darmstadt. [...]
2011 - Published in : Rom. J. Phys.: 56 (2011) , no. 3-4, pp. 349-358
Study of the pp-> np+ reaction at 1.25 GeV with HADES / Liu, T (INFN, LNS) ; Liu, T (Orsay, IPN) ; Agakishiev, G (Giessen U.) ; Agodi, C (INFN, LNS) ; Balanda, A (Jagiellonian U.) ; Bellia, G (INFN, LNS) ; Belver, D (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Belyaev, A (Dubna, JINR) ; Blanco, A (LIP, Coimbra) ; Böhmer, M (Munich, Tech. U.) et al.
In pp collisions at 1.25 GeV kinetic energy, the HADES collaboration aimed at investigating the di-electron production related to (1232) Dalitz decay ( + ! pe+e−). In order to constrain the models predicting the cross section and the production mechanisms of resonance, the hadronic channels have been measured and studied in parallel to the leptonic channels. [...]
2010 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy, 15 - 19 Jun 2009, pp.423-430
The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider / ATLAS Collaboration
2008 - 437 p. - Published in : JINST 3 (2008) S08003 SISSA/IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : The CERN Large Hadron Collider - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
ATLAS pixel detector electronics and sensors / Aad, G ; Ackers, M ; Alberti, F A ; Aleppo, M ; Alimonti, G ; Alonso, J ; Anderssen, E C ; Andreani, A ; Andreazza, A ; Arguin, J-F et al.
The silicon pixel tracking system for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is described and the performance requirements are summarized. Detailed descriptions of the pixel detector electronics and the silicon sensors are given. [...]
2008 - Published in : JINST 3 (2008) P07007 SISSA/IOP Open Access article: jinst8_07_p07007_1 - PDF; jinst8_07_p07007 - PDF;
Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Pixel Sensors / Gorelov, I ; Gorfine, G ; Hoeferkamp, M ; Mata-Bruni, V ; Santistevan, G ; Seidel, S C ; Ciocio, A ; Einsweiler, K F ; Emes, J ; Gilchriese, M G D et al.
Prototype sensors for the ATLAS silicon pixel detector have been electrically characterized. [...]
- 2001. - 24 p.
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The ATLAS Silicon Pixel Sensors / Alam, M S (SUNY, Albany) ; Ciocio, A ; Einsweiler, K F ; Emes, J ; Gilchriese, M G D ; Joshi, A ; Kleinfelder, S A ; Marchesini, R ; McCormack, F ; Milgrome, O et al.
Prototype sensors for the ATLAS silicon pixel detector have been developed. [...]
ATL-INDET-99-012 ; CERN-EP-99-152.
- 2001. - 34 p.
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A Measurement of Lorentz Angle and Spatial Resolution of Radiation Hard Silicon Pixel Sensors / ATLAS Pixel Collaboration
Silicon pixel sensors developed by the ATLAS collaboration to meet LHC requirements and to withstand hadronic irradiation to fluences of up to $10^{15} n_eq/cm^{2}$ have been evaluated using a test beam facility at CERN providing a magnetic field. The Lorentz angle was measured and found to alter from 9.0 deg. [...]
CERN-EP-2001-032.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 26 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 481 (2002) 204-221 Fulltext: ep-2001-032 - PDF; com-indet-2001-006 - PDF; - CERN library copies

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